Never forget, My dear Friend

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Shinichi clutched the message in his hands, shaking from horror and anger. KID stood next to him, an arm wrapped around his shoulders with his pokerface slammed onto his face.
"Why?" he whispered, voice spluttering his overwhelming emotions.

Just as they had found evidence to destroy the international company with their foiled roots in Japan, it happened. Everything had been fine a few days ago, as the FBI had promised to eliminate the company's seeds inside America and used their contacts to inform the other countries, too.

But as Shinichi stood there at the door, facing the pale and bawling Ran, he knew something was off. The desperate woman saw Shinichi as the last hope of comfort, now that he had returned. But once Ran had tackled him in a weak attempt to push her tears away, she didn't feel the love sparking from her childhood friend.
It had never been like before.
"Why?!" he asked again, louder, seemingly to no one as crystal clear liquid began to drop onto the certificate. KID witnessed this without emotion. His feelings to her hadn't blossomed and yet he could remember how it was, to have guilt and frustration gnawing at ones nerves, chewing away the last traces of sanity.
"I... I-I need to see her."

Shinichi brushed KID's arm off and hurried past them into his car, not without his counterpart settling at the backseat. Shinichi couldn't care less about leaving Ran behind, he needed to see this with his own eyes.
"Megure-keibu," he choked out, tears sneaking past the crumbled selfcontrol he tried to rebuild.
"Kudo-kun," the fellow inspector greeted, stepping aside to allow his detective friend access to the mortuary. Pale, like a ghost made of snow, the object of his interest laid on a cold metal table. She looked asleep.

Time of death: 3:45am
Date: 05.07.2019
Cause of death: Poison
ID: Haibara Ai

"They... they killed her," Shinichi stated in a matter of fact, emotions finally drained off his voice. He croaked a tiny laugh, squirming at the irritated stares the task force pierced through him. The overall professional Kudo Shinichi was a wreck.
"Meitantei..." his lover shushed him quietly, arm casually slipping around his waist. Wether Shinichi wanted to be alone, he couldn't tell but KID was going to offer himself as his pillar.
"They killed her... K-KID, they killed her...! They finally found her...!" Shinichi repeated with another tiny laugh of despair, turning to hide in his boyfriend's chest. He was dreaming, right? This couldn't be true.

Memories flooded in, the amount of time they had spent together; she had always been there like a bigger sister, stern, calm and collected, yet always in reach.
Shinichi wanted to vomit.
KID's faint cologne lulled him into a haze; his knees gave in, his vision began to swim as a squeak forced its way into his ears, mere shadows asked hectic questions before everything slipped into darkness.


"Haibara Ai?"
Hakuba had a dark look shadowing his eyes as he thought over what KID had presented him on information. The tiny Hakuba-wrinkle had settled in on his face, a tiny wrinkle between his eyes the blond only showed when he overthought things or worried. KID had noticed and filed this information away since long.
"Yes," he confirmed, pouring Hakuba a tea as they were currently seated in the Kuroba living room. The halfbrit took an absent sip, digesting his words.
"They found out about Haibara Ai. And now that Meitantei is back in the game..." the thief trailed off, leaving the rest of the imagination to his blond rival.
"What a pity Hattori-kun moved back to Osaka... But vacations never last long, do they?" Hakuba finally sighed with a weak smile on his lips. "How is Kudo-kun doing?"

Kaito flashed a glance at the ceiling, his room located just above the living room.
"He is still unconcious. That had been a major shock for him... Haibara-chan was one of his closest friends."
"I see."
Hakuba took another sip, tensed and overworked muscles finally relaxing in the comfortable couch the Kurobas had to offer.
"Just as we are about to raid the Black Organization and extinguish them. This..." Hakuba paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully, "was avoidable. If we would have been faster-"

The voice coming from the stairs silenced the detective and two pairs of eyes darted over to an exhausted Shinichi who had come to a stop on the last step, his eyes fixing boths.
"You... you couldn't have prevented it. It isn't easy to say that... But you aren't at fault this," Shinichi managed to croak out, voice throaty through his tears. KID frowned upon this and went to hug the brunet detective, leading him with a few gentle tugs next to Saguru onto the couch.
"It isn't your fault either."
Shinichi's body began to tremble again and he instinctively leaned into the closest warm object... which turned out to be Hakuba, as KID was busy preparing another tea. Hakuba stared down at the bundle of tears at his side and with a helpless expression he searched Kaito's eyecontact-
Who mouthed 'hug' at him.

As awkward as possible, Hakuba slowly wrapped his strong arms around the fellow detective to hug him. Much to his surprise, it actually edged the Beikan into another outburst of tears. Shruddering and sobbing, Shinichi clung onto Hakuba's hemd, wetting the fabric with his tears. KID settled in next to Shinichi and hugged his lover from the other side, ending up sandwiching him between Hakuba and himself.
Hakuba had in fact never been this close to the thief and comforted somebody like this. He wasn't sure what to do now, having Kaito's face so close to his own and Shinichi invading his personal space. It was certainly a new feeling... but positive, in a way. Maybe body contact wasn't always disgusting- perhaps he could adapt to the strange sensation.
"I-I should have protected her...!" Shinichi cried out and KID shook his head almost the moment his voice had died out, "You couldn't have known. It's not your fault, Meitantei. It's not your fault."
"It is! I-I lived a happy life and left her behind!"
"She lived a happy life, too."
"I could have made sure she was safe!"
"Didn't you do that already? It's not your fault."

The discussion went on for a while until Shinichi fell asleep, sprawled out almost all over Hakuba. KID sighed and pried himself away, leaving goosebumps on his boyfriend's back as the sudden cold touched the empty spot he had left. Hakuba swallowed as KID turned to leave the room, whisperyelling "Y-you can't just leave me here Kuroba...!"
KID froze for a second, a snicker escaping his throat as he flashed a glance at the uneasy blond.
"I won't, I'm getting sugar for my tea. Only because you drink it raw. By the way, ew."
Hakuba cleared his throat and took a sip of his tea, a little embarassed.
"Don't fuss when you get diabetes."
"You are embarassed, Tantei-san~"
"You could just resort to call me Hakuba, you know?"
"In KID duty I prefer KID names."
"I see no costume."
"We are discussing KID plans and business."
"...I can't argue with that logic," Hakuba retreated with a quiet sigh.

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