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Rachel's POV

It has been a month since I broke up with Shawn. I wish I would say I cried myself to sleep for days. But that was not the case for some weird reason I felt relieved.  A part of me always knew that my relationship had reached its time limit. But I guess I did not want to admit it to myself.

Shawn tried calling me for a couple of days. I eventually picked up my phone when I had time to process everything. I told him that , we are never getting back together. In fact, we both should consider this as a a blessing in disguise. We should move on with our lives and find better suitable partners. I don't really know if he is still dating Julia and I couldn't be bothered.

Jess was not surprised when I broke the news to her. She stayed over with me that Friday, I shed some tears. We watched comedy movies for the rest of the night and had some ice cream. I thought she was going to pull the I told you so card. But she has been a great friend and she was very supportive.

She did says a few curse words directed  to Shawn that I would not repeat and it is safe to say that for his safety Shawn better not cross paths with Jess. Otherwise, I will end up bailing my friend out prison.

If I am being honest, there is a part of me that was sad. After all I am human and I was with Shawn for three years. I think most people do not realise the impact of a partner cheating. You even start questioning your self worth. Whether or not if you were not enough and if you were not doing certain things right. Hence, the cheating. 

I buried myself into my work for the first week after my breakup. But I realise now that there is absolute no difference in my life now and compared to when I was with Shawn. I actually feel more happier as I don't not have to constantly be worried if I am spending enough time with anyone. 

I think I was holding on to my relationship so that I would not be alone but in fact I was ALONE all along.

I have decided to move away from this town for a while and clear my head. I took up a secondment opportunity in the city. I will now be working at our head office branch. The only person I will miss the most is Jess. On the other side, my family is there so I will get to see them more often.

Today is my farewell at work. I will miss all my trainees from this office,my colleagues and my mentor Mr Cooper. 

Change is scary and at the same time  it is filled with unlimited possibilities.


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