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KID silenced next to Conan. With this small question, his whole brain had shut down. How did he feel?

"I-it doesn't matter how I feel," KID finally replied, "You are trapped inside the body of a child, we wouldn't ever be able to go out in public. We are enemies... I don't think my identity might slip out to public, but if it does, you will only be further pained because I have to vanish. Also, on the heists, you would be chasing after your boyfriend. Not only that, there-"
Conan silenced him again and stared deep into his eyes. It was his detective glare, the one which made Kaito always feel lightheaded.
"That wasn't my question. How do you feel?"

KID pressed his lips together, horrible uncomfortable by now. He couldn't escape this piercing glare, he felt like a deer in headlights. As if this one single glance had been enough to have him all figured out.
"KID..." Conan called his name, quietly, in a soothing voice. God, sometimes he hated this boy.
"In here..." He tipped twice at his head, then lowered his hand to his heart, slightly clutching his own shirt, "Right in here... I'm still eightteen. It doesn't matter. I will get my body back thanks to Haibara... she has temporary antidotes, too. We can go out as Kudo Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito."
He made a small pause, his eyes lingering on the young thief's lips.
"As long as in private, for the time being... you'll accept this me, too."
KID kept his silence for a long time but stress was evident on his face.
"Meitantei, I-I can't. I've never trusted anyone despite my partner. I... I don't want to pull you into this lie I call social life-"
"Stop. KID, I'm already as deep inside this as you are. It doesn't matter. Really. I'll happily pretend as long as it can be at your side."
Conan slowly reached up, his soft hand settling on the thief's cheek. His voice lowered to a gentle whisper.
"You don't have to trust anyone else. For the beginning... just learn... to trust me..."
Conan raised his head, getting closer to Kaito's lips. The thief began to tremble, in this one moment of unsureness, nervousity and fear.
"M-Meitantei... We... w-we shoul-... we shouldn't..." he whispered but his body betrayed him to inch a little into Conan's direction. The shrunken teenager smiled and rested his lips on KID's, savoring every little bit of these sparks rushing up and down his body.

KID wanted him just as much as Conan wanted KID. To see this, to see the overly strong adult so weak to his own feelings... to see his pokerface crash. Conan loved it all.
His lips began to move, very slow, and finally KID's body untensed. The thief wrapped his arms around the fragile body and pulled him instinctively closer, his head tilting to deepen the kiss. Conan couldn't help but grin as he began to nip at KID's lower lip, drawing a pleased sigh.
"...I love you... KID..." he breathed against his lips and the thief below him shruddered, smiling just like him into the kiss.
"I love you too... Meitantei..."
Conan allowed himself a lazy lick over KID's bottom lip and smirked. Chocolate. KID tasted like chocolate. One of his hands found its way to KID's nape, cradling the tiny locks a little possessively and the thief shivered again. Both parties felt themselves to grow dizzy, kissdrunken and yearning for time to stop around them, just to continue this little play of lips.

"We should go to bed..." Conan murmured, slowly parting with a glance at the clock. KID made a displeased noise at the back of his throat and Conan glanced back at him. Oh god he looked good. His kiss-swollen lips pressed into an adorable pout, hair messier than usual thanks to Conan.
"Come on, you have school tomorrow," Conan tried it again and finally, the young thief moved with an overdramatic groan. Both walked upstairs and fell back into their daily preparations to go to sleep.
Once the blanket covered them, Conan rested his head on KID's shoulder- another advantage of being so little, while KID burried his face into Conan's hair. Sweet. Exactly how the detective liked it.

The next morning, Conan woke up earlier and without the alarm. He barely slept last night, he had too much to think about. The future, his real body and the role KID played now in his life.
He really wished he wouldn't regain his memories at all. Just to leave the pain behind and begin a new life... at KID's side, who had accepted him thoroughly. Conan couldn't wish for a better life than today, with KID as his secret boyfriend.

And once the kitchen door opened and his drowsy boyfriend shambled inside, he fell in love with him all over again.

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