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Shinichi stirred a while later, confusion gathering on his face once his warm and soft pillow moved. Where was he again? His eyes fluttered open, meeting familiar golden ones of his supposedly pillow, Hakuba Saguru.
It took a while to notice their position and Shinichi scooted away, granting Hakuba the last bit of his leftover personal space.
"Ah... Well... That is awkward..."
Shinichi was used to be this close with Heiji and KID, not with Hakuba who had never seemed too fond of body contact.

The blond shifted into a sitting position, grimacing as his legs felt all needly and numb, and his side ached from being pressed into the hard edge of the couch.
"It... Don't mention it. I didn't want to wake you up and you looked like you were needing that."
An awkward silence covered the atmosphere until KID entered the room, surprised yet glad Shinichi was awake.
"Lunch is ready. Coming?"
While Hakuba nodded and proceeded to get up, Shinichi curled up on the couch and ignored his boyfriend. Hakuba and KID shared a look of silent conversation before Hakuba, carrying the advantage of a taller height, grabbed Shinichi at the back of his neck and pulled him onto his feet.
"You need to eat, Meitantei. Denying food doesn't make it better either," KID tried to coax his detective into joining and earned himself a glare beyond intimidating. The thief was having none of it and motioned Hakuba to pull him into the kitchen.

Shinichi kicked, scratched and punched, almost bit the London detective, but Hakuba was used to such antics and the silent tantrum of his colleague did fit into experience. It wasn't long until Shinichi had been forced into a chair and a bowl of soba was placed on front of his nose.
He stared at it, wrinkling his nose.
"Itadakimasu," Hakuba and Kaito chorused quietly and began to eat while the boy kept up his rebellion. KID sighed and turned to look at him.
"Please, eat something. It doesn't have to be much."
Shinichi shook his head and KID's eyes narrowed onto the trembling chopsticks. It was so obvious how his boyfriend fought another wave of tears.
"Shinichi..." he breathed out as soft as possible and watched with pleasure how said one flinched and began to eat with them.

KID only used his given name when he was particular displeased or utterly concerned. Given the circumstances, Shinichi did not want to deal with his motherhenning right now (because he knew for sure KID would end up feeding him when he kept up his behavior) and decided to comply.
"When did Bourbon say he would strike?" KID asked to fill the silence and Hakuba nearly spat out his soup, choking and coughing to get the liquid down the right way.
Shinichi perked up, falling back into professional routine.
"Bourbon said a day... They need the last preparations to be done. Locating all of the company's buildings, scanning the amount of people inside... The usual things you do before a heist."
KID nodded, thoughts drifting back to the plan. Hakuba still stared at these two.
"Pardon? Bourbon?!" he repeated himself but got promptly ignored.
"What about Kir? Is she ready?"
"Yes. She and Bourbon will set the trap. Perhaps Vermouth plays along, but we can't be sure about that. Nevertheless, my parents came back to Japan. It's good to have two amazing artists on our side and not just one."

Hakuba looked honestly on the edge to yell at his companions.
"Keep the manners, keep the manners..." he murmured under his breath and decided to ask one more time as Shinichi interrupted him again.
"Akai promised to show up, too. He's our backup if anything goes wrong."
Hakuba's breath stopped for a second. Akai Shuichi? He had heard rumors about this name; Akai used to be the best sniper Japan had to offer. But... didn't he die? So he faked his death?
"Gentlemen please, would you be so kind to enlighten me, too?" Hakuba finally pressed out with his sweetest smile and two pairs of eyes darted towards him.
"Ah right, you weren't there... We discussed that with Tantei-han."

Shinichi cleared his throat and faced Hakuba fully, body language opening up to him. Good.
"Bourbon and Kir are undercover agents. You already met Bourbon, he is the waiter of Poirot who 'randomly' gets assigned to our table every single time. Kir belongs to the CIA. Akai and she faked his death, and he fell into hiding under the new name Okiya Subaru. He currently lives inside my house."
Hakuba listened eagerly and tried to digest the information. That was much, but good to work with.
"I see. And the plan?"
"The FBI has the perfect equipment for the surveillance. Hattori already contacted them while I contacted Bourbon. It needed a bit of convincing but Bourbon agreed to work with Akai. It's frustrating, but for now we have to wait. Bourbon and Kir will try to lure them into our trap."
KID next to Hakuba bared his teeth for a mischievous grin, feral indigo eyes flickering over to Hakuba.
"We will catch them like rats~"

Hakuba swallowed down his comeback and watched his classmate with interest. Once lively and cheerful eyes pierced now with exitement and evil plans. A look he knew just too well as KID's.
It was still so foreign to him... watching Kuroba openly act out his demonic side as KID. Hakuba knew better than to look a gifted horse into its mouth... He'd rather have Kuroba on his side and not against him, even when that look forced the tiny hairs on his nape to stand up. Hakuba honestly never wanted to be on the other end of this glare.

For now, everything was ready. They would just have to wait for the rats to arrive within their trap.

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