Parted Ways

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Heiji watched his partner enter the facility through a tiny camera tarned as pen. He was confident KID would manage to sneak inside and return with the plans for the Apoptoxin 4869.
The FBI on the other hand didn't seem so sure of that. Black had a constant frown on his face while Starling chewed on her bottom lip.
"Hattori-kun, are you sure-"
"Yes. Ya dunno what that guy can do. He's awesome at imitatin' others. How else could he sneak every single fuckin' time past detectives and police? Trust 'im there."

Jodie raised her eyebrows and refocused back onto the monitor.
"I wish Cool Kid was here..."
"Ya don't."
Her eyes darted back to the Osakan, together with two other pairs who seemed just as confused. Hattori gasped and shook his head, a sheepish grin appearing on his lips.
"A-ah well, he wouldn't be of use, he's not feelin' well."
No one bought that but nobody poked further, either. Silence filled the van, just the tiny buzzing of the monitors disturbed it. For Heiji, this was way too quiet. But he couldn't do anything else than to watch as KID made his way further and further down into the underground.

KID kept his pokerface the whole time. It was quiet. Too quiet for his taste. Walls in white marked his way, as further he came as more complex the structure seemed. Doors left and right, but KID knew those were traps... traps made to distract him from his goal.
His instinct told him that what he searched for, was deep down inside the lowest floor. A few scientists had crossed his path and he had greeted each of them with a simple nod which they responded to with the same gesture. His steps echoed through the almost empty hallways and KID wanted to disappear into a vent or any else hiding spot.
But he knew he had to act obvious... to make his presence clear. Once he would have tried to lower the noise of his seemingly traitorish shoes, he would have been caught as undercover agent.
Inside, KID smirked. He would have never thought to work at the side of Hattori Heiji and the FBI... without telling his now boyfriend about the secret little partnership.

Another echo emerged out of nowhere. Footsteps. KID took a deep breath to keep his cool and continued his careful placed steps further.
The person he nearly bumped into didn't seem too fazed by his presence but in fact, almost ran him over. Time froze as these two pairs of eyes met.
Fake brown and green.
KID swallowed but didn't let his nervousity show. The man in front of him, dressed in black with long silverish hair, made a pissed off 'Tch' and continued his way, a buff man with sunglasses and hat trailing behind like a puppy.
"Hurry and pack up already, Averna. The radar caught a surveillance van close by."
KID grew wide eyes but nodded and picked up his pace. Gin and Vodka. Two of the most dangerous people of the Black Organization. No, he couldn't leave yet. He had to keep up this little play for a bit longer...

Hattori inside the surveillance van froze and the others turned pale.
"They found us?!" he exclaimed and Camel immediately jumped onto the driver's seat but Starling held him back from turning on the engine.
"Are you insane?! If we disappear now Gin will know there's a traitor in his rows!"
"Are you implying we need to wait for them to attack?!" Camel snarled back at the woman and Black narrowed his eyebrows.
"Concentrate onto our own radar. As soon as any person gets close, give us your best Camel."
Hattori stared at them with horror in his eyes.
"Do ya seriously wanna tell me ya'll leave KID behind?!" he hissed, venom in his voice. He had won at least enough trust of the thief for him to sleep under the same roof... Even if only in Kudo's company. Heck, he wouldn't let that damned thief down!
"We have no other choice. If we interfer now KID is going to die. He's Japan's most famous thief, he'll make it."
Hattori tensed up and finally kicked one of the chairs with a deafening roar.
"IF ANYTHING'S GONNA HAPPEN TA HIM WHILE HE HELPS US I'LL KILL YA TOO!" he screamed at those three and Black sighed.
"Incoming enemies!" Jodie threw in, eyes fixated onto the monitor and Camel slammed his foot into the gas, driving off.
Hattori stared at the street in front of them with tears of frustration in his eyes. He had left KID behind. Heiji could just hope that someday, the phantom thief and Kudo would forgive him that. Because he, certainly, couldn't forgive himself.

KID, at the same time, just closed the door of another van and the driver speeded off. He stared emotionless at the tons of boxes around them with packed material while the rest of the building was covered in fire and ash. A bomb. Not a move he hadn't expected and still, it gave him the creeps.
His father, too, had died in the flames of his sabotaged magic trick.

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