Mouri Ran

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Dressing up as Edogawa Fumiyo was nothing for the talented thief, an hour of preparation and he was ready to strike. Once he stepped out of the bathroom he had occupied the whole time, Conan couldn't help but wonder if both were the same person.
KID smiled in a cheeky manner and twirled, enjoying the way Conan's cheeks flushed in embarassment once he came to notice his staring.
"Ready? I brought you spare glasses. Wear them, else Ran-san recognizes you as younger version of her childhood friend Shinichi who you actually are."
Conan rolled his eyes but accepted the hand KID held out for him. He hated to admit it but he was pretty frightened to leave KID's house, he knew nothing of the outside world anymore.
At least he had his guardian with him.

The costumed KID guided him past lots of houses and showed him the direct way to the train station. He breathed out a sigh and flashed a glance at the map.
"Oh Kami-sama... Why do you have to live in Beika? Ekoda is much better, you know? And I wouldn't have to travel just to see you."
"Lazy dumbass," Conan confidently muttered and let out a curse as KID poked him in return.
"Oh cheer up you pouty potato. If you leave the talking to me we'll end up just fine."
"I have the feeling we once had this conversation," he finally said and KID froze. Ways to kill the mood, Conan style.
"...yeah we did."

Inside the train only one seat was free. Grinning to himself he sat down and pulled the chibi detective possessively onto his lap, yet the boy protested by squirming as best as he could.
"O-oi! S-stop moving already will you?!" KID quietly hissed, "Or do you want to get crushed in the mass?!"
Well, Conan had to admit defeat there. KID grumbled some not very nice sounding words and rested his chin on Conan's shoulder.
"Sometimes I hate you, you know that?"
"What is it?" he innocently replied, putting on his best 'couldn't harm a fly' smile. Much to his amusement, KID kept quiet but obviously pouted. Conan let out a soft sigh and patted his arm.
"Oi stop sulking already, I'll buy you sweets later."
"Sweets? I want two packs of chocolate ice cream and I'll forgive you."
"One pack."
Both shook hands with total serious faces and snorted right after that. It was really fun being all childish.

"Conan-kun!!" Ran screamed and in the next second pressed the tiny detective into her chest. Kaito, alias Edogawa Fumiyo, looked like ready to blow a fuse and he didn't even know why.
"Ah, Ran-chan. Conan was in a private hospital up until now and I strictly forbid them to mention anything about his accident to public. He suffers from amnesia about the accident, all he remembers is a white person trying to prevent him from falling..."
He trailed off as Ran beckoned them to follow her inside.
"So he wasn't kidnapped?"
"No. Someone found him laying unconcious on the ground and called me through Conan's phone. Of course, I immediately came to check on my baby."
"Of course," Ran nodded agreeing, then frowned and bent down, raising Conan's chin with her hand.
"I doubt after that you'll visit any KID heist so soon. It's just too dangerous, no matter if KID Killer or not."
Conan grew wide eyes at that and luckily Ran misinterpreted that and shook her head.
"Don't give me that look, Conan-kun. Trust me, you won't chase that thief so soon again. It's better like that, you are way too young for such things anyway."

KID freaked out behind his smile but played it cool.
"Nono, I'd appreciate it when he continues to visit. It always makes him so happy. By the way, I will take Conan with me for a while... Could you hand me his belongings?"
Ran nodded and disappeared further into the house. As soon as she was gone Conan turned around with a bitter smile on his face.
"Heist? Thief? That's your secret? And I was, no, am your best opponent? Is that the reason they call me KID Killer?"
Kaito's silence was enough for him, Conan let go of his hand and sat down on the couch, burrying his face into his hands with a sarcastic laugh. The sad magician didn't make a move to approach him, he knew it would have made it even worse.

Conan hadn't moved yet as Ran came back, a suitcase in her hands.
"I called the school and informed them Conan-kun won't be returning so soon since he has to recover."
Her eyebrows narrowed as she saw the crushed detective on the couch and immediately her mother instinct went off.
No answer and KID sweatdropped. Would he tell on him? He could always disappear with a smoke bomb.
"Are you-"
"I'm tired," he interrupted her coldly and got up. "I want to go home, Okaa-san." Conan grabbed KID's hand and didn't spare one glare at the utterly confused Ran. Kaito on the other hand, shot an apologizing glance.
Conan kept staring forward the entire way back and KID seriously started to feel nervous. He already knew for sure there would be a huge lecture waiting for him once they returned. But Conan didn't tell on him and hadn't called the police yet, perhaps there was hope. At least it was a good sign.

But as his own housedoor slammed shut in front of his nose, locking him out of the house, he knew he had fucked up.
"Meitantei come on!! That's not funny!!"
"GO BREAK IN, YOU ARE A THIEF!" came the reply and Kaito flinched a step away.

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