Growing closer and distant

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A fatal minute of chasing later, Conan's eyes shot up wide and he tackled Heiji onto the ground, preventing him from dashing further after the KID.
"Idiot stop!! Stop chasing him!!"
"Eh?! He deserves it!!"
KID, unusual out of breath by now, leaned against the kitchen counter. Of course noticing Conan's glare, he immediately straightened up and acted as if nothing had happened.
"W-what do you mean Meitantei? I'm as fine as ever, but your concern is cute~"
Conan rolled his eyes and focused back onto the darkskinned teenager below him.
"Don't chase him. Please. KID got shot last heist. He still recovers."
Heiji's frown told everything and his eyes, too, darted over to KID.
"KID seemed fine last time... Where?" he asked the thief who tried to wave it off but Conan didn't let him.
"At his side. Left one. He covers it with a corset."
"Meitantei! It's nothing bad. I'm the magician under the moonlight, nothing-"
"By the way, it's day," Heiji threw in and KID rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Nice to witness your daily smartass moment, Tantei-han. But it's true. Nothing can ever kill me."
"I'll be the one to kill you if you keep your arrogance up this way," Conan responded, moving off of the detective who raised himself back onto his legs.

"How about we stop talking about depressing topics and do something fun?" KID finally said, a grin on his lips. Heiji swallowed and took a step forward, the air tensing to a fight or flight mood.
"I'm not sure wether I wanna know ya definition of fun."
"Oh come on! I thought about eating ice cream! There are so many possible things to do in Osaka and all you're thinking about is me commiting crimes," the magician pouted and crossed his arms, eyes darting over to the amused Detective of the East who immediately hid his grin behind the leftover cup of coffee, "And you still owe me a pack of chocolate ice cream. Two now, because you left without a single note."
"Hai hai. You'll get your ice cream."

Actually, the day with KID and Kudo had turned out to be more fun than Hattori would have ever wanted to admit. The magician had turned out to be an entertaining company, from juggling more than five random fruits at the market to acrobatic shows until Kudo had scolded him for not giving his injuries a rest. Of course, being a competetive person himself, Heiji had challenged the phantom to lots of things, such as 'the first one to reach the top of a tree' or speedruns and so on. He had won some, the majority being matches of raw strengh, but KID being KID was just impossible to beat.
And Heiji knew for sure, if the magician wouldn't have been handicapped by the gunshot, he would have beaten him in every single battle (tho unlikely those of strengh).

Once the sunset began, the Osakan was left with an already made decision but the incredible hard task to offer that one to KID. Said thief plus Conan had noticed how quiet Heiji became as closer they came to the Hattori household. Finally, Conan had enough and stopped at the gates.
"Don't think you can hide from a detective. Something bothers you. Spit it out already."
Heiji rolled his eyes but stopped in his tracks, just like KID who made an expression as if he didn't care the slightest but nevertheless, listened careful. The detective allowed himself a sigh.
"Can't be arsed with that further... Ya know... Why dontcha stay over? School's on monday. Why go back today?"
KID raised one eyebrow and smirked, back faced towards the pair of detectives.
"...enjoying a thief's company is dangerous, Tantei-han."
"Hmpf!" the Osakan snarled, obviously embarassed, and started walking again, "I never said I like ya dumbass!! Ya're a criminal and I'll getcha behind bars next time, I swear that!"
KID chuckled and lowered his gaze, eyes hidden by his hair as he trailed after the defensive male. Conan flashed a rather bothered look at the white magician and lowered his gaze onto the pavement. Hattori began to like KID. His KID. What if he was the one to steal KID? Conan and KID made a pair of rivals, not Hattori and KID.
"Refusing an invitation from the Detective of the West..." the thief quietly began, a pause with a playful sigh following, "Really plays against my reputation~ My bad... It seems you will have to accept me under your roof for a second day, Tantei-han."
Heiji didn't answer but somehow, KID knew the darkskinned Osakan walking in front of him smiled.

At the same time, the thief began to worry. If now two of the three detectives after him were on his side, getting closer and closer to him... His enemies would notice that, too. Perhaps he needed to distance himself, to play his role as KID the Phantom Thief, not KID the Best Friend.
Perhaps in addition, he soon needed to part from Conan. His heart ached at this thought, to be apart from his detective, his rival, his... little brother? Both took care of each other like siblings. Conan prepared food, helped him at daily work while Kaito comforted Conan at his nightmares, assisted him as a walking biography of his life and offered him a home he wouldn't need to pretend to be someone else in.
Not even Kuroba Chikage knew about this partnership.
Not even Kuroba Kaito knew about the truth of their partnership.
Why his heart had fluttered with warmth as he saw the sheepish smile of Conan when he prepared dinner for the first time. Why he had been so overly happy about the bento Conan had brought him. Why he had been so horrifed when he didn't find his detective waiting for him. Why he loved the thought of him, waiting at home for Kaito's return. Why he constantly invaded Conan's personal space and none of them had ever minded.
Questions over questions.
The Kaitou slowly began to question his sanity.

He flashed a glance back at the dropping sun making place for the overwhelming darkness and paused for a second. All KID could hope for was for Conan to regain his memories, to end whatever emotional bond they had knitted. As much as he enjoyed the company of his favorite tantei... Someday, even the best relationships ended.
And KID would rather go through hell and back than to let death be the one to end this bond.

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