Hakuba Saguru

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Kaito felt utterly smug as his teacher bought the twisted ankle and ordered him to rest on the bench. Today it was basketball... Not Hakuba's favorite sport but the one he was best at. He merely needed to throw high enough and heck, he could even dunk.
Kaito watched the halfbrit with growing interest. Usually, these two played on opposite sides since Kaito and Hakuba were the best players.
Hakuba had height and a calculated aim on his side together with strengh, and Kaito opposed him with his speed, agility and strategy. The coach adored his two best players.

Now that Kaito was on a forced break, his team was no match against Hakuba. With mild irritation he watched Hakuba score point after point alone and by the time the game ended, his team was utterly crushed.
Panting, sweating and yet still full of his own victory, Hakuba approached Kaito with a questioning glare.
"I didn't have time to ask yet, but why exactly aren't you playing?"
Either Kaito imagined it or Hakuba had just sounded disappointed. No, he was disappointed. Hakuba came to Japan in search for an intellectual rival and had found his master in Kaitou KID, his rival in Kuroba Kaito. Not being able to competete in a physical battle surely must have lowered his mood.
"Twisted ankle," the teen replied nonchalant and motioned onto his bandaged foot. Hakuba raised one eyebrow and didn't look at all like he bought it.
"As if a twisted ankle holds you back from battling me. What happened?"
The boy breathed out a sigh. He should have expected Hakuba to be a tough one to convince.
"You usually play basketball with hands, don't you? If I use my hands to walk I can't play. And kicking the ball out of your hands is against the rules. Why are you making such a fuss out of that?"
Hakuba looked like ready to defend himself but Kaito didn't let him.
"Next P.E. lesson I'm fit again, promise. But that you put so much concern into my wellbeing... How sweet of you, Hakuba-kun~" the gentleman thief smugly purred and Hakuba scoffed yet retreated. Good, situation disarmed.

Back in his classroom Kaito fell exhausted onto his chair and leaned back. He didn't have anything to lean against in P.E. and his injury punished him for that. Luckily, nothing reopened. At least the thief didn't feel any blood.
Aoko settled down next to him and looked utterly exhausted. Great, one bonus point of no mop-swinging today. Not that Kaito would have tried today...
"Seriously Bakaito, how could you twist your ankle?!"
"Believe it or not, I actually slipped and fell down the stairs."
Aoko stared at him and he couldn't suppress a grin. Yeah, a Kuroba Kaito didn't just trip. Yet she seemed satisfied with that and changed the topic again.
"It's nice outside, why don't we eat our bentos below the cherry tree? Don't worry, I'll save the spot."
"You? Saving any spot? You're a snail, Ahoko. Better ask Akako-chan."
Aoko puffed her cheeks and turned sulking away.
"Bakaito. You're slower than me now, if you want it or not!"

Suddenly Kaito remembered something and with a cry of despair opened his bag.
"No!! I forgot to make bento!!"
Aoko flinched and flashed a glance at her friend who currently overdramatized the whole sitation.
"Kuroba Kaito!!" the teacher yelled and the boy immediately cried back.
"I forgot my bento sensei!! The end of the world is near!!"
"Holy Kami-sama shut up already! I'll share with you!" Aoko hissed, already embarassed by just watching him throwing such a tantrum.
"Yay!!" the magician squealed and pulled the girl into a tight hug, earning a squeak in return.
...but he didn't get past the extra homework the teacher assigned him as punishment.

During the lunchbreak Aoko really had been fast enough to reserve the place under the cherry blossoms for them. Both teens sat down and within a few minutes, Hakuba joined them. Enemies or not, Hakuba preferred Aoko's and Kaito's company a lot more than his fangirls.
With a the expression of a kicked puppy, Kaito jealously eyed Hakuba's and Aoko's bento.
"Unfair... So unfair..." he repeated until Aoko allowed him to eat a bit of hers. He already wanted to take the offered chopsticks as he saw something or rather, someone behind Hakuba. Looking as lost as on the first day of his amnesia, Edogawa Conan stood in middle of the school yard, cluelessly glancing left and right.
Kaito's already opened mouth closed and he got up, expression turning serious. Did something happen to his detective?
Hakuba raised one eyebrow at the thief and turned his head, his sharp golden eyes immediately recognizing the boy.
"Conan-kun!!" he shouted and waved the boy over, surprise on his face.

Said chibi detective flinched and whipped towards the noise, realization and a bit of relief covering his face. He jogged towards the trio and smiled, holding a bag out to Kaito.
"You forgot to make bento today, Kaitonii-san. Gomennasai, I distracted you. I brought you some!" he childishly exclaimed and Kaito pulled Conan into a hug, squealing into his ear.
"You are a lifesavior, Conan-kun!"
Conan heard him addressing him with his name for the first time, not with his usual nickname. He... he liked it. It brought a warm comfortable feeling and the boy subsconciously relaxed.
As Kaito sat down to dig with joy into his food, Conan sat down across of him and watched him grinning.
"I was surprised I didn't see any fish in your fridge, so-"
"D-don't mention this word again!" the thief gasped, colour draining from his face. Hakuba grinned and turned to Conan for explanations.
"He is horrified of fish, ichthyophobia. Hello, Conan-kun. Nice to see you again. But... why are you bringing Kuroba-kun lunch?"

Conan frowned but accepted the new piece of information while he observed the two strangers. A blond male, fairly tall, foreign and yet accentfree japanese. Hakuba. And Ran. No... He examined her closer. Similiarities were there, but this wasn't Ran. Her reaction would have been different.
Kaito grinned and quickly jumped in.
"This is Edogawa Conan. My mum is befriended with his family and he stays over for a while until his mother is back from a business trip. But yes, why are you bringing my bento? Are now my wife or mother?"
"Husband if any," Conan absently replied, eyes still focused onto Hakuba. He was a detective. A detective very close to KID and the male wasn't bothered the slightest. But he was. Why was his chest tightening at this view...?
It was the deafening silence which made him realize what he had answered to the now priceless looking Kaito.
"I-if we play housing I gotta be a husband or the child! But since you forgot y-your bento I gotta be the husband!" Conan squeaked, trying to save the situation somehow.
It worked.

"Awww!" the Ran lookalike cooed and went to introduce herself.
"I'm Nakamori Aoko, Kaito's neighbor. If you need anything, come to us, yes?"
"N-Nakamori?! As in Nakamori-keibu?!" Conan gasped and shot a horrified look over to Kaito who just shrugged with a carefree grin on his lips.
"Yes! That's Otou-san. And someday I'll be Nakamori-keibu and catch KID!" she bellowed just like her father and Conan flinched while Kaito rolled his eyes, grinning like an idiot. Hakuba on the other hand, wasn't satisfied with his answer.
"But... Why exactly Kuroba-kun's house? Didn't you live with Mouri-san?" he poked further and Conan froze slightly.
"Okaa-san said she doesn't want to bother the Mouris any further. And Kurobaokaa-san begged us to hand me over until Okaa-san is back. I liked it there, so I agreed. And it's really funny there!"
Kaito nodded impressed at the boy, he obviously loved his lies. But as Hakuba shifted his piercing glance to Kaito, he looked as innocent as ever.
"I'm not so sure wether it's so good to let you stay with a Kaitou KID," he commented, earning an overdramatized groan of the Kaitou right next to him and a smack of Aoko.
"Kaitou KID?" Conan repeated in a clueless voice, playing along while Kaito pulled a face as if he had bitten into a sour lemon.
"Hakubastard thinks I'm Kaitou KID, even with my various alibis and absolutely no proof of that."
"You don't seriously expect me to believe these halfhearted excuses you call alibis," the halfbrit contered and Aoko sighed, flashing a pityful glance to the youngest detective.
"That goes like that every single day. Gomen you have to witness this."
Conan simply shrugged and put on his best innocent face, stealing a piece of both Hakuba's and Kaito's bento.
"Well, I haven't seen any evidence to this claim yet."

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