Saving a friendship

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Conan agreed to wait for Kaito's classes to end in the café opposite of the school building. The thief liked to see his favorite Tantei leaving the house on his own, it promised a hint of confidence to manage life alone from his companion.
Since his amnesia he only left the house at Kaito's side and followed him in his house like a little puppy.

As soon as Conan sat down, ordered himself a piece of lemon pie (he had no idea why but clearly was in the mood for it) and assured the waitress he just waited for his friend's afternoon classes to end, he leaned back to relax.
Images of his coversations flooded his mind and his head fell with a groan onto the table. Why on earth did he claim to be KID's husband?!
Conan had saved the situation and avoided the awkward moment and yet... He knew for sure Kaito had looked past his childish words. Or was that just an anxious fantasy?
"I'm such an idiot..." he muttered, not even cheered up by the piece of lemon pie the waitress put down in front of his nose.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed and Conan jolted in surprise. Who on earth called him...? Nobody ever called him. He unlocked his phone and scowled as he saw why. KID had blocked all his contacts despite Hattori and himself.
But in the next second, he knew why. Considering his reaction after KID had told him about himself... the phantom thief must have been afraid to see this happening again if he came too fast in contact with persons he knew.
"Moshi-moshi?" he finally answered, hesitation clear in his voice.
"Kudo," Hattori said, somehow distant. Conan didn't wonder about that, he had chosen an international thief over his best friend.
"How's it goin'?" Heiji finally asked, tension leaving his voice. Ah, he wasn't mad anymore. Good.

Conan felt himself relaxing, too.
"I'm fine. I finally got to know KID's real identity. He trusted me with it after I had made my choice yesterday- Gomennasai, Hattori. I... I hope you aren't too hurt by that."
The detective heard a sad sigh at the end of the line.
"No... I mean yeah, I am. Doesn't happen too 'ften my friend chooses a criminal over me. But... If ya're feelin' safe with 'im, I gotta support that."
Finally, Heiji's lips curled up into an amused grin.
"Now tell me, Kudo. What's it like, livin' with KID?"
Conan felt a smile growing on his face, too, Heiji really managed to cheer him up.

"Well," he began in a smug tone, "you can imagine him as a mix of a giant cat and whiny child."
Heiji laughed and shifted on his chair inside his room, resting his feet on his desk.
"How come?"
Conan closed his eyes for a moment and reminded himself of all the time both had to get to know each other.
"Like a cat, he has the habit of disappearing whenever he pleases. He left me a whole week alone once I found out KID was an actual thief. And if you try to give him attention when he doesn't want it... You can dye your hair back to its original haircolour. On the other hand, if he wants attention you're not willing to give... He just sprawls out all over your lap or just in general over you and whatever you kept yourself busy with disappears in a cloud of smoke."
Hattori answered this with a few seconds of silence until he bursted out laughing. A loud crash at his end declared he had just fallen off of his chair.
"Oh my god are ya serious?!"
By now, Conan had just as much trouble controlling his laughter.

"But that's not all! Sometimes he is just too clumsy with everything. You could imagine an uncatchable Kaitou to be always perfect. But you haven't seen him in the morning when he wakes up and acts like a spoiled brat."
Conan grinned and pulled his fly up to his lips, changing his voice into KID's.
"Meitantei I swear to god where are my shorts?! I need to feed my doves Kami-sama will you stop making so much noise?!"
The boy laughed and dropped the act.
"He is the most childish person you would have ever seen."
Hattori couldn't stop his laughter at the moment. It felt great to chat with his best friend again, just to hear his voice and know he didn't die yet.
"S-so watcha doin' Kudo? Wanna hang out?"
Conan shook his head and flashed a glance towards the school building.
"Sorry, promised KID to wait for the end of his classes. We want to try it with the memories again."
"What?! I knew KID's young but still in school?! Thought he was a college student or some sort of tha'."
Conan shrugged with a sigh.
"Somehow all of us detectives know he is young. But enough of that..."
He took a deep breath and tried his best to not appear too curious.
"Oi Hattori. KID told me quite a few things about you after we came home. Mainly that you're a pain in his arse. But... can you tell me something about you, too? I'd like to get to know the Osakan detective."

He began to feel worried as Hattori didn't answer for a moment, but once he did, he felt his cheeks darkening.
"Kudo... Ya just referred to KID's place as... home."
"I-I did?" he spluttered embarassed and hastily ate a fork of his ordered pie.
"Ya did. Don't tell me ya seriously like it so much in there. Or is it not his place but him? "
Conan gasped and shook his head. No, that was impossible. KID was a good friend, nothing more.
"I doubt it. But I guess I have no other emotional connection to another house, it's not that abnormal."
"...true. Jeez, tha' gave me a scare," he whined and Conan rolled his eyes. Seriously, what did Hattori expect?

"Oi and, Kudo?"
"Dontcha get startled, heard it? You kinda have some curse followin' ya. Around ya alotta people drop dead. Jus' solve the case 'n everything's good."
"Uhh... Hai."
People... dropped dead? Around him? It hadn't happened the whole time.
"That didn't happen yet... Do I have to worry?"
"Since ya're with KID nothin' happened? Wow. Tell him from me he's gotta play lucky charm for ya."
The young detective groaned but nodded. Flattering this huge ego wasn't a good choice at all, but he had nothing to loose.

Hattori and Conan kept chatting for quite a long time, discussing mindless things and Hattori was the one to reawake his marvellous interest in Sherlock Holmes.
That was, until a certain thief plopped down into the seat across of him and grinned. Conan narrowed his eyebrows and lifted his finger for him to wait a second, interrupting Hattori's talk-flash.
"Gomen Hattori, but KID is here. Yeah, I have to go. See you around. Yes yes I'll tell him."
He hung up and KID's happy expression dropped for a split second before his beaming smile returned.
"Hattori says you are my lucky charm. Please don't interprete anything into-"
"Ahahaha! How flattering~ Is he going to court me now, too~?"
"There it goes... W-wait what do you mean, 'too'?!"
KID merely shrugged and his grin turned sharper, razor alike.
"You were the one petting me, bringing me food and calling yourself my husband."
"I swear to god KI-"
Said one hastily covered his mouth with a whine, looking left and right.
"Not so loud idiot...!"

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