Hattori Heiji and KID

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As Conan watched the news the next evening, he nearly fell off of the couch. He saw a file photo of his companion Kaitou KID.
"-Nakamori-keibu already organized his task force and plans to catch the thief with a new strategy. But will he succeed? Tonight we'll report live in action and hopefully get a chance to talk to the phantom thief in person!"
Damned timing. He had turned the television on too late, now he didn't hear where KID would strike.

Conan jumped off of the couch and searched through online articles while putting on his shoes and jacket, together with the spare glasses KID had brought him.
Good. He knew the location. Three hours left.
The child snatched the keys off of the table and opened the front door, locking it behind him as he went out for the first time since days. Alright, where was he? He had memorized the way to the train station.
Conan bought a ticket and hopped onto the train in the last minute, choosing to stay near the doors so he wouldn't be squished too much. A heist. KID was about to do a heist. How did they work? Did he use a gun? Did he hurt others? Conan wasn't sure if he wanted to find out but he desperately needed to see him.

Arriving at the location, he inspected almost instinctively the area. His heart pounded with pure exitement, a positive one. He yearned to face KID, to confront of him, perhaps even capture him... for him alone.
The first officer who saw him gasped and stepped aside, letting the detective pass.
"Conan-kun! Good you're here, we could need help capturing that pest. Hattori-kun is already inside."
Conan nodded and stepped past him, emotionless watching everything even tho on the inside he was bursting with joy. Who was Hattori? An acquaintance? His senses told him he was a detective, too. How long did he know him? Were they... friends?

Members of the task force greeted him whereever he went and Conan honestly was confused. Why was he that famous? The child rested one hand on one of the tables and absently caressed the smooth material.
KID was about to show up and the detective began to doubt himself again. What if he wasn't skilled enough to catch him? His heart started to pound as closer the announced deadline came.
A gasp behind him caught his attention and Conan whipped around, surprised to see a dark skinned male. A baseball cap...? That kind of rang a bell. He knew him, somehow, he just couldn't pinpoint it.
"Kudo!" Heiji whisperyelled and ruffled his hair with a grin, yet Conan showed no reaction to that.
"Good ya're back. Let's catch KID together. Imma prove ya now that Osakan detectives are better than Beikan ones~"
He stuck his tongue out and Conan tilted adorably his head. Ah, he came from Osaka. His outlooks told him he wasn't a member of the task force and thus, had to be a detective. Hattori.
"Uh... Sure. But today I don't feel so well, so I don't mind staying back now." Conan set up a fake grin. He might as well play along to this, he had the feeling in Hattori's near he would encounter KID.

Conan accompanied Hattori the whole evening and observed him as close as possible. His deductions, the way his eyebrows narrowed and he turned his baseball cap around once he was in middle of reasoning... Conan had known all along how fascinating detective work was but with a partner like Hattori, it was ten times the fun.
Hattori discovered dozens of traps KID had set up beforehand and the boy looked impressed. KID was a challenge. But that wasn't enough, he needed to know more.
"Say, Hattori..." he began, confident about dropping the honorifics like Hattori had done, "What do you think how KID will strike?"
Heiji stopped in middle of the exhibition hall and smirked, his eyes darting upwards to a vent.
"He'll most likely come from there. I betcha KID is goin' to use gas... Ya have ya gas mask Kudo?"
Conan frowned as he finally realized Hattori addressed him as Kudo the whole time. He knew about his secret identity?! Conan knew he needed to ask KID for further information.
"Uh... No... Forgot it."
Hattori raised his eyebrows but nodded.
"Hai hai... Then just go and wait outside. Ya can ambush him."
Conan nodded and left the exhibition hall. He didn't know why but his instincts told him to take the stairs into the higher levels.

Finally alone with his thoughts he began to review today's events. He had met Hattori Heiji, his rival and obvious best friend. His colleague, someone who knew his secret identity. Conan debated to wether it was a good decision to trust him with his amnesia or not but decided against it. For now he needed to focus onto KID.
Conan hid behind a few decorative plans in near of a balcony. This escape route was so obvious he facepalmed as he saw nobody guarding it. Time to test his gadgets. If KID wouldn't give him attention he would just attack him with a well placed soccer ball.

For a long time, all he heard was silence. Until all of a sudden, a shot went off and he saw the Kaitou falling down onto the balcony. Conan's eyes shot up wide and he darted towards the thief, harshly patting his cheeks to keep him awake.
"Oi! KID! Stay awake!! Heard me?! Stay awake!"
KID opened his indigo eyes and smiled at Conan, pain hidden behind his pokerface. Conan's heart skipped a small beat to see his halflidded dazed face like that.
"Shh. No. Don't speak. Anything to stop the bleeding?" he helplessly asked, glancing at the growing red spot on KID's side. The wounded male nodded and slowly moved himself to sit against the railing, keeping a careful eye onto the entrance of the balcony.
Conan didn't waste any time to push jacket and hemd up, then proceeded to wrap a thick bandage around his torso. "Good. That should stop the bleeding."

The detective sat up and rested a bloody hand on the magician's face, worry pooling out of his voice.
"KID... KID who attacked you...? That... that isn't the first time, right?"
KID shook his head and sighed, all events of the last week forgotten.
"No. Happens a lot. But usually I'm able to avoid bullets. This time..."
He breathed out a sigh and flashed a glance upwards, two floors above.
"I protected Nakamori-keibu."
Conan frowned and sat down next to the magician, his hand resting on KID's shoulder. There was a river down below, decorated with blooming cherry trees all around the area. The setting sun dived the scene into a golden shine, creating an overall wonderful picture.
"Hah... I should have expected a phantom thief to hold a heist in such a cheesy location," he snorted, trying to cheer the male up. It worked, a huge cheshire smirk came onto his lips.
"I am a gentleman thief, romance is in the package."

Both locked eyes and for a moment, time stood still. The heist was forgotten, the task force was forgotten, KID's wound was forgotten. It was them on a balcony, enjoying the setting sun and cherry blossoms all around them.
Suddenly Conan averted his gaze and so did KID, the magician awkwardly coughed to fill the silence. Why was his heart beating so fast? Most likely it was the adrenaline.
Conan burried his face into his hands, mainly to cool his flushed cheeks, tho he left a small bloodstain on his skin.
"S-so..." he finally broke the uncomfortable silence, "can you make it home...? Do you have anyone who would help you? I doubt I could support you enough to smuggle you unseen out."
KID nodded but mused for a moment afterwards, his gaze dropping to the river. Conan gasped and smacked his shoulder with a hiss.
"No you're not going to jump into the water!!"

KID laughed and instead pulled out his phone to text someone.
"Done. He should be here any minute."
He hesitated a moment before eying the exhausted child up.
"...you're going to keep me a secret? Even now that our jobs make us enemies?"
Conan adjusted his glasses, a nervous gesture KID had noticed him picking up since he became Conan.
"I... No. No I will keep you a secret. You... you're not a bad person, KID. I know you have a reason for all this."
His smile fell and the detective shot a deathglare at him.
"And it better be a good one, else I'll take last target and shove it up your goddamn-"
KID gasped and covered his mouth, a playful frown on his face.
"Meitantei, such words aren't for children!"
That earned him a hard smack against his arm.

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