A Hospital Night

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Kaito's mind began to work.


Picking up its speed.

Until he finally pried his unwilling eyes halfway open, only to meet a white hospital ceiling. Hospital?
Right. He had taken a bullet for his Meitantei.
"Meitantei?!" he suddenly gasped, eyes snapping now wide open. Something warm next to him flinched and he felt chapped lips on his own ones. Much to his surprise, it calmed him almost the same second.
"H-hai hai don't scare me like that..." a sluggish voice answered next to him and Kaito blinked surprised. Meitantei?
He turned his head and met sapphire eyes; Shinichi had occupied the bit of space next to him inside the hospital bed and was now eying his featues with a sleepy yet relieved smile.
"Did you sleep...?" the thief asked and Shinichi showed him a lopsided grin.
"Yeah. I did. But be quiet, yes? Look..." he nodded over towards a pair of chairs and visible became Hattori and Hakuba, both sleeping against each other.

"...why is Tantei-han wearing Tantei-san's trenchcoat? Did I miss any confessions?" Kaito asked, a wide grin on his face.
"Do you have my phone anywhere? That's awesome blackmail material," he whispered and Shinichi waved giggling with his own phone.
"I'm far ahead of you, already took lots of pics. Don't worry, I sent them to you."
The young adults broke into a quiet fit of giggles. Shinichi couldn't believe how much he had missed KID's laugh. It sounded like the best thing he had ever heard and now that he saw his boyfriend's angelic face in such happiness, his heart skipped various beats.
KID cupping his face pried him out of his internal swooning and Shinichi blushed.
"Uh... KID...?"
"This is honestly the first time I see you so close in your real body. You... you are so pretty~" he purred and Shinichi smashed his hands onto his face with a whine, trying to cover up his red cheeks.
"I'm glad Haibara-chan managed to create an antidote... I didn't think it would take so long."
Shinichi froze and slowly looked up again, his face tensed in worry.
"Right. What actually happened...?"

KID sighed and snuggled against his boyfriend; he was honestly glad the painkillers had numbed his pain down.
"Tantei-han and I had thought of this as a one-day mission... Just in and out, you know? He called me because he needed me to slip into the place of an agent, codename Averna. I bumped on my way to get the formulars into Gin and Vodka who warned me about the surveillance truck."
Shinichi narrowed his eyebrows and kissed KID's temple, continuing his story for him.
"And you, of course not wanting to loose everything, bombed the place up with the others and went with the organization. KID, honestly, your sense of self-preservation is questionable."
KID made a displeased noise at the back of his throat and smacked his detective onto the bridge of his nose.
"And that from the detective who nearly dies all the time. I got shot twice. You on half your cases."
Shinichi rolled his eyes but relaxed into his boyfriend's embrace with a snicker.
"We both have to overthink our priorities, I guess."

A comfortable silence fell onto these two until Shinichi spoke up again.
"I don't know if you remember what I've told you before you blacked out in Hattori's arms... but... I remember everything. And your doubts have been proven wrong..."
KID swallowed and opened his eyes to meet Shinichi's, his pokerface slamming back at its place.
"Yes. I won't leave you, despite remembering how much of rivals we are."
KID's expression softened up.
"But how did you...?"
"I'm a detective, Bakaitou."
"Would you stop calling me idiot-thief?!" the male whined and Shinichi failed to stifle his chuckle.
"Shh, be quiet. We shouldn't wake up these two over there," he scolded KID with a giggle.

Hakuba shifted in his chair, causing Hattori to snuggle deeper into the crook of his neck. KID smirked and snatched Shinichi's phone off of the nightdesk to snap another picture.
"But seriously, why is Tantei-han wearing Tantei-san's trenchcoat?"
Shinichi sighed and his smile dropped a little.
"We had to get rid of most of your outfit and so it wouldn't be suspicious, Hattori decided to shed a few layers to cover you in them. You've come here dressed in his shirt and jacket. Hakuba lent his coat because else he'd have run around topless."
KID breathed out a sigh and kept eying the two exhausted boys with regret.
"I've worried you all, didn't I? And on top of that both saw my face..."
Shinichi rested his hand on top of Kaito's head to scratch gently his scalp; the reaction was the same he had seen during his time as Conan. KID melted into his hand with a consented purr and relaxed like the giant lapcat he was.
"I worried about that, too. But Hattori doesn't care and Hakuba-kun decided it's victory enough for him he was right all along. By the way... you need to count both of us into your little alliance, too."
"No way!" KID gasped, facial colour drying out, "You two-?!"

Shinichi smirked and peeked his lips.
"Oh yes. Hattori spilled all your little secrets. And bet on hell we'll be joining you. Hakuba was surprisingly exited to step into action."
KID groaned out as quiet as possible while still putting in his best effort to sound pissed off.
"I can't believe it."
"You better do."
"There I'm trying to protect my critics and you go ahead and spoil all my plans."
"That's how it looks like, get used to it. Don't worry, you don't need to trust them. I will do that. Just reveal what you feel comfortable with."
KID nodded and returned his gaze towards the sleeping boys. He had trouble letting Hakuba in on his life, Hattori too. But it made things easier to know Shinichi was at his side, supporting and cheering for him.
Hattori wasn't a bad deal, either. At least KID felt comfortable enough to sleep in his near... He trusted him. Kaito knew, accepting him inside his KID circle wasn't a problem.
Concerning that, they already became comrades since long.

The problem was his two mixed up lives. Kuroba Kaito, to him belonged Hakuba, Akako, Aoko, Nakamori-keibu and his mother.
Kaitou KID, to him belonged Hattori, Shinichi, Jii, Ran, Sonoko and Suzuki-san.
Two inner circles who threatened to clash. Accepting someone in one circle wasn't a problem, but moving one into the other or accepting someone in both was difficult.

He had never been as close with Hakuba as with his other detectives because Hakuba didn't belong into his KID circle. Kaito was rivals with him, sort of friends, too. Enough to spend his daily routine with him in school and accept each other's company within lunchbreaks. Letting him take part in his activities as KID was one of the most difficult things he had ever been forced to allow.
The same occured with Hattori. He belonged to KID. Letting him into his private life, civilian identity, behind the mask of a perfect phantom thief... it just didn't feel right and still he knew it was the best thing to do.
With Kudo it hadn't been much of a problem. Difficulties were there, but thanks to his loss of memory KID had the chance to start new again with his detective. At first, he hadn't been keen on letting him meet his friends. But Shinichi didn't know who he was, what he was. Didn't remember the thrill to chase him down, didn't remember all the battles they had fought against each other.
He had only a name and a job.
Kaitou 1412.
Kaitou KID.

He had never had the chance to remember negative feelings concerning KID. For him, the magician was his only light in the puddle of foggy memories. It almost felt like he had opened a third inner circle as he had given in to Shinichi's nagging to stay with him...

One to share only with his Meitantei.

Where past and reality wasn't bugging him, where prejudices and priorities didn't matter.

As soon as they were alone, it had been just Meitantei and KID.
Isolated, enjoying their daily life together, without doubts, worry or bad influence from anyone.

Just them.

Inside their lovely perfect world.

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