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"KID?! KID what happened?! KID!!"
Shinichi yelled into his headset, panic visible on his face. Gin killed him. He knew it. Gin killed everybody in his way.

Hakuba clenched his teeth in frustration. It wasn't like him, becoming nervous and loosing his control, but KID always managed to force him to reveal his hidden emotions. Silence laid upon the crew while Shinichi continued to cuss into his headset.
"Kudo-kun?" the FBI switched channels to the head of the operation and Black flinched as he heard fullblown cursing.
"Fuckin- hm?"
Shinichi quietened down almost immediately. Black exhaled relieved but his voice remained serious.
"Kudo-kun, you need to go to KID's and Gin's location. Something happened over there and KID- he sounds like in a serious shock."
"KID is alive?! Y-yes I'll move immediately."
Hakuba behind him began to cheer under his breath while Shinichi mounted one of the motor bikes in near.
"I'll check on KID! Tou-san, you take over the lead!"

Shinichi's thoughts swirled around his boyfriend in white as he made his way through the terribly busy traffic.
"KID... I hope you're okay..."
He remembered his exact day where KID had found him, without memories and utterly helpless. KID had saved him but as he tried to save KID, he had a breakdown.
Without Hakuba and Hattori, KID would have died. Shinichi had acted like a coward... where it had been his turn to save his boyfriend, Shinichi failed greatly.

Today, he was going to make sure this wouldn't happen again.

Shinichi turned off the engine and dashed towards the location he made out KID's signal from his headset. However, he didn't await to find it on the ground, broken and bloody.
Shinichi's heartbeat fastened, if that was even possible. Blood. Again. Like last time KID was in trouble.
Step by step he marched into the dark path and froze as the noise of someone breathing reached his ears. He pulled his revolver the FBI had given to him for this special occasion.
His eyes needed a moment to adjust to the shadows while his nose already told him what was going on.

He smelled blood.

"KID...?" he asked hesitant and quiet.
Nothing held Shinichi anymore, he leapt off through the puddles of blood, grimacing at the wet noises each step made. He rounded a corner-

...and found a trembling KID behind a trash container, his former white uniform red.
"KID! KID are you okay?! Say something!!" Shinichi hissed in panic and tried to search the thief for the source of the stains, but two gloved hands stopped him. For a moment, the two became quiet as KID slowly raised his trembling finger towards a limp body he knew too well.

Shinichi stumbled over to the criminal and felt his wrist. No pulse.
It was Gin's blood.
He was dead.
"...KID..." he mouthed, horrified, "...what on earth... what happened here...?"
His walls broke down as KID burried his face into his hands, sobbing uncontrollable.
"I-I killed him...! I-I killed him...! I-I couldn't- I-I-!"
Shinichi gasped and brought the thief close against his chest, letting him cry into his jacket.
Shinichi couldn't remember the time he had seen KID like this. Vulnerable, trembling, full of horror and fear. His hand reached towards the thief's back to pet it, trying to comfort him. If he had to be honest, Shinichi was dying to know what actually happened between these two as the connection was cut.
But for now, that wasn't important.

Shinichi put a finger onto his own headset and contacted the others, holding KID protectively in his arms.
"Gin is dead. KID is alright. I repeat: Gin is dead. KID is alright. Contact Kudo Yukiko to fill in KID's former agreed role as Gin to lure Vermouth and Vodka into the trap. Tell her to use our location of my headset to find us."
Shinichi took off his jacket and wrapped it around KID. His magician was in utter shock. But it didn't surprise him the slightest... he had just broken his number one rule as a phantom thief.
Nobody gets hurt.
Even worse, he killed someone. Wether criminal or not, every life mattered for the young detective.
"Shinichi..." KID whispered quietly and his boyfriend kissed his forehead.
"Yes, I'm here... I won't leave you. What happened here...?"

KID swallowed down his last tears and curled up against the detective. His hat was gone since long, and he tucked his head below Shinichi's chin like a scared child.
"Gin... we fought... for a while... he shot and I evaded and tried to disarm him... I had destroyed his remotes so he wouldn't use the bombs anymore. But then... as we came here... I-I... I got a hold on his gun..."
KID went silent again and Shinichi sighed.
"As you two fought for it a bullet escaped and Gin got hit. I understand."
It didn't last long until Yukiko entered the crime scene and gasped at what she saw. With a pityful expression she pressed a kiss onto KID's messy hair and collected Gin's phone.
"Poor you... Come home for a hot chocolate, yes? Better would be to stay over right away. Know what? Move in for the week. Yu-chan and I won't leave either, and we didn't chat way too long."
Shinichi narrowed his eyebrows and flashed a glance back and forth between KID and his mother.
They used to chat?
Or was she talking about the first KID?

After securing the area and informing the FBI, Shinichi left with his boyfriend to the house of his parents. KID wasn't able to act out as a secret double anymore, at least not today.
First of all, he needed to take care of his boyfriend. Once he approached the trembling bundle on the couch, redressed with some of Shinichi's clothes and yet his face still covered by the monocle and top hat, KID took the hot chocolate Shinichi held out to him with a weak smile.
The detective desinficated the bloody cut on KID's cheek the shot of Gin had caused and fixed with desinficated tape a pad on it.
"I love you KID... Let's stop for today."
"Yes... That... that's good..."

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