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Rachel's POV

"Hey Rach,I am calling to find out how your first day was?"

"Just admit that you miss me Jess. It is not a crime. I miss you too."

"Fine alright you got me. I miss you bestie. This town is not the same without you."

" Yah I know but remember we said we will call each other as much as we can."

"Yes I know but this this long distance is killing me"

" I don't think Keith will appreciate those words coming out of his lovely wife's mouth." We both laugh.

"I know ! I know !" Jess says.

" You wont believe who I bump into at the office today."

"Rach just tell me I can't handle the suspense."

"The Daniel Carter, he came..." Jess interrupts me.

"Oooh lover boy could not wait a minute longer to see his newly single woman."

"Jess be serious."

" Rach I'm dead serious. You need to loosen up. That is what single women do. I know you don't remember how to date since you spent the past few years living your life as a 70 year old married woman"

" Jess you know I cannot afford any distractions right now."

"Let me stop you right there. Rach there is more to life than work. You have done great in your career and your family is proud of you. You are doing well, give yourself a break my friend."

My work phone beeps signaling an incoming call.

"Jess  I will call you back I have another call coming in."  Who is calling my work cellphone at this hour?

"Okay love cheers." Jess is really going to give her husband stress with all these endearments.

As I am about to pick up the call, the call ends. I saw that it is not a saved number meaning it someone outside the firm.

The phone vibrates again and I see that it is the same number calling.

"Rachel Smith speaking, how can I assist you?"

"Rachel , Rach...I . . I meant Miss Smith." I could recognise that voice anywhere and the fact that my heart started to work overtime I know it is Daniel.

"I'm sorry for bothering you so late,you are speaking to Daniel." He speaks clearly now and he is not stuttering. But I can hear that he is nervous.

" I was wondering if you would be available to have coffee with me on Wednesday during lunch. I am having a meeting just a few blocks away from your office. I know I have not made the best impression of myself. But I .. I wanted to... " 

"Ok Daniel, I will have coffee with you."  I stop him from rambling.

"Really, thank you. I will see you on Wednesday then. I will text you the address of the place we will meet at." He hangs up. I think he was actually making sure that I don't change my mind.I could clearly hear the disbelief in his voice when I agreed.

As a matter of fact I am also shocked. I can't believe I agreed to go out with Daniel.


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