The Report

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Both, full to the brim with dinner, settled down on the comfortable couch inside the living room. KID pushed the blanket aside and leaned back with a groan.
"I'm so jealous, Meitantei!" he finally exclaimed, earning himself a surprised look of the boy.
"Hai! While you are back on doing easy elementary school stuff I have to put up with studying hard for finals."

Conan looked bothered for a second, not sure how to answer on that while KID snorted, patting his back.
"Chill, it was a joke. I'd probably freak out in your place."
Conan rolled his eyes and allowed himself to jab the thief into his ribs. It was light but still hurted and KID yelped.
"Ouch! Let's watch tv."
He snatched the remote from the coffee table and switched on the tv, his attempt to start a conversation rudely interrupted by the news.
"And now the second day KID Killer Edogawa Conan went missing! The police walks in the dark, no trace had been found. Next to me is Mouri Ran, daughter of the great 'Sleeping Kogoro' and to that part of KID Killer's inner circle."
A frustrated Ran gritted her teeth and yelled into the camera, startling KID a little. He had run into her various times and she was a dangerous opponent when angry.
"Conan-kun! If you can hear me, please hold on! We're doing our best to find you! Don't worry, I'll save you!"

KID flashed a glance at Conan's face but it remained emotionless. The magician began to chew on his inner cheek, reaching for the remote to switch the channel but Conan was faster.
"No. I... I want to see that," he whispered, eyes glued to the tv. Kaito couldn't read any emotion of Conan's face during the whole report and at the end, he was the one to switch the channel.
"KID... I... I don't remember her, but... I... I don't want to see her suffer... cry... Did I make her cry before? It feels so h-horrible..."
A sob interrupted him and the magician sighed, creating a rose in his hand to hold it out to the detective. He took it absently and tucked it behind his ear, like it was a common act for him to do so.
"Calm down yes? I'll disguise as your mother and bring you back for an hour. Don't worry, I'll make up a story. Then you can stay legal with me or rather, your mother~"
Finally a small smile grew on Conan's lips and KID exhaled in relief, phew, he had the detective all cheered up.
"Yes... that would be nice..."

Both settled down once more and subsconciously, Conan inched closer to the highschooler. He didn't know why but he felt so at ease with this boy it nearly scared him. He was so comfortable, so warm, so understanding... Family? Certainly family. But he wasn't family. All he knew about KID was his nickname and age.To mention...
Said one raised one eyebrow. He had his attention.
"They called me... KID Killer. Did I hurt you? Who... who are you really? You know I'll find out sooner or later anyway."

And immediately the tv was turned on mute while the thief sighed. His gaze focused forward, his voice sounded a little distant.
"Exactly. That's why I won't tell you. If you're staying with me for longer, I want to keep it friendly and don't let our opposite opinions get to us. And for the note... don't worry, you couldn't ever injure me serious."
Conan fell silent after that, he had no idea how to respond. But his instincts told him it was better to not press any further, even if he would have loved to do that. Sooner or later he was going to find out about his secret anyway.
A smile made it's way onto his face and he closed his eyes, easing into the comfortable couch.
"'s not much, but... I somehow know you... liked to hand me roses... Lots of roses... I kept them inside a vase until they would wilther. It's great to remember at least that, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is," KID answered but Conan knew he didn't mean it. He saw he was scared... he didn't want Conan to find out.

Somehow they ended up cuddling on the bed again, just because Conan was afraid to have nightmares again. KID didn't mind it much, he liked to care for his beloved Meitantei. It was nice to be close to him without the need to watch out for soccer balls or his narcosechronometer.

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