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Dan's POV

I was never one of those people who whine about Monday. But for the first time I hate Monday.


1. I will not see Rachel.

2. I am sleeping alone tonight in that huge king size bed.

I don't know why she can't just move in with me.

Problem solved.

I miss her so much and it has not even been more than 24 hrs since I last saw her. Last night I slept holding her pillow because it smells of her.

I look myself in the mirror one more time. My nose swelling is gone but it looks reddish.

I know that my staff will gossip about it behind my back. Other than that no one will dare poke their nose in my business.

"Good Morning Sir." John eyes me suspiciously.

"Spit it out John."

"I might have underestimated Miss Smith abilities."

"Rachel is feisty but not violent. Joe is responsible for this."

"Shit, that bad."

"You have no idea what lengths other men will go to in protecting their daughters."


We walk into the office lobby. My secretary rushes in too.

"Please hold the lift." She says.

 What the hell is she wearing? Did she confuse the days in her head.

She is wearing a very short skirt and a very bright red lipstick. It is giving me a headache.

I hold the lift with my hand to ensure that the door stays open.

"Miss Wilson, I think you are in the wrong establishment.  I suggest you go home and put on clothes that are compliant with the dress code." I seethe.

What on earth was she thinking. She is good at her job. But this behavior is unacceptable. 

"If you want to become a stripper. I will be more than happy to forward your c.v to the strip clubs." I add.

After that I release the lift and it closes. I saw that she stood there frozen.

The mood in the lift is complete silent. No movement and no breathing.

I am used to the silence from my staff whenever I walk by. But this is different.

When I reach my floor I get into my office. Have I became soft with the employees that people think they can do as they please.

"Send an e-mail to all the staff and remind them of the dress code."

"Sir, is there is an issue?"  My HR Manager dares to ask me.

"The fact that you are the HR Manager of this company and you are asking me that. Is a concern. I will not do your job and if you can't do your job properly I will find someone who can."

"Whilst you are on that. Make a record that Miss Wilson was sent home to change as she was not wearing appropriate clothing. Get the security footage from the lobby from Joe as evidence. Monitor her and if she does this again, fire her." I hang up the phone without waiting for her response.

Just like that my blissful mood from this morning when I woke has vanished.

"Monica, ask your secretary to arrange a meeting with all department heads today at 9:30am-10:00am. I don't care what they are doing, they must drop it ."

I will not have my staff slacking. I need to remind people that there is no room for sloppy work at Carter Enterprises.

If a person cannot deliver what is expected. The door is wide open.

I am sitting at the office drinking my coffee after the meeting I arranged.

My cellphone rings. I don't recognise  the number and I know it is not work related because this is my personal cell.

I think it one of those telemarketers. I ignore the call.

The phone rings again.

"What?" I answer.

"Hello to you too." Rachel's voice . 

My entire body relaxes at the sound of her voice.

"Baby, why are you not using your cell?" My voice is calmer now.

"I forgot my charger at home. And nobody seems to have a charger on the day I need it the most."

"Are you missing me. Is that why you called?"

"Yes, Mr Carter but it looks like I caught you at the bad time."

"You can call me anytime baby. I will make time for you."

" I am happy to hear that. What should I do to reward my man for making me a priority in his life."

"You know what I want."

"Danny boy, I knew you will resort to begging. I told you that I need more time to think about this."

"What is there to think about. You are just denying the both of us the happiness we deserve.You will be waking up next to me every morning and spending your spare time with me"

She is silent.

"Rach baby are you still there?"


"As for the begging. I am not the beggar in this relationship." I tease her.

"You don't play fair Mr Carter. Using my vulnerable moments against me. And for that you will pay."

"Bring your best game Miss Smith."

And like that a few moments on the phone with her has salvage my mood.


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