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The last few weeks have been hectic for me and I was very busy at work. This has helped me not to think about Rachel so much. Today we are meeting with the auditors of one of my companies Carter Commercial Properties. Apparently, this year we are having a new manager on the audit. TASK Auditors has been our external auditors for a number of years. My CFO(Monica Williams) tells me that the new manager is young and a female. I think she is happy about this since she always complains about this industry being male dominated.

Monica and I arrived at TASK Auditors premises at 10:50am for our 11:00am meeting. We are directed to the boardroom where the audit team is already waiting for us.  Just outside the boardroom we meet the partner that we have been working with for the past few years. We make small talk and he has nothing but good things to say about this new manager. The three of us walk inside the boardroom together for the formal introductions.

It is safe to say I was not prepared for this. Sitting at the head of the table is none other than Miss Rachel Smith. She looks up at me and she is as shock as I am. She looks like she has seen a ghost. I take my seat at the end of the table as well so that I can sit directly opposite her. Monica takes the sit to my right and the partner(Ron Bailey) sits on my left.

This is only an introduction meeting as the audit is only starting in two months time. Ron begins talking and I don't even hear anything. I am wondering, why Rachel is here. Does she stay in the city now. But whatever reason that brought her here. It is destiny.

I can finally have my shot with her.Fate has brought us together again. 

Shawn made a big mistake by letting his girlfriend move to this city.

"We thank you for taking the time to attend the meeting today." Rachel is talking now. My full attention is on her.I am quite impress with her. She would have been a valuable asset to this audit. Unfortunately, this is conflict of interest for me as I have other intentions with this lady. Today, I will just enjoy being in her presence, perhaps I can figure out something about her before the end of this meeting.

At the end of the meeting we all shake hands. When I shake hands with Rachel,that spark I felt the first time is still there, in actual fact it has intensified. She looks more beautiful today as well and she is wearing a pencil skirt. I definitely approve of her outfits.

" We meet again Miss Smith" I say and I see Monica raising her eyebrows at me and she has that look that says stay away from her.

"Mr Carter" Is all Rachel says before she walks away and follows Ron. Feisty, I like that Miss Smith.

 I wonder if I am the only one feeling these sparks ?

" Daniel, please don't make moves on this new manager, otherwise she will have to be removed from the audit." Monica says.

" I am sorry Monica but it is too late. I have met Miss Smith before and I tried pursing her. But the fact is I really like her and I am going to ask her out. I am on my way to speak to Ron to disclose this information. That is if Rachel has not done so herself as I don't think she will take a client with a CEO who has  a romantic interest in her." 

" Aargh, out of all the women in the world. It had to be her Daniel. She does not look anything like the type of women you date."

"' You are right Monica. She is special."

"You really like her,don't you? You are even blushing and the whole time during the meeting you could n't take your eyes off her."   I ignore Monica and I head out to the direction of Ron's office.

"Mr Carter, I was actually expecting you." My guess was right, there is no way Rachel would have taken up this audit. I don't know If I should be concerned. Was her reason solely based on following  the rules or the fact that she also can't stand me.

"I am assuming that you came to disclose your conflict of interest with my new manager."

"'Yes, indeed Ron." 

"'Rachel beat you to it, she informed me that you guys had an encounter at the business conference last month."  Encounter? That is a very nice way of putting it.

" And I also agree, the laws says the audit team should be objective and if there are romantic feelings involved. It is definitely a conflict. Rachel will be replaced by another property specialist manager. We will inform you of the decision before the end of this week."

" Thank you Ron, I am glad we are all on the same page." I shake hands with Ron and head-out. When I get to the reception area I ask the receptionist for Rachel's office number. I have her work number now, thanks to the brochure that we were given in the meeting. But that is not enough, I need to speak to her face to face and see where I stand.

 And see if I am alone in this thing, I have been loosing my mind because of her.

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