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Akai settled down in his hiding spot, equipment carefully spread out in front of him. It was easy to gain access to this empty building close by, and he had chosen it as the best place to shoot from.
"It's on... Sniper vs Sniper. Show yourselves..."

A woman, orange short hair, too mch eyeliner, hyper, crazy enough to shoot you with a giggle.

A man, sunglasses covering his eyes, usual silence and a deadly aim his trademark.

"Chianti... Korn... Let's play a new game," Akai hummed, screwing his sniper rifle together. It had been long since Shuichi found himself pulled into action. The last time had been the chase in Jodie's car.
It had surprised him as he met Chianti and Korn. Opposites of the same coin and yet this woman was the one Korn had always turned to. He was an antisocial man, only speaking if addressed. To see an impatient bubbly woman like Chianti becoming his best friend... or what could be considered a friend among the Black Organization; it was downright cliché.

"Akai? Akai can you hear me?"
Akai's hand shot towards the headset and he kept quiet a second before answering his enemy with his most smug voice.
"Loud and clear, Furuya-san."
The voice at the other end sighed annoyed and Akai smirked. It amused him more than anything to see Furuya Rei, alias Amuro Toru, the man who hated him more than anyone, forced to work with him.
"Are you in position?"
"Yes. Ready to aim and bring the snipers down."
"I will guide them to you. Don't mess it up."
"Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"
Amuro didn't answer. Another victory for Japan's best sniper.


"Why do I have to be Korn?! He barely talks! He is sooo boring!" KID whined at his partner, a large pout all over his face. The object of his concern giggled and twirled around once, hyper as ever as she fixed her orange wig.
"Because Chianti and I have a similar personality~! And also, I'm a woman and you are a man. Despite that... I love her lipstick~"
KID shrinked, sulking. He knew he shouldn't argue with Kudo Yukiko, his future mother in law. But whyyy did he have to play someone this boring?!

"By the way KID, what I was curious about..." the bubbly woman interrupted his thoughts, applying black lipstick to herself, "How did Shin-chan contact you?"
KID froze for a short moment before he chuckled and took a deep polite bow- his trait as a gentleman thief.
"This, dear Ojou-san, is a secret I will spill soon enough. For now, we should focus onto the battle ahead."
"Maaan!" she whined, spinning around to him again. Honestly, KID was glad to be already in costume. This woman was unpredictable... The times she could have caught him wearing no mask were crushing.
"Don't you dare disappear on me, do you hear? I'll send Yu-chan and Shin-chan after you!"
KID swallowed the nervousity behind the latex mask of Korn. Meitantei was alright, but his father's rival? The one who was able to outwit Kuroba Toichi? Oh dear god.
"I-I promise you, I certainly won't. I do have something to discuss with the both of you... It would be my pleasure to meet you on neutral ground after this."
Yukiko stared at her partner, blinking twice. She sure was surprised KID gave his promise not to bolt right after his performance and allow a calm conversation.

Was that really her husband's rival?


"Shall we begin?" Kudo Yusaku asked with a knowing smile, his eyes darting back and forth between his son and Hakuba Saguru. Hattori Heiji took care of the situation in Osaka with his father, it was just them.
"It is an honor to work with you, Kudo-san," Hakuba smiled and Shinichi rolled his eyes but smirked back.
"We have come far together..."
A quiet chuckle slipped from his mouth and his father eyed him from head to toe. Something about his son was.. different. Lively, energetic, happy. That wasn't the Shinichi he remembered.

But Kudo Yusaku recognized the mysterious event which had formed his son into a person who enjoyed his life. Love.
Shinichi used to be a brat. Arrogant, media hungry, his talent had gotten to his head. Then the Black Organization came into his life and turned it upsidedown. Out of the highschool detective became a concentrated, calm and calculating boy. And now?
His Shinichi was overfilled with love. Yusaku couldn't have been more proud than now.


"Black? Black can you hear me?"
The chief flinched, his hand landing on his headset. Around him, Starling and Camel quietened down.
"Loud and clear, Akai! Did you fulfill your mission?"
"Mission completed. Chianti and Korn have been successfully put out of the game."
Black allowed himself a smile. Finally things were going the right way.
Japan's best sniper watched Bourbon through his scope dragging the unconcious snipers to Akai's car and smiled. He had refrained from killing them, Akai had used darts with a sedative.

Jodie contacted Shinichi with a beaming smile on her face.
"Akai succeeded. Contact your replacements."
Shinichi nodded and gave a sign towards his father and Hakuba, notifying them the first step was done. Now all he had to do was informing KID and his mother, who already were on their way.
"Success! Go get 'em, KID. Bourbon will explain the rest. Good luck!"
"Got that. And I don't need luck. I have talent~"
"Pfft. Take this serious, baka."
"I am."

Shinichi, if he had to be honest, was so nervous he wanted to vomit. He was the leading role of the whole operation, thanks to his experience with them and connections. The FBI, Division One, KID, his parents, the undercovers and the remaining detectives. They all were under his command.
One wrong move and everything was over. But they had the main building surrounded and most of the workers replaced with masked police coming from the headquarters. Bit by bit, slow and careful, they had caught each and every single worker and replaced them with perfect copies made by KID and his mother. All they needed were the last big fish...
Without them, the organization was almost dead. It didn't matter they hadn't caught the big boss yet. Shinichi had his email... it was fairly easy for the experienced hackers within the FBI to find out any information based on this.

KID stepped into Bourbon's car, buckling up without any emotion in his face.
"Did you call yet?" Yukiko asked Bourbon on the driver's seat who made a rather obvious gesture and she silenced. Damn.
Bourbon had noticed a bugging device within his car.
"No, I haven't. But to be honest, I don't think we should bother Gin with that. He has other things to worry about," Bourbon replied and KID frowned. How were they going to lure the masterminds of the organization into their trap?

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