Parental Knowledge

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"That's the Black Organization."
Shinichi stated this with a voice drained of all emotions. Handcuffed inside a cell were Chianti, Korn, Vermouth, Vodka and Rum.
The FBI breathed out a sigh of relief. It was done. The most dangerous part of the organization was gone.

Vodka glared holes into the Heisei Holmes; he recognized him as the little brat Gin had poisoned long ago. Just like Sherry, he had shrunken.
Shinichi closed his eyes, lips forming into a gentle smile.
"Look, Ai... Shiho... they're in prison. I did it."
A sudden hand on his shoulder startled him, he didn't recognize the person until he whispered at him.
"She would be proud of you, Meitantei."
KID was doing better again. The shock and guilt wouldn't leave his bones soon, but it was better to see him out and disguising than crying in Shinichi's bed.
"Don't worry... We'll catch your branch, too," he replied equally quiet and his disguised boyfriend shot an acknowledging smile at him.

"You wanted to talk to us, right?" Yusaku butted into the conversation and KID's expression turned genuine.
"I didn't, sir."
Shinichi facepalmed with a deep dramatic sigh- a habit obviously taken over from the genius Kaitou KID.
"KID... That's Tou-san. You can't fool Tou-san. Never. I'm speaking of experience."
KID pouted and nodded towards Yusaku.
"Fiiine... How did you find out? My disguise is perfect."
Yusaku snickered and eyed the young magician from head to toe.
"You keep holding onto your belt to refrain from moving your fingers. Magicians often have this problem. Despite that, no one of the low ranked members of the FBI ever talked with Shinichi and especially not using a gesture like a 'shoulderpat'."
KID whistled quietly and lifted a teasing eyebrow.
"Bravo, Meitantei-san, my hands are clapping for you~"
"Shall we? I presume you don't want to talk with all those too curious ears around..."
KID nodded and beckoned Shinichi to follow him, too. Said detective figured what KID wanted to talk about and grew more nervous with each step they took towards the Kudo residence.

Yukiko offered tea and a cookies for their guest which KID appreciated as they settled in the living room.
"Well?" Yusako urged and KID snapped his fingers; with a large poof of smoke he turned back into the costumed phantom everyone loved.
"There is something I need to tell you... Meitantei... Meitantei is my boyfriend."
Yukiko gaped at her son while Yusaku didn't look surprised at all.
"I figured. As much as I would have loved to keep up my illusion Toichi would be still alive, I knew from the beginning it was you, Kaito, and the way you interacted spoke more than a thousand words."
Shinichi jawdropped and KID looked caught off guard for a short moment before his pokerface settled back in.
"You knew my father's identity," he murmured, slowly taking off his monocle and top hat. Yukiko seemed surprised about this new piece of information, too.
"Kaito really is Kaitou KID now? So Toichi isn't alive anymore..."
Yusako responded with a sad nod.

"Yes. I found out about Toichi's double life soon enough but decided to keep his secret. I knew he had his reasons which he told me soon after. Since then we became private partners, I collected information on new gems and Toichi prepared his show. It made things obvious who you really are. I have nothing against your relationship."
Shinichi finally caught himself again and coughed awkwardly as his mother tackled him with a squeal into a bonecrushing hug.
"My Shin-chan has a boyfriend!!"
Kaito sighed and eased a little into the couch as most of the conversation's tension left him.
"The latest results contradict to my feelings, but it pains me to have agreed to the partnership with the detectives. Hattori and Hakuba know my real identity and have enough proof to seal me behind bars."
Shinichi gasped and freed himself from his mother to grab Kaito's shoulders.
"Are you kidding me?! We already had this discussion! Hattori already sees you as new best friend and Hakuba doesn't want to spill your name, either!"

Yusako chuckled and hid his amused smile behind his teacup.
"Toichi said the same, years ago. He felt guilty to pull me and his assistant into his mess. But we decided on our own to become involved. I presume it is the same with your fellow partners."
The young thief began to smile again. Much had been going on, this peace felt like a perfect dream, especially with Shinichi at his side.
"How did Shin-chan even agree? As far as I remember he only admired your challenges..." Yukiko mused and Yusako laughed, a sweet and entertained laugh which reminded KID of his own father.
"Really? Shinichi was since long head over heels for Kaitou KID. Since the clocktower heist he wouldn't stop talking about him anymore."
"Tou-san!!" Shinichi scolded with a red face and KID snickered in return.

"Much to my dismay it happened because of an accident. Meitantei hit his head on my heist and suffered from amnesia. He threw a tantrum until I allowed him to live with me... My fatal mistake, he cooks great and is a perfect pillow. Meitantei convinced me of himself, not the other way around."
Shinichi nodded proudly and slipped his arm around KID's waist with a large smirk.
"Thanks to my amnesia I trusted no one but KID. I even chose him over Hattori..."
Yusako interrupted him with a surprised whistle.
"I got to know the person behind the monocle and I guess, it was love on the first sight... I regained my memories in my normal body once KID was shot on his heist. I freaked out..."
"Freaked out? Tantei-han said you wanted to blow their heads off with a soccer ball."

Shinichi puffed his cheeks, sulking, and KID bursted into a fit of giggles. It had turned out great to become this addicted to his enemy-
It made for a thicker bond and promised a sweet future. KID knew for sure, just like Shinichi... nothing could stop them anymore.

[The End]

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