The End of it all

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This chapter is going to become a little longer. I apologize in advance.

Shinichi stared in shock down onto the blood covering himself. Suddenly, everything came back. KID, Ran, his parents, Sonoko, Hattori-
It all crushed him, the ocean of memories began to swallow the teenager, emotions mixed and swirled and finally, Shinichi screamed in agony. In front of his inner eye, he finally saw himself getting a hold onto the second Conan inside his dreams. Everything was there. Everything. His life, his doubts, his desires, and most important...
Their first meeting.
Their first encounter.
The first gunshot.
The first heist.
KID knew who he was all along, he always knew it and had accepted him without any buts or ifs.
He wasn't going to loose him again, oh no, Shinichi would protect the only remaining truth in his life of lies and pretense.
"Don't come any closer!!" he cried out, head whipping around to the two intruders entering the crime scene.

"Dontcha recognize me...?" Hattori tried, voice as soft as possible but Shinichi didn't even listen. Even those five meters away he could see the adrenaline pumping through his best friend's veins.
Hakuba took a step closer and Shinichi bellowed a "Stop!!" at him like a scared animal.
Within a second both his powerkick boots and narcosechronometer were ready to use, a soccer ball appearing out of Shinichi's belt. Armed with his signature weapons, his eyes darted back and forth between Hattori and Hakuba.
"Any step closer and you'll get to know me better than you ever imagined!!" he hissed, tears glimming in his eyes.

Not letting the crushed detective out of his view, Hattori turned his head to Hakuba.
"Let 'im. He's got a full mental breakdown."
Hakuba straightened his back, expression turning demanding. KID laid behind the detective who had held him in his arms just seconds ago. Kuroba, KID, it didn't matter for the halfbrit. Important was the fact KID had collapsed, blood seeping out of his chest.
"Kudo-kun. Let. Us. Through. KID is going to die."
"He's not!!!" the Beikan detective cried out, breath alarming fast.
"I remember everything!! Everything!! I had lost my life, my friends, my family, they all believed or supported a lie!! A lie!! Detectives stand for the truth, don't make up lies!!"
The glare flashed back at KID for a tiny moment, too fast for the remaining detectives to use it for their advantage.
"He's now the one truth!! I never needed to pretend with him alone!!"
A giant smile split his face for a second before it dropped into a deadly expression.
"I'm going to protect this truth with all my power and if I'm fucking going to die I don't care! "

Hattori began to notice the puddle of blood forming below the magician and froze, trembling himself. God, he needed patience and time to deal with his friend in full blown panic mode but he didn't have any at the moment.
"NO! Don't touch him! Don't come closer!! He's mine! Mine! Mine and mine alone!! My KID!! Mine!! MY KID!! I'M NOT GOING TO HAND HIM OVER!!"
Both flinched and finally, Hattori had an idea of what he needed to say.
Shinichi flinched and broke into violent tears, his cheeks burning from the sensation but he never lowered his guard for one second.
"KID and I are partners, Kudo! Remember when ya visited me in Osaka for the weekend? KID and I had formed an alliance against the Black Organization! I'd never hurt my partner would I?! Or arrest them?!"
Shinichi froze and actually seemed to think about this new piece of information. Hattori and KID. He had been right from the first moment he had his suspicions about the Detective of the West stealing away his Kaitou. No. He wasn't going to hand his only remaining truth over.

As his words didn't show much of a result, Hakuba decided to try take his turn.
"Kudo-kun, I do know who KID is in private. I already helped him once. Do you remember Chat Noir? I handed KID all the information I had been able to gather and he outwitted the thief. I don't mean harm to KID. Yes, he is a pain in the arse, but bloody hell, I'll die myself before he does!!"
Kudo glared at the detectives like a beast, remaining in his posture. It was a slow move of something white behind the panicked detective what caught boths attention. Horror and relief both mixed on their faces as KID stumbled to raise himself onto weak legs, trembling all over and soaked in his own blood.
"KID! Ya're still alive!" Hattori exclaimed, being the first one to find his voice again.
Shinichi wanted to turn around but the Kaitou had wrapped his arm around the detectives torso and turned with the other hand his head over his shoulder.

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