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Heiji kept comforting Shinichi during their time in the waiting room. It may have been inappropriate in public but in such a case, the western detective was ready to step over his personal boundaries to have Shinichi literally curled up on his lap.
His hand cradled absentmindly the tiny locks leading down Shinichi's neck and it did a great job relaxing the exhausted detective.

I trust you, Heiji.

KID's voice echoed inside Heiji's mind. The magician trusted him. Was he ready to share his past with him?
Joy spreaded inside his heart as he thought about it. KID was his friend, his ally. They had become a great duo in those months.
He hadn't heard of KID for a long time as he was gone but the phantom must have watched him the whole time. Trying to locate him, help him, save him...
Heiji smiled upon his memories.
KID had returned.

Heiji was going to expand his stay at Ekoda; he wasn't going to let go of Kudo and KID anymore now that he had both of them in his view. At least until KID felt better.
His eyes lifted towards Hakuba who kept a concentrated glare onto the closed doors of the surgery.
"...can I help you?" he finally asked in a low voice and Heiji nearly flinched.
"Uh... No. Jus'... did ya hear what KID said before he collapsed?"
Hakuba slowly turned back towards him and closed for a second his eyes.
"I trust you, Heiji."
"Yeah. I'm a lil confused... does he accept me as friend? Or jus' as ally? Ready ta share anythin'? Ya know, this stuff."
Hakuba sighed and pulled out his pocket watch, rechecking the time.
"Kuroba Kaito is a complex character. Nobody can say for sure what's on his mind. But so far I can tell... he doesn't trust anybody but his mother and assistant. Kudo-kun had luck... weasled his way into Kuroba-kun's life."
Shinichi down below puffed his cheeks and smacked the halfbrits leg without putting much effort into his revenge, ending up mildly shoving it. He couldn't bring himself to care about the lack of response from his rival detective.
"But you... I cannot tell yet. But now that I heard about your partnership and saw how he willingly fell into your arms... became vulnerable... I think he does at least appreciate you as a friend. But..." Hakuba hesitated, his face darkening for a moment in doubt, "Take it slow until you approach his civil persona."

Shinichi allowed himself a tiny snicker, finally drawing the attention of both detectives onto himself.
"It's easy to gloss over the mess we've all been through up until now. But at the end, it's all worth for that one truth we are about to discover..."
Nobody said anything afterwards but they all knew which mess Shinichi had spoken off, their own personal nightmares.

Hakuba, caught up in Spider's net, threatened to become forever traumatized with the personal hell he had created just for his London rival.

Hattori, the unbearable thought of an admirable friend dying just under his nose away because he had sent him into his own war, the desperation to be unable to do anything than watch and pray for his safety and life.

Kudo, his last year an entire lie he had to live because of his enemies, the loss of his identity, love and whole life to the point of insanity.

KID had saved them all, in his own way. He had freed Hakuba from Spider's clutches, returned alive to Hattori's relief and created the one truth Kudo had hunted his whole life.
Nobody had ever needed to pretend to be someone they weren't in front of the Phantom Thief 1412. KID had accepted all of them, subsconciously or not, with their real and true selves.
Would he make it?
None of them knew, as the doors remained closed and the only noise was the busy shuffling of nurses all around them. But they sure as hell were ready to take down all the branches of the Black Organization lurking around in the dark.
Nobody would hurt KID anymore.

"Hakuba-kun, how about you join the alliance?" Shinichi finally asked and Hakuba smirked in return.
"With pleasure."
"Kudo ya idiot-! KID's condition to unite forces was ta keep Hakuba outta this!" Hattori hissed at his friend and the halfbrit couldn't stifle his snicker.
"Well too bad, I am just as far stuck inside this as you are. Despite that, it would be only fair after KID had broken various times into my grandfather's laboratory to deprive information."
Hattori found himself flushing a tiny hint of pink.
"Y-ya noticed?"
"Hattori-kun, I am not as stupid as KID thinks I am. No matter the time, I always get a notification whenever anybody opens the laboratory or turns on any computer."

Shinichi snorted and sat up, blue eyes fixating his counterparts.
"I can provide a lot of information, too, now that I have my memories back."
"By the way... How did it happen? I believe it was the heist day where you vanished out of the blue," Hakuba asked, curiosity getting the best out of him. Shinichi shrugged with a sigh.
"I remember I chased after KID. A shot out of nowhere nearly hit me, yet it got me to stumble and fall down. It wasn't high where I fell and still I saw KID diving after me to grab my hand but he didn't catch me anymore. I woke up on the street... with amnesia."
Hakuba inhaled this new piece of information with interest. He knew Kuroba was a kind person behind the cold and snarky wall, and still it surprised him that he had allowed a detective to live at his place.

All three nodded simultanously. They would force the Black Organization onto their knees and sealed this with the doctors's generous words.
"Your friend... will survive. The bullet was too high to hit his heart. In a few days he is back on his feet."
Shinichi raised himself, face turning hopeful.
"Can we see him?"
"Sure. But he needs to rest."

The doors opened and the trio entered the room KID had been brought to. They couldn't calculate the danger they were getting themselves into.
But now that Shinichi had regained his memories and started a blossoming relationship with KID, he knew for sure, Lady Luck would swing her hammer for them and crush the cockroaches between his feet.
He leaned over the peaceful face of the sleeping Kuroba, brushing his lips against his to greet his boyfriend.
"Don't worry... I'm going to crush the Black Organization..." he whispered against his lips and felt in the next second a pat on his shoulder.
"We, Kudo-kun," smirked a confident Hakuba and Hattori made a cheeky "Tsk".
"Dontcha dare forget us."

That was just the beginning of the end of the Black Organization.

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