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"Problems?" a dark voice mused and silverish hair flickered in the dim lamp. Bourbon had announced a problem, a problem they didn't want to bother the higher ranked with.
Gin had his doubts to just leave them like this, unwatched by others. He trusted Chianti and Korn but Bourbon was a different caliber. He had proven himself various times and yet... Gin wouldn't hesitate to shoot him down.
What was that for a problem they couldn't solve with an spy and two excellent snipers?

The conversation continued in a way Gin had expected it, from Chianti moaning impatiently that she hadn't killed anybody since two hours and Bourbon trying to calm her to Korn, as always, being utterly silent and throwing here and there a comment into the conversation when asked.
His phone rang. Gin nearly flinched from his chair and thus, wasn't in his best mood as he picked up.
"Gin? Gin we can't do that alone! We need bombs. You and bombs. Maaany bombs."
Chianti was exited as ever but her words confused the experienced killer.
"Why? What happened?"
"Bourbon said we can do this alone but this job is biiig. Someone infiltrated our camouflage company and tries to gather information. We don't know who it is but we definitely know they're inside the main building. We already prepared everything for the rival company to be framed by this attack."

Gin kept quiet for a moment. A NOC? Again? His thin lips curled up into a pityful smile.
"They never learn do they? I'll join in ten minutes. Make sure to watch the building, then we'll install the bombs."
"Got that. Hurry~ Can't await to smell some blood."
Gin hurried to gather explosive materials and got into his Porsche 356a to drive off. No one of the individuals working inside the Heruba company had a  single idea for who they were working. Gin made sure of that. Only the high ranked members were granted the pleasure to know the true face behind the company or the connection to the company itself.
What did he care about the innocent? As long as none of the important members got hurt he couldn't care less. They could build another building right on the spot.


KID was exited, he was bursting with energy and still he couldn't let it anywhere out. He needed to play his role. And as Gin's car approached, he felt his heart beating inside his throat. It wasn't fear nor nervousity. But god, he was exited.
His eyes darted over to Chianti. She tapped her foot impatiently and bounced a little. He was envious.
"Let's install them," was all Gin said before opening the trunk. KID's eyes grew wide below the sunglasses. He had never seen so many bombs on one spot.

"How about you tell your sniper to lay down his rifle?"

All three froze as Gin suddenly raised a gun at them. In his other hand a black remote became visible.
"One move and everything here will explode."
Bourbon tilted his head, confused.
"What are you talking about? Shouldn't we make sure the NOC dies?"
"Looks like my suspicions are correct," Gin mused with a devilish grin and motioned Yukiko to contact Akai.
"Hurry up and tell your sniper to retreat. I might make your death less painful."
KID had been in such situations countless times. He always kept a cool head because he was alone. But now? He had Bourbon and the mother of his boyfriend in tow.
KID could escape on his own.

Yukiko gave in and, instead of using her headset, slowly pulled out her phone to make sure Gin saw she wasn't pulling a weapon.
"Retreat. He caught us," she ordered with a calm voice which still belonged to Chianti. Bourbon gasped and took a step away from her.
"What?! You are NOCs?!"
Gin was having none of it and gestured the three of them to move further into a less public area.


"They got caught!" Akai hissed into his headset towards Shinichi who sweatdropped.
"H-hakuba-kun! Tou-san! Gin found out! And he has bombs!"
Hakuba swallowed and pulled out his golden pocketwatch.
"According to usual procedure we have 23 seconds until Gin murders them."
Yusaku touched his chin absentmindly as he began to think of a solution to this.
"Hm... For the moment it would be best to retreat. Shinichi, give KID, your mother and Bourbon the signal to vanish."

Shinichi nodded and proceeded to contact KID via headset.
"KID! You need to drop a smoke bomb so the others can disappear and Bourbon has the opportunity to defuse the bombs. I hate to do that but you have to fight Gin. Akai tries to reach a new place to shoot from. Don't worry, we'll come with backup soon!"
He didn't receive an answer but didn't expect one either. After contacting Yukiko and Bourbon, too, everyone began to count under their breaths. Nobody knew wether it was the right rythm or not.




KID let a smokebomb drop and spun around to shoot with his card gun into the remote. Gin cursed and shot into the fog, scratching KID's ear and forcing the headset off.
The smoke cleared and there stood Kaitou KID, cape fluttering behind him. Gin's eyebrows raised, he was certainly entertained.

"Kaitou KID..." he mused with a wide smirk, "Didn't we already kill you once? What a pity... you could have stayed in the dark and lived a normal life."
KID smirked back, staring fearlessly into the barrel of his gun as his own one was aimed at Gin.
"I am immortal. KID cannot be killed by anybody."
"How about we test that?"

They continued to stare each other down.
Black and white.
Dark and light.
Evil and good.

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