2.)Its a little bit Funny, this feeling inside..

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A million questions were running through my head as he helped me up and I gathered my bearings.

Why is my big mouth not working with me now? Oh God, he must think I'm the biggest idiot, ever. Why is he still holding my hand? Please don't let go. I slightly shook my head. This is the last time I go without coffee this early.

Finally, I found my words.

"I'm sorry about that, sir, I'm Cherie and this is my business partner, Rose," I said as I pointed towards Rose who had now appeared beside me. That's it. That's all I could manage to get out as I focused on the sensation of his touch. For reasons unknown to me, He was still holding my hand in his.

Rose spoke up, "We're so sorry for keeping you all waiting, Mr. Mercury," she said.

Wait. Mr. Mercury? Well, that's a strange name. But how the hell does Rose know this man? He's freaking gorgeous, how could she not tell me of him? Some best friend. I'll kill her. Haha, I'm only kidding. Well, about killing my best friend, anyways it's not her fault we both didn't know who we were working for today. But, damn, is this man gorgeous!

"No need for apologies, my dears." He said, as he gently slid his hand out of my grasp, but not before he gently squeezed my fingers. "It's nice to meet you." He continued, as he winked at me, I looked down- still blushing. "And please, call me Freddie. These are my band mates Brian, Roger, and John."

Next to him stood three other good looking men. All of whom still couldn't compare to his beauty.

"Nice to meet you all, too," Rose said.

"If you don't mind Cherie...Rose...we need to get started before the rain comes," Claude mumbled. Obviously still frustrated with us.

Well, this is probably our last job with him, we better make it count. I thought to myself.

The men each took a seat and waited for us to start. Rose went straight to Brian, obviously because he had the most hair to work with and I wrapped my makeup pouch around my waist and started walking towards Freddie. Especially because I still hadn't thanked him for helping me.

Like I said I started to walk towards him, but stopped when I felt a hand reach out and touch my arm. I turned around and there was the pretty boy blondie smiling at me.

"Could you start with me first, doll? I'm not much work, I'm already everything you could dream of," he chuckled at his own joke.

Omg I wanted to vomit. Don't get me wrong he's extremely cute. But that's it. I don't do pretty boys. He screamed of womanizer. But, nevertheless, I smiled back and started to clip his hair back from his face. It took everything in my power not to roll my eyes or scoff at him.

When I turned towards the vanity to get the primer ready, I looked up in the mirror for a second and caught Freddie staring at me. I melted inside. However, my mind quickly fired up blazing fury when I felt Rogers hand graze my ass! Oh hell no!

I quickly turned around and his smile disappeared at once. I must've looked insane! I thought my eyes would burst out of my skull!

"Excuse you, sir!" I started stunning pointing a finger at him, "I was hired for your makeup (I made sure to emphasize the word). I'm not here for your pleasure so, KINDLY KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!" I tried so hard to remain calm and not yell but towards the end of my rant it slipped out.

Roger put his hands up in a surrender motion and mumbled and apology, "I'm really sorry, miss. It won't happen again I promise", he said hanging his head in shame.

"Thank you," was all I managed to say through gritted teeth.

I looked up and Rose was giving me a concerned look and mouthed "what happened"

I just shrugged my shoulders and got to work.

When I was done with Roger, I started on John.
"I'm really sorry about Roger," is the first thing he said to me. "He's so used to women falling at his feet" he laughed and I couldn't help but giggle back. "I swear you scared him good. Good for you! He deserved it."

We both laughed at that. But then I told him he didn't have to apologize for his friend. And got to work. "Only light powder please, I don't want much of that stuff on," he grimaced a little while pointing at my makeup pouch.

"Okay, no problem," I said giggling again.

I spent a whole five minutes on John and then he headed over towards Rose, who was giggling like crazy and blushing while she finished working on Rogers gold locks. I rolled my eyes. Of course, Rose thought he was attractive.

Brian had told me he didn't want any makeup. So he was just sitting and waiting. The funny thing is no one knew where Freddie went. He'd been gone for a while and the last time I remember seeing him was through the mirror before that whole spat with Roger.

"Brian, have you seen Freddie? He's next," I asked while looking down at the curly haired man who was sitting reading horoscopes out of one of the many girly magazines me and Rose always brought for our clients.

"Last I seen he was smoking a cigarette by the bridge," Brain responded without even looking up at me.

I looked around the place and spotted him. He was walking back and forth, as if impatiently waiting, still smoking by the bridge. Everyone was busy doing their own thing so I took it upon myself to collect Freddie and started walking over towards him. Careful not to fall on my face in front of him, again, this time.

As I got closer I heard him mumbling to himself. The guy seemed really worked up. I couldn't see his expression though. His head was down and he was still pacing back and forth. He must've heard me creeping up, because he stopped pacing and quickly glanced up towards me.

What I saw stopped me in my tracks. His once, sweet honey eyes were dark and brooding. His stare scared me half to death! So once again I just stood there staring at him, like an idiot!

The crease between his eyebrows faded and his features once again relaxed, he opened his mouth to speak, but I think he was as speechless as I was. Either that, or he was embarrassed as I seen his cheeks has pinked up a bit.

"Sorry, Mr. Mercury. We're ready for you now, sir..." I started. And I was about to thank him for earlier but he cut me off-

"It's Freddie..." he basically spat the words out at me. He didn't say anything else he just strolled past me and went to sit in his chair. I was taken aback as I was now confused by his hateful tone. What did I do to him? Why did he basically look disgusted at me now?

Sighing to myself I followed him back to the others. Thinking a million miles a minute while I controlled myself to start working on Freddie's gorgeous face. Thinking all the while, of course he can't stand me now. I never thanked him for helping me after I fell and also I never apologized for being late. Rose did. Geez, what a time for manners to leave my mind.

Authors note:
Okayyyyy, if anybody's even reading this, I'm trying my best! Lol I have tonsss of ideas so prepare to be intrigued my lovies! Freddie's POV is next...

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