Hard words

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Heiji watched KID disappear into the guest room he had offered him and minutes later, a sleepy Kudo followed him. Confused about that, Heiji cleared his throat and the chibi flinched.
"Oi Kudo, whaddaya want from KID...? Shouldn't ya let him sleep...?" the Osakan whispered, trying not to wake up his lightsleepers of parents in the room across of KID's.

Kudo shook his head and yawned right after that. Right now, he really looked like a sleepy little child.
"I can't sleep..." he murmured and Heiji raised one eyebrow.
"...care to explain what KID has ta do with that? Don't tell me ya cannot sleep without him."
"That's the case. I like sleeping with KID. He is warm, comfortable, smells like caramel and doesn't mind my nightmares."
Heiji stared at him as if he had grown a second head and without another word his shrunken friend disappeared into KID's room. When did he fail to notice how addicted Conan had become to KID?
The Osakan inched closer and soundlessly rested his ear against the door.
"...Meitantei...? It's late... shouldn't you be already asleep...?"
KID sounded horribly exhausted and Heiji inhaled sharply. Why hadn't he noticed how tired the phantom was? KID must have put a lot of trust into Conan to let his pokerface fall in front of his old rival like that. Slowly, Heiji parted from the door and turned to vanish inside his own room. Things began to take turns in a way he was concerned about.
He could only imagine Conan's reaction when he finally remembered his whole life. The twists and turns it had, and the secrets he kept. Heiji wasn't dumb, he knew for sure KID would leave him once he had solved his task. Deny contact to him and both would only meet as detective and thief.
"What's gonna happen when he remembers Ran-chan... He loved her the whole time. He must've given up on her since long, subsconciously..."
Conan's love for the Kaitou KID was the last and most important element to destroy his life forever, to force the indestructible Detective of the East onto his knees.

But Heiji understood him, in a way. His Kudo lived with someone like himself, a keeper of a deadly secret and those who uncovered the one truth were doomed to stand under the aim of guns. Kudo didn't have to pretend to be someone he wasn't with KID.
Heiji chuckled, opening his wardrobe to dress in his nightwear. He had lent the KID some of his clothes, it wasn't very surprising both had a similar size. He admitted he had been curious to sneak a glance at the uncovered thief but his morals forbade him to. He had given a promise to him beforehand.
Conan, no, Kudo Shinichi was in deep love with Kaitou KID. Heiji needed to fix this soon, he wouldn't allow either of them to lead a course to selfdestruction.

"Do ya love him?" Heiji asked, his expression blank. KID froze on the spot and narrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Do ya love him?" Heiji repeated without any change in his voice or mimic. KID flashed a glance at the door, his Meitantei was taking a morning bath and both were pretty much alone. The Osakan's body began to tense, no matter how hard he tried, he had never been able to read the Kaitou's emotions, only his next actions and that not every single time, either.
"Look, ya don't have ta answer. 'Tis none of my business anyway. But that moron's head over heels for ya, in case ya didn't notice. And... I know ya'll leave him once he remembers. That's just how ya work, ya're a lone wolf. All I'm asking for... try ta be careful. Kudo can't need another broken heart."
The eye contact never broke and Heiji seriously began to doubt his own detective skills as he didn't recognize a single emotion in those blue eyes who looked just like Kudo's. After a long silence KID eased his face of stone and sighed.
"...it's difficult, Tantei-han. There are people who would die to know who I really am, and I'm not speaking of Nakamori-keibu. If they really find out one day-"
"KID. Don't gimme that bullshit. Do ya really think ya're the only one the Black Organization is after? Far from it."
KID swallowed the rest of his words and his expression froze back into the in stone carved pokerface. Realizing the thief wanted information, Hattori leaned across the table to be able to lower his voice.
"Do ya wanna know why Kudo shrank? He watched those bastards blackmailing someone, and that agent Gin caught him. He knocked Kudo out and forced that fuckin' drug Apoptoxin 4869 down his throat. That's the reason he shrank. He was one of the predicted one percent to survive this damned poison. Since then he's on the run from these people but secretly interferred with so many plans that agent Vermouth gave him the nickname Silver Bullet."
He made a small pause and eyed KID's pokerface with interest. Not a single change in his expression, not even a twitch. A true master of his art.
"The Silver Bullet to destroy the Black Organization. His luck Vermouth took a liking in him, else she'd have already told Gin about who the one interferring with them is."

KID didn't answer for a long time until his lips curled up into a sweet smile.
"I see."
Hattori narrowed his eyebrows; fury began to gnaw at his nerves.
"Whaddaya laughin' for?! Do ya think this is a fuckin' joke?! That damned organization is-"
KID's voice was cold and stern, and the Osakan detective found himself silencing. The thief raised himself onto his legs and for the first time, Heiji saw him clenching a fist.
"My, what an unexpected surprise. And I guessed it had been magic's fault~ To see the same organization targetting my detectives..."
Heiji wanted to protest at being claimed as property but he knew this was the wrong moment. Instead, he crossed his arms and shot a daring smirk up at KID.
"Whaddaya say? Let's unite forces. Kudo won't be of help, but I know what he once did and Haibara-chan will help us."
KID raised his eyebrows and seemed to argue with himself about accepting the offer.
"Haibara-chan... The evil-eyed yawny girl? Hah, that isn't much of a surprise. I had my suspicions about her. She... is a victim of this pill, too, isn't she?"
Heiji quietly nodded.
"Hai. She used ta be Miyano Shiho, alias Sherry, scientist of the BO. Ran away as a traitor after trying ta kill 'erself with that drug."
"Scientist of the organization, you say..." KID mused and seemed to think about something, then finally nodded and breathed out a desperate sigh.
"It would be against my goal to deny information about this organization. And I guess it's my duty to inform you that there does exist a second branch of this group. Their codenames are animals and I had both Spider and Snake on my heels. Spider was a dangerous assassine... Dead now, much to my dismay. Murdered through his colleagues after Tantei-san had finally found evidence to his real identity. Snake is still on the run and by now, not alone anymore."

Heiji inhaled the new information like oxygen and watched with interest a small hint of anger in KID's eyes.
"They finally realized, hitting me is impossible. Aiming at others in my near, just so I throw myself in front of the bullet, is more likely to happen. Just... just how I did last heist to save Nakamori-keibu."
"Funny," Heiji spat, getting up himself now, "all of us detectives and Kaitou KID are targeted by the same organization. Perhaps you should ask-"
"No," came the immediate answer and Hattori looked puzzled.
"Not Tantei-san. They aren't after him, anymore. He almost got killed in the process as he saved my life from Spider... But now, he is safe. I wish to keep him safe."
The Detective of the West understood and nodded with a deep sigh. Finally, he held his hand out to KID, smirking.
His answer was hesitant but at the end, KID replied and shook the outstretched hand.

"But KID, ya gotta tell me why they're after ya. Can't be just cuz of stupid jewelry."
KID froze and began to distance himself again, face closing off any emotion.
"I... G-give me a bit of time, Tantei-han. This reason... this reason basically involves my whole life story. And... I need time to learn to rely on you. Meitantei and I fought at each other's side countless times by now, it wasn't so difficult to trust him at least with my real name. But you..."
"I understand," Heiji smiled and turned away to heat the kettle for a tea, "take all the time ya need."

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