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Rachel's POV

You cannot do the same thing and expect a different result.

 My job has demanding hours and I work overtime most days.But that does not have to hold back other aspects of my life.

When I woke this morning I did some self introspection. My life is the same every week day.

I will not fall in the same trap. My last relationship failed because I did not put any efforts and when I started making it a priority. It was too late.

"Good afternoon Jono. I am here to see Mr Carter."

Dan has been moaning about seeing me. Here I am on a Thursday bringing him take out. I think this will be our thing. Me popping into his office and bringing him lunch and spending time together.

"Mam,his secretary said you can come through."

I am surprised that woman agreed with no hassles.

I guess being on Dan's prescribed list of visitors has it pecks. Maybe John  and I misjudged the woman for no reason. She is Dan's secretary and If Dan has no problem with her. Then I also wont make a mountain out of a mole.

 "Ping" The lift signals that I have arrived at Dan's floor. 

I am nervous today. I can't believe that I am going to tell Dan that I am moving in with him.

I thought about it and I find no excuse. Dan is a great guy. The bonus being his bedroom skills. This is heaven and what woman in her right mind would refuse such an offer?

He is a great cook. Is there anything that he can't do?

Besides I want to see where this thing between me and Dan is going. I miss him when I am away from him.

I am so giddy right now.

Dan's secretary is not at her desk. She must have gone to the restroom. 

I go straight to Dan's office and I can see that the door is open.

As I get closer to Dan's office, I can see that he chatting to his secretary and they are sitting on the same couch Jason occupied the last time I was here.

There's a laptop on the table and they are both focused on the screen.

Suddenly the secretary starts kissing Dan.

I might have blacked out for a few seconds because when I open my eyes I see the take away bag on the floor.

Dan looks shocked and the only thing I am focused on is the smudged lipstick on his mouth.

"Am I interrupting something here?"

Dan does not answer my question instead he looks directly at his secretary.

"You are fired. Get the fuck out of my office." 

"As if this has not happened before." She responds smugly on her way out.

After hearing that I see red. I go straight to Dan, I slap him hard on the face and I exit his office. 

Dan is hot on my heels.

"Baby you need to listen to me.This is not what it looks like."

 As if I have not heard those word before. I just cannot believe that Dan has been lying to me this entire time. He has been sleeping with his secretary.

"Baby please hear me out." Dan tries his luck again. I am impatiently pressing the lift button and ignoring him.

The lift opens ,John is inside and is about to exit. He takes in the scene in front of him. Me crying with tears running down my cheeks and Dan who is trying to talk to me.

"What is going on here?" John asks.

I just get into the lift while Dan is giving instructions to John. I don't really care what he is saying. My mind is miles away. I can see that Dan is pointing at his secretary and John is nodding.

That distraction gives me a chance to escape as Dan was not paying attention to the lift door closing.

All I hear is Dan's voice saying.

"Fuck, Rachel wait." But the doors have already closed and the lift is moving down.

When I get to the lobby. Jono notices that I am crying. He does not ask me anything. He just opens the turnstile.

I run outside the building and I just lean against it. I can't breathe and the tears wont stop rolling down my cheeks.

How could he betray me like that. What makes me more angry is that he did the exact same thing as my ex did.

I am such a fool. I fell right into his traps.


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