The Small Pattern

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Conan furrowed his eyebrows as he entered the kitchen, already dressed and with slightly damp hair. KID and Hattori looked way too calm. The air smelled like both electrifying tension and pure relief.
"What happened here?" he finally questioned and earned two overly warm smiles in his direction, tho KID's was way more natural than Hattori's.
"We just cleared a few necessary things," KID answered in his sweet charming tone and Conan smiled lovely back, taking his seat next to the phantom dressed as himself.
"I see... Hope you had fun..."

Hattori made a puking noise and took instead a sip of his tea. Jesus, that boy was way too blinded by love. KID on the other hand, looked pretty amused about his success in distracting the detective.
"And? Remembered anything about me yet...?" Hattori asked hopeful and Conan's smile disappeared. He shook his head with a sigh and the mood dropped again.
"But... I do remember two persons entirely..."
KID gasped and his head spun to Conan, grin stretched out from ear to ear.
"Takagi Wataru and Sato Miwako."
"Them?!" Hattori whined and crossed pouting his arms, obviously jealous. "Why them?!"
KID tilted his head, chin resting in his hand.
"Hm... I believe it's the reason he doesn't have too much to do with them. They're for his brain the easiest to reconstruct, at least if you follow logic."
"Bullshit. The ones he had most to do with should have been the first-"
"And then you still wouldn't have been first, most likely his parents with Ran-san and Sonoko-san."

Suddenly, a bright grin came onto Heiji's face and he bent forward.
"How sad ya're injured. Would've loved ta spar with ya inna match."
KID perked up at this but Conan gasped and forcefully grabbed the thief's arm.
"Don't you dare!! You're still injured and yes, it will become worse!!"
"Meitantei, I-"
"Are you insane?! You are not going to spar with the-... the... the... c-captain... of the Osakan school's k-kendo team..."
Conan fell silent and his hands shot towards his head, letting out a whimper. KID gasped and wrapped both arms around Conan, pulling him close to his chest.
"Get something against the headache Tantei-han!"
Heiji disappeared within a blink and the Kaitou did his best to sooth Conan. The shrunken child clung to him and his breath was shaking in pain. As fast as he was able to, Heiji returned and Conan swallowed a pill.

Once they had put Conan to rest in his futon again, Hattori pulled the magician aside with an unreadable expression.
"Did ya notice?"
"Notice? He had remembered a detail about you."
"That's not what I meant. Didn't ya see the pattern? Up 'til now, despite a few others things, Kudo always remembered something when he freaked out about ya. If ya're in real deadly danger in front of his eyes, he might remember everything."
KID's expression hardened and he walked past the darkskinned detective into the living room.
"I"m not going to put him through that on purpose."
"Didn't expect ya to. Just warned ya. By the way... Did ya actually contact Haibara-chan? Or tha' Hakase?"
KID stopped in his tracks and flashed a puzzled glance over his shoulder.
"No. Should I?"
"Yes!" Heiji groaned and facepalmed, "Whaddaya believe they're gonna think when his former guardian told them Edogawa Fumiyo took him along?! Both know that woman doesn't exist! And now that ya've blocked all of his contacts on his phone... They're goin' through hell and back right now!"

Kaito sighed and proceeded to lean against the wooden wall next to him.
"My mistake. But I don't know everything and I think it's too early to throw Meitantei back into his whole former circle. But how about you join me on a trip to Beika? I believe you'd do a great help convincing the evil-eyed yawny girl to refrain from killing me."
"Me?!" Hattori whined and fought himself for a moment, then groaned and nodded. "Hai hai. Dead KID is an useless KID. Got it. I'll jus' skip school."
"Or we go next weekend."
"That's an option."
During the day, KID hung with his thoughts at the pattern Hattori had pointed out. Really every single time? Why not when he got shot? Did he even freak out?
No. He remembered Conan's body language. The detective had kept a calm head and treated his wounds. He didn't freak out at all. Just because he was used to all this...
He still needed to create a short version of his life story for Hattori. Just the basic reasons... KID wasn't ready to trust Hattori and he honestly doubted he would be in time. The reason was Pandora. A gem promising eternal life.
He wanted to vomit at that thought.

Waiting at the Osakan station, bags in hand, KID used the moment and exchanged numbers with Hattori. Much to his luck, he never threw the phone away Chat Noir had left him and thus, he wasn't in need to hand out any information.
"Got it. I'll call ya 'bout any news."
"Do that. I'll investigate a little on former enemies."
Hattori raised his eyebrows. Translation: KID would break into Hakuba's laboratory and steal information.
"...don't get caught," he finally grinned and patted his companion's shoulder.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" the thief replied, carrying an equal smirk. Hattori laughed and waved as both stepped into the train. KID was a good guy, but he couldn't allow himself to get too close to him. After all, at some point, he had to chase him again.

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