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Dan's POV

As we climb the stairs to the balcony. I can see that Rachel is nervous. She is fidgeting. This is an unusual scene to witness. She is always witty and confident.

I hold her hand to comfort her.

"You will be fine Rachel. Olivia and Karan are the nicest people you will ever meet."

Rachel does n't say anything. I am getting worried now. Maybe this is too much for her. Meeting a family friend and my sister in one day. I didn't know that Olivia was coming here today.

But since I had thought of introducing her to my family. This is good way to easy her into the family. At least when she attends my family dinner she will have familiar faces besides me.

"Dan you are here. Have not seen in a while baby brother." Olivia hugs me. I shake Karan's hand.

" I don't know what crime you committed in your past life Karan to marry this woman." 

Karan laughs.

"They say love is blind." We both laugh.

"Stop it you too. " Olivia says hitting both of us in our shoulders.

"Who is this lovely woman you brought with you today Daniel?" Karan asks.

"Oh my bad, this is my girlfriend Rachel." Might as well make it official. I see Rachel's facial expression changing from nervous to shock.

I didn't even plan this. It just came out and I actually don't regret it. I knew this morning when I woke that I want Rachel to be more.

This is just a step in the right direction.

"Girlfriend, how long were you planning to hide this from your family Daniel Carter." My sister scolds me.

"I am honoured to meet you Rachel. "

"Nice to meet you all as well." Rachel responds .

"Father is going to be so jealous that I was the first one to meet you Rachel. You have no idea how hard he has been trying to get this lil one to settle down."

"For christ sake Olivia, you are only 3 years older than me. Stop calling me lil brother or lil one"

"Keyword in that sentence older, so I have every right lil brother." Everyone laughs now including Rachel who has been quiet the whole time.

We all take our seats.

"So Rachel, what do you do for a living ?" Karan asks.

" I am a manager at one of the auditing firms."

"Beauty with brains. Great choice brother." My annoying sister comments.

I love Olivia but gosh my sister can get on my nerves sometimes.

"Where did you too leave my lovely niece today." I ask trying to move the attention from myself and Rachel.

"Mother volunteered to watch her today."

"Really, mother. Did her hair appointment at the salon get cancel last minute?"

"Funny how I thought the same thing Daniel." Karan adds.

"Oh c'mon , you guys. I know mother can be a bit difficult. But she loves her grandchild. And besides, Preeta adores her grandmother."

I am holding Rachel's hand under the table for comfort. I know it is difficult for her to be part of the conversation. But this is my way of showing her that I am there for her.

Mrs Scott and two waiters bring our food.

"Rachel, dear I'm sorry. I should have checked with you first. We made lamb shank for lunch. I hope it is ok with you."

"Don't worry Mrs Scott, lamb is fine. I am only allergic to shellfish. Actually lamb shank is one of my favourite dishes"

"Look at that, match made in heaven. This happens to be Daniel's favourite. My job is done here." Mrs Scott winks at me before leaving.

The conversation continues to flow in the table and I just eat my lunch whilst glancing at Rachel. She looks at ease now as she is in a deep conversation with Karan and Olivia about the worst dishes they have tasted.

How did I get so lucky to meet such an amazing woman?

After eating lunch, Olivia and Karan decided to go back since it a long drive. And I get the feeling that Karan does not want to push the buttons of his mother in law.

"Well it has been great meeting you Rachel." Karan shakes her hand.

Whilst Olivia hugs her and gives her cellphone number.

"Feel free to call me any time of the day Rachel if this brother of mine gives you any trouble." I just roll my eyes at her.

For Rachel's sake I hope she does not take up her offer.

"Thank you Olivia, It was nice meeting you as well."

We both watch them as they drive away. I get close to Rachel and I hold her in my arms.

"Are you ok?" I ask her. Honestly I am just trying to see if I need to do any damage control.

"Should I not be?"

"Meeting my sister and her crazy behaviour."

"Olivia is very nice, which makes me wonder why you turned out to be this way." She smirks.

"Really, meeting my sister for one day and you are already taking her side. You have hurt my feelings Miss Smith"

I hold my hand to my heart to demonstrate the hurt.

"So I am your girlfriend now. I don't remember you asking me."

I was hoping she would not bring that up.

"Do you have a problem with me introducing you as my girlfriend?"

I have to know how she feels about me. I can tell that she also likes me.

But I need to hear her say it.

She looks directly into my eyes and I can't wait any longer I kiss her.

After we break the kiss. She looks away from me.

"Answer me angel eyes." My heart is beating fast and I am afraid of what she will say.

This girl has the power to either break me or make me the happiest man alive.

I am looking at her right now during this sunset moment. Nothing will ever compare to this.  This is a moment that I will always cherish. 

She is also deep in thought and taking in this scenic beauty.

She is everything that I have been looking for and more.

One thing that scares me the most is losing her.

I now realise that I am madly in love with this woman.

"Yes Dan, I will be your girlfriend."

Those words complete me and my heart beats even fast. I want to tell her that I love her but instead I just grab her face and kiss her hard.


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