One step further

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It was a long time of gathering evidence and sharing information. KID kept being KID, secretly surveilled by the detectives meant to chase him.
Shinichi stayed at his house. Haibara dressed up as Conan to say goodbye to his friends and the teenager watched secretly.
He would miss the Shounen Tantei, and he still had some explaining to do to Ran. But that wasn't his concern for now. He cared for her, couldn't ever stop, but she was a friend. Not even a close one anymore since his amnesia.
By now, he honestly preferred Hakuba and Hattori over the hottempered karate champion.

Shinichi looked up from his newspaper, eyes focused onto the kitchen where KID's voice came from.
"I... I think I am ready."
The Beikan gasped and set the newspaper aside, rushing to his boyfriend within the kitchen. KID sat at the table... IPad in hand, scanning the news, obviously trying to make out his next target. Shinichi observed his body language. Stiff, tensed, and yet full of willpower. The young detective gave him a gauging look which KID answered... and he stared into his eyes, saw the emotions flickering past these indigo jewels.
Fright. Unsureness. But also determination.
"Are you sure?" Shinichi poked a last time, even if he already knew the answer. KID wasn't a person to spew out meaningless words.
"Yes. But I want you to stay."

Shinichi chuckled and offered the thief his phone, earning himself a calculating look as KID took it.
"...should we meet up in a cafe? The Poirot?" Shinichi suggested and KID rolled grinning his eyes.
"Admit it, you want to see Bourbon again."
"Perhaps. I'm just glad Hattori is in near..."
"True. Was a pretty good idea to spend his vacations with us."
KID smirked and focused onto his phone, slender fingers flying over the keys to text his two remaining detectives. KID was ready. He wanted to share his reasons, his drive, his life. Hakuba and Hattori had worked hard- never pushing and still reading his every wish from his eyes.
The magician felt obligated to return their attempts to gain his full trust like Shinichi had managed. KID had kept his promise since he was allowed to leave the hospital. No secrets anymore between them.
It was the time that Shinichi got to know everything. Kaito's heritage, his family, every oh so little secret hiding away behind this pokerface.

After that, Shinichi truly felt like knowing Kaitou KID. But not only KID, the male behind his flashy alter ego, too, and even received insight on the famous Phantom Lady. It was refreshing for him, to trust KID to not keep any more secrets from him.
(And he liked to know he had surpassed Hakuba since long concerning his knowledge about the phantom thief)

KID and Shinichi plopped down in a booth of the café, shooting each a similar shark grin at their waiter... Amuro Tooru, who seemed amused to see the young detective with a lookalike.
Shinichi chuckled and leaned against his favorite thief.
"Yes. A piece of lemon pie and a coffee, please. And... for the two who will show up soon, a green tea and a piece of strawberry pie, and a piece of vanilla cake," Shinichi ordered for himself and the two other detectives; Amuro wrote everything down and glanced at the beaming Kaito next to him.
"A piece of chocolate cake and chocolate milkshake."
Shinichi rolled his eyes and smacked his other half.
"You'll get diabetes if you don't minor your chocolate addiction."

The bell of the café chimed as the two detectives stepped inside, eyes searching for their friends. Kaito gave a short wave and with that they settled down, surprised to already find food in front of their noses.
"My humble thanks," Hakuba smiled and took a sip of his tea, which now had the perfect temperature.
"New information?" Hattori asked, nose twitching. A tiny habit Kaito had noticed long ago, whenever he was curious.
"Somewhat. I... I think it's time to reveal something about myself."
Both detectives gasped and Hakuba inched forward this instant. They knew KID's secret persona and face, and yet there was so much left over.

"Everything began as an act of love. My father, Kuroba Toichi, bumped into the Phantom Lady, as he wanted to catch a ring of criminals... wearing his new outfit for his upcoming show. He loved her, and on that fateful day found out about her distress. The Phantom Lady didn't want to steal anymore but the underground forced her by writing heist notes in her name. She had to show up and steal. Otou-san saved her as they wanted to get rid of her, to replace her with a perfect copy out of their rows."
Hattori stared at the young thief with childish curiosity flashing back and forth inside his eyes. The Phantom Lady? He had heard of her, just like Hakuba. Said halfbrit seemed to devour Kaito's eyes, drinking in the information with a blank face. Hattori began to wonder how he could keep a straight face at that.
"The Phantom Lady fell in love with him, too, and Otou-san ensured her she would never have to steal again. Much to his dismay, his act as savior had been seen by countless people... so he decided to fill in the hollow spot the Phantom Lady had left. To create a thief worth enough to shadow her crimes."
Kaito took a deep breath and smirked in a way only KID could, maniacal and trouble-promising.
"He created Kaitou 1412."

A shiver ran down Hakuba's spine and he felt goosebumps appearing on his flesh. He hated this smirk. The same creepy smirk that had followed him in his nightmares as he went to sleep. Hakuba was relieved to know that most of them about the dangerous phantom thief had stopped... now that they were partners. But to look at Kuroba Kaito, into his dead and insane yet somehow still lively eyes as he told the story about his own secret, it made him question what he was doing here.
He had sworn to bring every criminal onto his knees... and yet he sat here, inside a café, listening to the best thief today's world had to offer... Kaitou KID.

But could he help it?
Hakuba Saguru had always wanted to get to know every individual's drive to commit crimes, and he had been dying to find out about KID's.

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