Hattori Heiji or KID?

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KID and Conan couldn't progress what was happening, as fast as the balcony door flew open and Hattori stormed at them. KID's reflexes got the best out of him, he pulled out his card gun and fired two shots at the Osakan detective, pinning his sleeves into the wall behind him. A few more aimed ones and Heiji couldn't move his arms at all.
Conan frowned and inched a step closer to the magician while Hattori gritted his teeth in frustration, struggling as if his life was on the line.
"Ku- Conan! Shoot 'im! What are ya waitin' for?! Hurry up and-"

Hattori froze as he read the situation and finally realized how both of them looked, covered in sprinkles of blood.
"What the-?! What happened?" he pressed out between his lips. KID laughed and proceeded to raise himself onto his legs but Conan grabbed his jacket and shook his head.
"No moving. Rest."
Heiji narrowed his eyebrows as the thief actually obeyed and his voice hinted an angered tone.
"...what is tha' goin' ta be? Conan don't tell me ya work with 'im!"
Conan gasped and shook his head, no, he wasn't going to help KID commit his crimes. He would just... overlook them? Pretend they didn't exist?
"N-no, I wouldn't ever approve of that. But he is wounded."

Heiji snarled at the Detective of the East. Conan had just pulled the title of a detective into dirt. He helped KID. A criminal. Something had happened. Probably at the same evening Conan had disappeared. At KID's heist.
"KID YA BASTARD!!" he screamed, trembling in fury, "WHAT HAVE YA DONE TA KUDO?!"
Hattori couldn't care less he exposed his friend's identity. That wasn't his Shinichi, the one who despised all kinds of criminality, the one who he partnered up with on occasion, the one... he called his best friend.
"Tantei-han, I can ensure you I haven't-"
Conan watched Heiji screaming at the injured phantom while he just tried to explain himself. KID knew it was better when Hattori knew the truth, but the hotblooded Osakan wouldn't listen a single second. He kept raging and screaming and suddenly, Conan had enough.
"STOP!!" he screamed on top of his lungs, trembling in exhaustion. That all was too much for him. Much to his surprise, both the Detective of the West and Kaitou KID silenced.

"Choose. Which side will ya stand on? Ours, justice? Or the criminal one?" Hattori calmly asked after a moment of silence but no one could have been deceived by that. The detective wore a pokerface but underneath his voice was soaked in betrayal and fury.
"Justice," Conan stated automatical.
"Then catch 'im. Prove me ya're still a detective."
The young detective slowly led his hand towards his narcosechronometer and felt KID next to him tensing. Conan gently opened the watch and his finger reached for the button to release the needle. He aimed...

...at Hattori Heiji.

"D-don't move."
Heiji's eyes shot up wide and in the next second his eyebrows narrowed.
"...so that's ya choice. Fine. I'll hunt ya from now on, too, and make sure everyone knows ya're now the enemy. And believe me, when I catch ya... I'll smash some sense into ya skull."
Conan felt tears forming in his eyes; the boy shook in adrenaline. Why did he want to cry so bad? No. He needed to explain himself. He tried to open his mouth but his voice didn't come, he couldn't speak. Heiji shifted his glare from Conan to KID and spoke in a calm yet dangerous voice.
"...you stole my best friend from me. That means war, KID."
Conan paled in an instant and shook his head hastily, tears finally pooling out of his eyes.
"H-Hattori no...! I... I-I have amnesia!" he finally blurted out and both parties froze. Slowly, Hattori repeated the word.

Conan began to sob, trembling slightly but never loosing the grip on his watch to put Hattori down if necessary.
"I-I woke up, H-Hattori. O-on the day I disappeared, alone in a street. I-I didn't remember who I was, at all! M-my name, what I was doing there, a-all I knew was my head was crushing me and I had blood running down my forehead..."
KID felt it necessary to wrap his strong arm around the child, somehow looking protective.
"A-and there he was... landing in front of me on the ground... He knew who I was, what I was doing here, he knew everything. E-even before I tried to approach him, my instincts told me to follow him. H-he called out 'Meitantei', worried and nervous-"
Conan hesitated and slowly lifted his eyes from the ground back at the Osakan, trying to keep on talking even tho his sobs kept interrupting him.
"He took me with him. I-I don't know my past, w-who I am, w-why I shrank! KID w-was nice from the beginning, h-he let me live with him, sleep at his side, he acted... he acted like a brother. All he gave me about him was the name KID. I-I just recently found out what he actually is on his heists..."

Hattori gaped at his best friend in utter horror. Kudo didn't remember anything. He had amnesia.
Realizing Conan needed a moment, KID breathed out a sigh and absently began to pet the chibi's head to calm him.
"I tried to fill him in about himself, but he cried out in headache as I only just finished the basics of his two personas. I haven't had a chance to try it again for more yet..."
Conan finally lost it as he heard the quiet noise of a soundproofed helicopter and raised his voice, nearly yelling at the darkskinned boy
"Y-you have to understand! I don't know anybody. Felt familiar with anybody. I felt with no one this close as... as with KID. I-I know he has a reason for all this. But... m-my instincts tell me to stay with him. With the only person I feel familiar with. I-I just know that when I stay with him, I will regain my memories!! I-I'm sorry, Hattori."
A rope fell down onto the balcony and KID fastly hooked himself in, then grabbed Conan with both arms and smirked.
"See you next illusion, Tantei-han. Don't worry~ Meitantei is in good hands."

He tugged twice at the rope and immediately got pulled up into the air, fastly disappearing out of sight with his treasures. The phantom thief smiled down at the slowly calming boy and didn't look surprised to feel him hugging him.
"You chose me. Over Hattori. I'm flattered~"
Conan grumbled but didn't dare to smack his arm, who knew wether the thief could still hold him or not.
"I-it was the right decision. And still... It felt like I just killed my whole family."
KID sighed pityful and rested his chin on Conan's head.
"He'll understand. He may behave like an idiot but is quite intelligent."

After a lot of struggling Hattori managed to free himself and returned into the building. Kudo had amnesia. Amnesia. Kudo, of all persons, him. The one whose memory and talent they needed to destroy the Black Organization.
Instead of reporting what had happened the Osakan took the next bus to the hotel he stayed in for the heist and went into his room. It wasn't Kudo's fault. He would have went with the person he felt familiar with, too. But why KID? Why not Ran-chan? Or Mouri-san? Or Hattori himself?
He couldn't answer that yet but he was going to figure things out.

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