Shared and Secret Thoughts

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Jii flew the two boys to a park and let them down there. KID immediately held himself at a bench, exhaling sharply and letting go of Conan.
"J-Jii returns the helicopter now a-and then comes back to pick us up. Looong way till Ekoda..." he explained and the tired child nodded.

Kaito made an effort to reach the street and the chibi quietly followed him.
"...what do you say? Should we try it again with your memories?" KID hesitantly offered and Conan froze for a good minute before nodding.
"But I'll choose what I want to know. Tell me... Who exactly is Hattori?"
KID sat down at the fence, hidden between a few bushes and Conan inched closer to join him. It was getting cold and thief was a perfect source of heat.
"Tantei-han... His name is Hattori Heiji, public also knows him as Detective of the West. You, Kudo Shinichi, are the Detective of the East. You met... I think it was because Tantei-han wanted to have a battle of wits against you. You figured out the solution and beat him, what impressed him. Since then you became some sort of friendly rivals."
Conan rested his hand on his temple for a moment. No, no incoming headache yet.

"As you knocked him out as Conan to solve a case he woke up in the middle of it but played along. As soon as the audience left he exposed you as Kudo and then your friendship deepened. He is one of the very few persons who know your true nature. He's hotblooded, strengh and stamina are beyond brutal..."
KID couldn't suppress a snicker.
"He is a pain in the arse."
Conan giggled along and eyed their surroundings for a moment before refocusing his attention onto the white phantom.
"I see... No, that doesn't ring a bell either."
"At least you know now, right?"

Soon enough a car stopped close to them and the Kaitou raised himself with a whimper.
"That's our cab..."
Conan frowned and grabbed KID's hand to rest it on his shoulder, offering him to lean onto him like that. Much to his relief, his companion took his offer and both shambled to the car.
"Bocchama!" a man exclaimed and rushed to help Kaito while Conan slid into the car. With Jii's help, KID settled down next to him while the man took his seat at the front.
"Home, bocchama?" he asked and KID nodded with a yawn.
"Yeah... I really want to sleep..."
Conan suddenly frowned and flashed a glance at the exhausted phantom.
"Did you have dinner yet? Or ate at all?"
The answer came a bit late.
"...I had breakfast. Does that count?"
Conan groaned and burried his face in his hands. That guy took worse care of himself than Conan as Shinichi.
Immediately the detective sat up again. Shinichi. He remembered a bit about himself. Conan closed his eyes to examine the memory properly and was left surprised at the scene.
Shinichi got scolded by the girl KID had introduced him as Ran.
"Seriously Shinichi!! If I wouldn't be bringing you food you wouldn't eat at all! Take a break of these stupid cases! You can't just live on coffee. Coffee is not a replacement for food! Did you listen?!"

KID next to him frowned and turned towards Conan as he became silent. The chibi didn't look too healthy either. The small war against Hattori got the best out of him and now the chibi looked ready to pass out right away.
"Meitantei? Are you alright?"
His words were a mere whisper, but KID's ears were sensitive enough to registrate them.
"I remembered something. I didn't... I didn't take care of myself as Shinichi either."
His lips curled up into a smug grin and he proudly raised his chin.
"Well, that means you can't scold me for doing so~"
Conan looked up and with a daring expression made eye contact. Despite his pokerface, Kaito had managed to cheer the boy a little up.
"Sometimes I hate you."
"How charming."

Both entered the house together and Conan hung the keys back at the board he took them from, then took off his shoes and put on some slippers. Kaito on the other hand just straight walked inside and began to undress to his underwear.
"Finally out of that costume... Ugh. I am sweating, tired and hungry."
Conan frowned and flashed a glance at the whiny phantom. Should he make some food for KID...? Or had that been just a mindless complaint?
"You never brought me ice cream," KID suddenly said, his eyes fixated onto the small fridge. Conan gasped and a grin came onto his face.
"Well, I didn't find you and didn't know where the next store is in Ekoda."
"I get it I get it... Let's go tomorrow, I'll show you-"
"Don't you dare. You need to rest," Conan interrupted him and with a stern expression shooed the thief upstairs. Today both needed to go to bed without dinner, no one wanted to go out for takeaway or cook on their own.
"Hai hai Okaa-sama," the thief dryly replied but took the few steps into his room.

With boths consent they slipped underneath the sheets of KID's bed and Conan instinctively inched closer.
"To be honest," the boy began in a quiet voice, "I didn't quite believe you when you told me I should be around eightteen years old by now... But now that I actually remembered myself in that age..."
"I know it's quite unbelievable. But it happened. Tomorrow I can tell you about the others who know your secret, yes?" came the just as quiet answer and KID wrapped an arm around Conan to keep him safe.
KID didn't know why he did that the whole time. Touching Conan whenever he could, and if it was just a pat on his shoulder or head. To actually sleep with the great detective in one bed. He hadn't minded from the beginning but now that he thought about it, this was a little strange. And this weird sitation at the heist... Both had locked eyes far longer than appropriate. He wondered if Conan had realized that, too. But KID wasn't going to ask him.

It wasn't long until KID noticed how much Conan had quietened down and a small smile came onto his lips. No matter wether amnesia or not, the boy trusted him with his life. He presented himself so vulnerable by now...
Kaito let a sigh pass his lips. Nobody but Heiji knew about their current situation. He wondered wether the detective had told on them or trusted them to not go too far in this agreement.
What would happen when Conan regained his memories? Would everything be over? Their... friendship? Did Conan regard him as friend? KID paused for a moment and looked back down onto the sleeping teen in a child's body.
Could he even refer to him as a friend? Conan had been a loyal ally all along, Kaito knew that. Once they shared a goal, both would have united forces without any hesitation and Conan never betrayed him.
Yet he doubted any of the other detectives would have done that, either.

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