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He woke up, surroundings swimming in his eyes. Not long after, finally a dark and empty street materialized itself in front of him. What had happened? All he remembered was a person in white shouting his name before everything became black.
What was his name? Why was he here?
His headache nearly killed him and poor Conan massaged his temples with a whimper. Ah, he felt blood on his forehead. Had he fallen?
Conan flashed a helpless glance around, instinctively searching for clues to his last hours.
But as a man dressed in a white suit landed in front of him, he felt the incredible urge to follow him.

Conan was mesmerized by him. Somehow he felt attached to this man. Did he know him personal? Friends? He hadn't noticed him yet and the chibi didn't dare causing any attention. His... his subsconcious told him he shouldn't attract this human's attention at any cost. But... to follow him? Conan shook his head, wincing again at the headache crushing his skull.
If he could just remember anything...
"Meitantei! Where are you...?!" he saw the stranger hissing. Meitantei? Great detective? Here was a detective? Perhaps this detective could help him regaining his memory.

Ultimately deciding against his instincts, the boy stepped out of the shadows and cleared his throat, surprised to see the thief whipping around towards him. Immediately he saw relief washing over his face before a cheeky smirk took its place.
"Ah, Meitantei. You... you are bleeding. How do you feel? Can you make it back to your friends alone?"
Conan narrowed his eyebrows and turned shortly back to see if anybody was behind him, then focused back onto KID.
"...I'm a detective...? But... but I'm too young, ain't I?" he helplessly asked, a look of utter desperation forcing itself onto his face.

KID clicked faster than his brain did and within a second his relaxed body became tensed.
" you remember your name? What is your name, Meitantei?" KID asked, his voice stern yet full of concern, pokerface long forgotten. The boy shrugged and avoided the piercing stare, shifting uncomfortable.
"...I have no idea. But... but my instinct tells me to follow you. To... to stay close. Who are you? Are you my friend? Brother? You have to be someone very close to me," the chibi reasoned, earning a look of surprise.
"...close? How flattering~ But I believe your amnesia. ...the usual you would have never admitted that and your eyes are honest."
The magician breathed out a troubled sigh and cluelessly looked left and right into each road but both were alone.
"I think it's for the better good if you don't know who I am. But... call me KID, yes?"

Conan nodded and closed his eyes for a moment to let this name sink in. It brought butterflies to his stomach but other than that didn't feel familiar at all.
"Kid? Like, child? Kiddo? Are you really called like that?" he mused disbelieving and eyed the thief from head to toe. He didn't make the impression of an immature child. Said one just laughed it off and crouched down to lift Conan up.
"Not like that. My name is 1412 but due to some funny writer's handwriting, it looked like 'KID'. Since then it went from 1412 to KID. Now let's go delivering you to your friends."
Conan frowned and grabbed onto KID's jacket, shaking his head wildly.
"N-NO! I wanna stay with you!! Don't you leave me now!!"
"But Meitantei, you-"
Conan was in middle of throwing a tantrum like a child and KID felt his eyebrow twitching in annoyance.
"Gaki. Don't scream like that or the bad guys are gonna find us...!"
"Y-yes yes ugh fine! If I let you stay will you quiet down already?! We're both dead if Snake comes back!!"
Immediately, Conan fell silent and shot a toothy grin at his pissed off 'friend'. A clear victory for him.

KID relaxed and in the next second made his way onto a roof, using his grappling hook.
"I have no idea what I'm going to do with you... Are you sure you want to stay? I doubt you will remember anything with me around, it'd be better if you stay with family and friends than with me."
Conan huffed and burried his face into KID's chest. He smelled sweet, like caramel and Conan felt himself becoming addicted to this scent. But lucky enough for him, KID confused his sudden urge to cuddle with something else.
"Oh dear, are you tired? No wonder, you nearly died... Ah fine, sleep a little. I'll fly as calm as I can," he kindly whispered and hooked something onto Conan's belt.
"Mhm..." came the agreeing noise back, Conan barely even registrated what the thief had said. Perhaps he really was tired.

Slowly, his eyelids dropped and the young detective slipped into a dreamless sleep. All of a sudden he sat up, panting and drenched in sweat. Conan had dreamed something but couldn't remember it; tho regarding how much his body trembled and how teary his eyes felt, it was horrible.
Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the darkness inside the room. The detective laid on a soft bed, undressed to his underwear. Memories flooded back in of his last minutes awake and he shakily exhaled.
"I... I have amnesia... Now that I think of it... KID never told me my name..."
The tired child curled up into a trembling ball, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks once again. He didn't want to be alone. Not now.

Hesitantly, Conan raised himself and tiptoed towards the door. Unlocked... It didn't surprise him. He followed his instincts downstairs and flashed a glance left and right.
Left: Kitchen.
Right: Living room.
He heard faint breathing from the living room and decided to change his direction.
There he laid, sprawled out across the couch, covered in a blanket. KID. The only person he was able to rely on. Now that he got a closer look, that face didn't belong to a man but a teenager. How old was he? Seventeen? Eighteen? Definitely under twenty.

The child reached out and his hand hovered for a moment above KID's blanket. But then, he carefully lifted it and slid next to him against the warm body. Once below the blanket, he felt his tensed muscles relax.
Conan rested his head on KID's chest and closed his eyes, clinging onto the older one's shirt, falling asleep rather quick.
KID opened one eye, mildly surprised. His lips curled up into a mischievous smirk and he shut it again, his arm lazily wrapping around the chibi to pull him closer.
"...aren't we clingy again..." he muttered before following his example and drifting back to sleep.

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