KID's return

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Shinichi rested his foot on the wooden stairs leading to the living room. His first step as Kudo Shinichi. The walls left and right smelled comfortable like home, the soft buzzing of Agasa's inventions came from above and a few sunrays guided his way upstairs... Everything was the same and yet nothing felt like it.
He had faced his reflection in Haibara's mirror. It was... strange.
Shinichi barely remembered his time before the accident. In fact... by now, Edogawa Conan belonged more to him than Kudo Shinichi. He had grown so used, seeing this little seven years old boy inside his reflection every single time. The difference was crushing, he had trouble accepting his new or rather, former identity.
But it was good. The beginning of a new era.

Shinichi slowly opened the door separating him from the living room and stepped in. He wasn't particular strong on his legs yet, the torture of a growth spurt still hung inside his bones. Agasa-hakase looked up and a bright smile reaching from ear to ear blinded the teen.
"Shinichi! It worked!"
The detective smiled exhaustedly and fell with an audible groan onto the couch.
"I'm tired..."
"No wonder."
The old man pushed a small coffee over the table towards his neighbor who took it with a grateful expression and sat down himself, turning on the tv.

"-KID heist! Nakamori-keibu and Hakuba-san prepared as much as possible, and even Hattori-san came to challenge the phantom thief! After weeks of silence, today-"
Shinichi spewed out his coffee all over the table and jumped up so fast that his brain hadn't caught the movement at all. Agasa-hakase looked just as baffled and stared at Shinichi with big eyes.
"K-KID is back?! Get into the car!" the man grinned and raised himself, too. He accompanied Shinichi to his car and drove off. It was his duty to give his friend and neighbor a lift to the heist (and to his boyfriend). KID was back.
Shinichi had most likely the biggest grin ever plastered all over his face, tears of joy dwelled inside his eyes.
"Hakase, why didn't KID phone me?" he suddenly asked, all happiness vanishing from his face. Agasa's smile dropped, too, and his eyebrows narrowed as the old man began to think.
"...right. Something is foul there... After what you have told me, KID and you couldn't be closer than now."
The thought slammed into their minds like a lightning.

A copycat.

Shinichi hadn't felt both so overjoyed and hollow in this short span of time. But there was hope, right? His eyes flashed towards his companion on the driver's seat. He looked just as uncertain and serious.
Arriving at the future crime scene, he bumped into Heiji who boxed laughing into his arm.
"KID's back! Isn't that great for ya?!" he whisperyelled and Shinichi wrinkled his nose. The teen didn't even bother to hide his thoughts behind a pokerface carved in stone and thus, the Detective of the West soon found his conclusion.
"Copycat...?" he mused, trying to be as quiet as possible. Shinichi nodded.
"Excuse me, Hattori... If KID isn't here it's my duty to catch the copycat."
The Heisei Holmes walked past him and a dark glare at Hakuba was enough to shut his mouth with an audible click as he wanted to greet him. With a questioning expression he searched in Hattori's face for answers yet the Osakan only shrugged.
No way in hell would he tell Hakuba.

Things escalated as Shinichi and the disguised KID bumped into each other. The latter brought the teen into a tight hug and burried his face into Shinichi's shoulder.
"Oh Meitantei, you are back...!" he pressed out and Shinichi gasped.
"KID...?! I-is that really you?! No copycat?!" he hissed and in the next second both hid inside a bathroom cabine, laying in each other's arms. Shinichi had tears running down his face.
"Why didn't you call me?!" the young detective finally spat and KID flinched before a sheepish grin occupied his face.
"Ah, well... I was part of the Black Organization, you can't just call people there. And just now I hadn't had time... the heist, you know? It's the last evening I can steal this treasure. I found not only the formulars for your poison but also a list of gemstones likely to be Pandora. This one is nearly at the top."
Shinichi listened quietly and finally smacked his boyfriend, causing the top hat to fly off of his head and onto the lid of the toilet.
"I know. Don't be mad, yes? I'll tell you everything later. There's... a lot I've kept secret from you and I think it's time to reveal it."
Shinichi could only nod as KID's lips left a gentle kiss on his temple and within a blink the phantom was gone, slipped out of the cabine. Shinichi sat down. He needed to digest that.

Which more secrets did KID keep? Besides his reason for all this, that is. Since when did KID spy at the Black Organization, anyway? Haibara had told him everything about the organization who had turned them into children. That was the place KID had stayed at?

...that was the place Hattori dared to send him to?

"Simple undercover mission my ass," Shinichi snarled and shook his head. He would have a serious word with Hattori after this. KID could have been killed.
This one is nearly at the top.
KID's voice rang like a bell inside his ears. And this beautiful bell announced the apocalypse. What on earth had possessed this personified insanity to hold a heist under these circumstances?! The Black Organization had this cursed treasure almost at the top of their list!
Shinichi's face lost all its colour. KID was in life danger.

At least he was able to help KID with his gadgets.

The door next to him opened and Shinichi didn't dare to breathe.
"...only a few traps are left... ten minutes and fourty seconds left..." someone murmured absently and Shinichi frowned. Hakuba. No, he wasn't going to let him get into his boyfriend's near who could die today. Shinichi climbed onto the toilet lid and aimed with his narcosechronometer at the detective.
Soundlessly, the dart found its goal at Hakuba's neck and the blond collapsed just as quiet inside the cabine.
"One detective down," Shinichi smirked and proceeded to leave his cabine. He didn't have to outwit Hattori. Heiji was on his side, anyway. But Shinichi still had a lot of work to do... and the beginning had made Hakuba.


Snake didn't even discuss anymore with KID. No "Hand over the jewel". Snake aimed... and shot. But KID avoided him laughing.
"What's wrong?" he teased and Snake looked like ready to pop a vein. Shots filled the air, just like the smell of gunpowder and an atmosphere of life and death.
Shinichi smelled it. His boyfriend was in danger. But as he stormed the roof, he regretted his choice.

A swirl of white.
A gunshot.
A scream.
And blood pouring onto Shinichi's hands.

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