An awkward dinner

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Conan looked mildly surprised to see Aoko waiting in front of the café. The girl greeted him with a hug and hooked herself into Kaito's arm to walk off. Conan flashed a small glance at the older boy but he didn't seem too bothered by it, more like he was used to it.
This situation reminded him of something... In the deepest parts of his mind, he knew this picture. What was it?

Conan gritted his teeth and glared onto the sidewalk as if it had personally offended him. Perhaps... Ran? Yes, it was Ran. With another girl...
"God what is her name...?!" he muttered desperately and tried to form the image inside his mind. Ran... and another girl... dragging... who were they dragging? And to where? Kudo Shinichi! They dragged him as Kudo Shinichi away, just like Aoko did with KID! Ran, Shinichi and-
"Sonoko!!" Conan exclaimed, eyes shooting up wide. Aoko jolted and jumped a step while Kaito just stared at him.
"Who?" Aoko asked puzzled and Conan found himself pushed back into reality. The reality of him accompanying an international jewelry thief and his childhood friend home. He laughed and turned with his best smile around to the girl.
"I-I just remembered a funny sitation with Sonoko-neechan!"
"I see. Can you introduce us to her someday?"
"Uh... Y-yes of course!"
Conan made a mental note to never let this happen.

As soon as the door of the Kuroba-household fell shut behind them, the thief grinned and ruffled through Conan's hair until he looked like a minature of Kaito.
"You remembered something! Do you know who Suzuki-san is?"
Conan merely shook his head but his eyes were filled with curiosity.
"Who is she?"
"Ah, she claims to be Kaitou KID's number one fangirl. She is the heiress of the Suzuki company, her uncle Jirokichi often challenges me. Just because I stole his front page of the newspaper~
Conan snickered and actually could imagine that pretty well. It was a good sign for both of them, maybe someday Conan would finally remember all the times both had encountered each other.
KID flashed one of his wonderful sharp smirks at the shrunken teenager and walked past him into the living room, settling down on the couch. Conan quietly followed him and fell yawning into the cushions.
"I'm glad your memories are coming back, even it's only bit by bit."

KID and Conan watched tv for a while until the magician yawned and sprawled halfway over the tiny detective, his head resting on his chest. Conan made an amused sound at the back of his throat and watched the gigantic lap cat making himself comfortable.
"...never knew you're so comfy..." he murmured and Conan hummed along.
"I never knew international Kaitous like to cuddle."
He didn't want to admit it but his Kaitou blanket felt just as comfortable. Warm and gentle, he felt at ease like that.
"You make a good bed, that's all. Are all detectives such good mattresses?"
Conan's lips curled up into a grin as he snickered, his voice hinting a bit of challenge.
"I want picture evidence when you jump at Hakuba and Hattori."
Immediately he regretted his words as he saw the dangerous flicker in KID's indigo eyes. This Kaitou here took dares very serious.
"No wait-! That was a joke! Hattori is gonna kill you!"
"Haha, remembered him again? Yeah, he probably will."
"No. But I spoke enough with him today to get a hold of his personality and trust me there, he'll use his kendo sword to slice you apart."
KID laughed softly and burried his face into the chibi's chest.
"Should he try that, I'm ready..."

Conan rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. The boy lifted his hand, hovering for a minute above Kaito's head. Should he?
Slowly, he lowered his palm and let it disappear inside his fluffy hair. God it was so soft... and KID didn't seem to have anything against it. In fact, once he curled his fingers to scratch gently along his skin, the phantom thief let out a consented purr, melting against his touch like a cat.
He had his own pet Kaitou, that was for sure. Soon enough his breathing slowed down and Conan knew, KID was asleep. But he didn't doubt either, as soon as he did any unplanned move, the boy would wake up again.
For now he just enjoyed his company. Glasses found their place on the small coffee table and Conan felt his eyelids dropping, too.

Until a loud bell ripped them out of the comfortable embrace. Conan jerked up and nearly headbutted the thief if he hadn't jolted up, too.
Both entirely displeased over the loss of sleep, Conan was the one to get off of the couch and walk to the front door.
"I'll shoo them away... Do you want any dinner? I could go for some western dishes," the boy offered while Kaito fell back into the comfortable couch. A noise which sounded like 'Yes' was all Conan received as answer.
He opened the door and stared in utter surprise at the blonde male.
"H-Hakubanii-san?" Conan exclaimed, and he had literally no idea where that came from.
"Uh... Yes. Conan-kun," the halfbrit said, clearly fidgety at the unexpected greeting. "Would you mind getting Kuroba-kun...?"
He nodded with a deep sigh. Great, that about a calm evening with only the two of them. Conan gave the way free and walked ahead towards the living room, Hakuba following him with guest slippers on.

A mild grumble came from the couch. Hakuba quietly cleared his throat and the thief sat up in an instant, alarm visible all over his face.
"Sorry to bother you at this hour, but in fact I wanted to see if you needed any help whatsoever. It shouldn't be easy... housework all by yourself. And a guest as Conan-kun shouldn't be bothered with such things."
Kaito raised an eyebrow, already lightly annoyed. Yet his smile remained as sweet as ever.
"Oh how nice of you, Hakuba-kun. But in fact, I manage my life perfectly alone."
"I must insist-"
"Oh come on," Kaito huffed out, the warmth of his smile vanishing like it had never existed, "I know what you're trying to do. You're keen on checking yourself wether I twisted my ankle or got shot like KID did. But I must disappoint you, your plans are discovered."
A sickly sweet chuckle made its way past Hakuba's lips and he shook his head.
"You wound me, Kuroba-kun. I couldn't ever bring myself to think of such motives."
"Sure. In fact, why don't you stay for dinner? Then I can prove you perfectly how capable I am of living on my own."
The air between them became incredibly tense and Conan swallowed. Great. Kaitous in a bad mood meant horror for everybody.
"This sounds like a perfect idea, I will accept your invitation."
Both whipped around to the sulking Conan who had his bottom lip pushed up in a pouty gesture.
"I-if you a-are so loud you are scary..."
KID looked like tamed on the spot while Hakuba awkwardly cleared his throat, visibly embarassed.
"M-my apologies, I wouldn't want to frighten a child."
Kaito grumbled a bunch of curses and finally got off of the couch, only to walk into the kitchen.

Great. Now he needed to cook instead of Conan.
The magician sighed in dismay and began to pull ingredients out of the fridge. And he had looked so much forward to Conan's food...

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