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Rachel's POV

It is lunch time and I have just pulled into the parking lot of Carter Enterprises. My day was not hectic today.I wanted to head back to the office and finish my paper work.

But it's Friday today and that does not sound appealing at all. Here I am at carrying Chinese take out. Dan told me he loves it and it is the only thing he can't make.

I think it is time I do something nice for him.

I walk into the reception area. This building is one of a kind. The sun actually shines through inside from the roof top in the lobby. Great architecture work.

"Hi, I would like to see Mr Carter please."

"Do you have an appointment mam?" Crap, I did not think this through. Of course, you can't randomly walk in and demand to see the CEO without an appointment.

"Oh c'mon , will you please let me through. I know him. He will not mind." I think of flirting with him but I don't think that will give a great impression. Besides, Dan will murder this guy if he hears that I flirted with him. He gets very jealous easily.

"Of course you know him mam. Do you know how many girls come through here pretending to know him. " I sigh,I think the flirting trick would have backfired. Clearly more women have tried and tested it.

"I'm sorry mam, I can't let you in without an appointment."As I am about to take out my phone and call him.

"Is there a problem here?"  I hear a familiar voice.

"Thank God John. Will you please let me through to see Dan." I see the security guard panic.

"Miss Smith, what a pleasant surprise."

"He does't know that I am visiting. I didn't call him, I wanted to surprise him."

"I'm sorry Sir, I  didn't mean to stop her." The security guard comments. I feel sorry for him,he is just doing his job.

"Relax, man. It is not your fault. I should have added her name Mr Carter's list of prescribed visitors already."

"I will update the list and send it you. And please inform your other colleagues too. This lady here is very important and must be given priority whenever she comes to the office."

"Certainly Sir." 

John uses his access card and opens for me and we head to the lift.

"Was that necessary? Priority? Really?"

"Miss Smith, It is what Mr Carter will expect. If he hears that we could not let you inside the building. He will break my bones and fire me."

"Dan is not that horrible."

"You have no idea, that man is smitten with you. And I don't want to get in his way."

He blushes. I guess, he feels embarrass about revealing too much detail about his boss's feelings.

"Is Joe in today?"  I change the subject.

"Yes mam. He is in the meeting at the moment and I am not sure how long he will be. Mr Carter has been avoiding him like plague."

"Why, has he not told him that we are seeing each other? I told him that he should let me do it but he insisted that it has to come from him."

"Mam, you must understand. It is not easy for a man to reveal such information to someone who could potentially be their...." John stops himself before he finishes his sentence. Before I could ask John to complete his sentence the lift opens.

"Mandy, this is Rachel Smith. She is here to see Mr Carter."

"I'm sorry John, she can't go in. Mr Carter is in a meeting at the moment." This Mandy woman has an attitude and I get weird vibes from her.

"I know that he is with Jason. And Mandy that was not a request. I was just informing you as a courtesy. In future, Miss Smith will be visiting often and I suggest you treat her with respect otherwise you will find yourself unemployed." I have not seen John get this mad, I guess I am not the only one who is not a fan of Mandy.

John leads me to a closed office door. I think this might be Dan's office. 

My timing is impeccable as always. Now I will be meeting his best friend Jason.

"Are you sure Dan will be fine if I interrupt him?"

"You visiting him is not an interruption at all. Besides, he was trying to find excuses to skip having lunch with Jason."

John opens the door and I see a guy  a hot guy sitting on the couch. I am assuming this is Jason. Of course Jason will be good looking too.

He has a basketball in his hands, that he is busy playing with. I notice more basketballs around Dan's office. Nicely decorating the room.

As I am busy scanning the room,my eyes find Dan and my heart beat accelarate as usual when I am in close proximity with him. He notices me and his faces lights up. He gets up from behind his desk and approaches me.

Jason reaches me first. 

"Dan you didn't tell me that you have more hot employees. I thought Monica was the only hot chick."

"Keep your ugly claws off my girlfriend." Dan warns his friend.

"Oh, this is the Rachel." He takes my hand and kisses it. I know he is doing this to tease Dan.

Dan is fuming right now. He pushes Jason away from me and puts his hand possessively on my waist.

"Pleasure to meet you Rachel. I thought my grandmother was exaggerating when she said you are gorgeous. "

Dan eyes Jason.

"Rachel, this is the annoying human I have to deal with ,my friend Jason," Dan introduces us.

"I wanted to take out this guy out for lunch today. But I guess that wont be happening." Jason eyes the take out John placed on the table for me.

"John, do you know if Monica is available." Jason continues.

"Stay away from my staff Jason."

"Dan, the rule of not dating the staff only applies to you. I am not an employee of Carter Enterprises. Since you have Miss Smith to keep you company. It is only fair that I get someone to eat lunch with."

"John please take Jason out before I punch him."

"Come on dude, you are about to get laid and you still have an attitude."

Dan takes the basketball and throws it at Jason. Who effortlessly moves away from the firing line whilst laughing with John on their way out.

"You know, he is teasing you and you are falling right into his trap."

Dan does not respond but instead he just kisses me.

"I missed you so much." 

He says after breaking the kiss.


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