The true Nature of a Detective

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The doorbell of the Kuroba household rang but silence was all it answered. Hakuba tried it again. And again.
He waited a few minutes... and then turned towards Aoko's house. Kaito hadn't been in school since weeks and he honestly worried about the phantom thief. Had Conan secretly arrested him? Or did anything happen to the marvellous phantom thief?

As soon as he rang the doorbell, Conan opened and came face to face with a surprised Hakuba.
"O-oh, Conan-kun, you are still living here? Didn't you go back to your Okaa-sama?"
Conan slowly shook his head and stepped aside, letting the London detective pass. Conan was tired. The whole time he had been spamming Hattori with mails how gruesome his death would be if KID didn't return soon.
"Can I offer you anything to drink?" he muttered and Hakuba slowly shook his head.
"Please don't make any effort because of me, I don't plan to stay long... in fact, I just wanted to ask Aoko-san if she had heard anything from Kuroba-kun yet."
Conan shook his head once more, lovesick eyes drilling into the suddenly very interesting floor.
"No... Else I'd have known it. Why do you worry, Hakuba-niisan?"
"I don't- I just am curious. It doesn't happen often that Kuroba-kun vanishes just like that."

Hakuba shot an innocent smile at him.
"Since I do wonder a little... Tonight is the last time the precious sapphire Dark Sea is displayed at the exhibition."
Conan rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to protect his boyfriend but his buzzing phone stopped him in the same second. Sighing, he picked up and turned a little away from Hakuba.
"Shinichi, you need to come! I've finished the antidote! You can become your former age!"
Conan grew wide eyes and his gaze darted back at Hakuba who had turned to leave.
"O-oi wait Hakuba-niisan! Could you give me a lift to the train station?! It's really important!"
Hakuba flinched and smiled kindly over his shoulder.
"It would be my pleasure."

Conan exhaled in relief, hung up and hurried to put his shoes and jacket on. Finally. Finally he was able to match KID's age. Conan nearly started to cry inside Hakuba's car and the poor halfbrit had no idea what to do at that.
"Conan-kun are you okay...?" he helplessly asked and Conan pressed out a small "Yes" between his sobs.
"I-I'm just so happy. D-don't worry."
Hakuba untensed in relief and focused his eyes onto the street in front of them again. The chibi flashed a glance at the blond and smiled.
Hakuba was nice, in his own way. He had literally no social skills but was caring and even tho he tried to hide it, he worried about his enemies like KID, too. Perhaps he could befriend Hakuba as Shinichi.

The afternoon sun marked his path, stressed people squished themselves in and out of trains and the smell of sweat drifted through the air-
That was the train station.
Hakuba opened Conan's door and watched him jump out of the cushioned seat onto the sidewalk.
"Are you sure you manage that alone? Do you have enough money for a ticket?"
True, Conan hadn't had pocket money since ages but it was enough for a few tickets. The chibi nodded and showed him his best smile.
"Thanks, but I'll be fine. Thank you for dropping me off, Hakuba-niisan!"
Hakuba smiled and closed the door again before Baaya drove off.

Conan was left alone at the Ekoda train station and took a deep breath before he pulled his sleeves up and forced his way into the crowd.
Minutes later he finally sat inside the train towards Beika and exhaled in relief. That was easier than he had expected. After all, since he could remember he had never taken any train at rush hour... Despite with KID.
He could finally become what he always wanted to be.
A detective worth to be taken serious. Conan didn't want to hide anymore. He wanted to show his true self. The last meters towards Agasa-hakase's his mind was occupied with things he and Kaito could do. They could use Kaito's absence, too, to make up an excuse why his inner circle never heard of him.
Conan couldn't await it anymore.
He wanted to go on dates with KID. Share food and drinks. Spoon on the couch. Just... be himself with the love of his life.

Conan rang the doorbell and Agasa-hakase opened with a warm smile.
"Shinichi. Ai called you, right? She is inside her laboratory."
The old man stepped out of his way and Conan walked towards the door. He hesitated a moment, his hand hovered above the handle.
He was about to become Kudo Shinichi.
What was it like to be older? Conan couldn't remember.
Doubts and desires began to swirl inside his mind like a hurricane as he finally pressed down on the grip.

Conan was ready.

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