The Team

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Kaitou KID and Hattori Heiji made one hell of a team. While Heiji snooped through police files Kaito had his own ways of gaining information (and that involved breaking into a certain blonde's laboratory).
A month had passed by now and Heiji started to worry. KID hadn't told him about the part of the organisation hunting him yet. The first thing he had said, once Heiji asked, was about him needing time. That it involved his whole life story. Revealing who he actually is. But a whole month?
The Osakan was too impatient to wait for another person to fall victim.

Conan had no idea of all this. KID kept making up excuses and the chibi swallowed them- why should he doubt his caretaker?
The young thief tried his best to bring back a bit of memories each and every day. Both he and Heiji invited Conan to many places, replayed all kinds of scenarios... just to trigger every little memory hiding in the depths of his mind.
Conan loved his days at KID's side. They made him feel special, he adored the thief in white, he watched him slipping with such ease into different roles, heard his voice change into ones he had heard before.
More and more images kept flooding his brain, creating memories and filing them away.

The bridge of persons leading his way to the second Conan inside his dreams became longer. Takagi, Sato, Megure, Nakamori, Shiratori, Chiba. Police wasn't a problem at all.
But much to his surprise, closest friends and relatives didn't come through at all. He had seen the Detective Boys countless times, secretly and in person but always at KID's side. The person who whispered knowledge into his ears Conan had never dreamed of. Haibara Ai had connected a new bond to him, even if not a quarter as strong as he felt himself pulled towards the gentleman thief.
Culprits kept flooding his brain, too. Another reason why remembering Division 1 and Nakamori-keibu had been a piece of cake. He knew their names, he was able to count cases long solved since years with the victim, small clues only he had seen... But the others remained in the shadows.

Conan finished to make dinner and chirped into the direction of the stairs, "KID! Dinner is ready!" He had never stopped to call him KID and the thief didn't mind either. It was just their relationship of thief and tantei-
...just with sharing everything aviable.
Conan didn't hear any response from him and a frown made its way onto his lips. Turning the stove off, he jumped off of the chair he always used to cook and took the steps to reach the upper floor.
KID's room? No.
Bathroom? Yes.
Conan knocked at the door and blinked surprised as it opened, granting him a marvellous view onto a dripping Kaitou KID. A large blush reaching from ear to ear settled down on his face and KID froze the same way on his spot.
Just a towel loosely wrapped around his waist, water droplets resting on his chest and abs nearly made him sparkle in the dim light... Gorgeous.
Kaito blinked once. Twice.
Conan gasped, "D-dinner is ready. Come downstairs." Having said this, Conan bolted downstairs and left an utterly confused Kaito.

A few minutes later KID joined him at the table and rubbed his hands eager as ever, "What did you make today?"
Conan grinned and nodded towards the fresh food.
"Decided to try a new recipe- a western soup. Fairly easy, with beef, tomato soup, herbs, cream... You actually just have to pour everything together after you've fried the minced meat."
KID stared at the pot with curious eyes. Oh, how much he loved to surprise the hell out of this thief.
"Itadakimasu. Take a taste, I know you'll like it."
Said one didn't let himself be invited a second time and filled himself a bowl. During the dinner, he kept glancing sideways to the cheerful Conan. As he still had his memory, he had never looked like that. Carefree, happy, just... enjoying his life.
"So much is left... Guess I really did too much. How about we share with Aoko-chan?" Conan asked, eyes dulled a little in sadness. He hated to throw any food away and Kaito understood that completely.

At the end, Kaito found himself with a smaller pot containing half of the leftover soup ringing Nakamori's doorbell... Conan next to him. The door opened a few seconds later and Aoko greeted them, apron around her waist.
"K-Kaito? Conan-kun?" she gasped surprised and without a word, Kaito held the pot out to her. Conan giggled and leaned against his thief.
"I made too much. Figured you might want something too, Aoko-neechan."
Her eyes lit up and she showed a wide smile, carefully taking the still warm pot from Kaito's hands.
"Great timing. I just began heating water for dinner... Guess I can leave that. Thanks! Conan-kun, you should stay forever. Bakaito never looked that healthy."
Kaito smacked her and both began arguying again while the chibi stood next to them, eyes wide at the compliment. He took that quite serious. If he could, he honestly would have loved to stay with Kaito forever.

Soon enough both bid their farewell and returned to the Kuroba household. Now filled with dinner and satisfied, both fell down onto the couch, curled up around each other as if it was completely normal. Finally, Kaito remembered something and his eyes narrowed onto the comfortable Conan next to him.
"Meitantei... Tantei-han told me something that one time... I've noticed, too. I think... I think we need to talk about your feelings."
"My feelings?" Conan replied, tilting his head to look up at the older one.
"Yes..." KID began, for the first time not quite sure how to place his words.
"You are in love with me. We both know that. But... I don't think this is going to work with us. We are enemies in public. Once you regain your memories... I-I know, you will fall back into your routine as detective. We've gone far enough that you know my true identity. But-"
"KID," Conan interrupted him, voice stern but tender.

"How do you feel?"

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