54.) The One With Mary

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It's been 2 weeks since we set the date for our wedding. The nuptials are still set to take place at garden lodge and the only wedding planners allowed around these days are me, Veronica and Rose. Even though, Rose is still all the way back home in California, she and I talk constantly. Whether it be through texting, calling, video calls- she was determined to stay in the loop of things. I also get the feeling she might be a little jealous about how close Ronnie and I have become.

Usually, today would be another day making reservation phone calls or going to meet with caterers, etc. But since the start of February marks my 8th month of pregnancy, I've had to have visits to the doctors office more frequently, once a week to be exact. I had made the appointment time to mid afternoon so while I wait for Freddie to come back home from the studio, I'm checking the seating chart for the millionth time and coordinating the names with the list of people who have politely responded to the RSVP.

"Are you still fussing about that? Let them sit where they'd like. It makes no difference," Freddie hovered over me as I sit by the kitchen table which is cluttered with wedding magazines, bridal designs, hard life decisions- all that good stuff.

I close the binder, containing the guest list, and turn to greet Freddie with a quick peck on the lips. He helps lift me out of my seat, which I'm grateful not to have to ask for help anymore. Freddie is more than prepared to handle me these days.

"You mustn't overwork yourself, my love. It's not good for the babies," he smiles at me with that sweet smile of his that crinkles his eyes. I watch as he rubs my belly, lovingly before we both head out for my doctors appointment.



Everything at these last couple of doctors appointments has been the same. All is well with my precious darlings and it snore of a precautious routine checkup. Still, I adore getting to see how much our babies have grown wit each new ultrasound scan. They are truly little miracles.

As I wait in the doctors office while Cherie is using the bathroom, I decide to text Kash to see if she can keep Cherie company for the rest of the day. I still have to put in some more work with the guys in the recording studio. I feel badly for leaving them while we were getting our creative juices flowing, but my family comes before everything.

F: Can you please stop by my home today? I don't want to leave Cherie alone...

K: Of course, big bro. No problem 🙃

F: thank you!! I'll be dropping her off in half an hour before going back to work for a bit.

K: I've got no plans, I'll head out now and meet you there.


It's times like this that I'm so thankful to have such a caring sister. The connection between us is undeniably strong and sturdy. Sure, we fight just like any other siblings, but she knew from an early age that her big brother will always be there for her. And in instances like this, she was always quick to return the favor.

Cherie walks out of the restroom and I help her collect her purse and coat. We walk back to the parking lot and luckily I was able to snag one of those 'expecting mothers' parking spaces, so Cherie doesn't have to walk too far. I open her car door for her and help her slide into her seat. My poor angel, she really is carrying quite a heavy load these days. Well, I prefer the term 'precious cargo'.

I jog around to the drivers side so I can quickly get in and turn up the car heater.

"So, I hope you don't mind, I've invited Kash over to keep you company. I'm sorry, I've to go back to the studio for a while.," I explain as I pull out of the parking lot and head back home.

"I don't mind. I love Kash! And besides, she can help me out the last few touches on the seating chart.," she smiles excitedly and I force myself not to roll my eyes.

Surely, her and my sister will have plenty to do with their time together. I just don't want Cherie to stress herself is all. I've grown fond of watching the two of them together. Ever since they started their little brigade of women planning shenanigans. The two of them plus Veronica, have been nonstop chitchatting about flowers and colors and all of that whoop blah. I get to point out things here and there, but mostly I'm content with what the ladies have chosen.

We pull into the drive and I help Cherie get up the steps and inside. I know she's fully capable of doing things herself, but should she really have to ask for my help? Deacy told me numerous times to watch out for the wrath of the last months of pregnancy, but so far I've been lucky that Cherie is as happy as she's ever been and I think busying herself with wedding planning is keeping her spirits up. So, why distrust her happiness.

Walking into the studio, I hear music pumping from the the hallway, but it's not live music it doesn't sound anything like what Queen plays. Pushing past the double doors, my face cracks into a gigantic smile as Roger, Brian and Deacy pile on top of me and shove a shot glass into my hand.

"Bottoms up!," One Of then shouts and someone else lifts my drink to my lips as we all gulp down the firey liquor.

"Welcome, Freddie! To the Death of a Bachlor!," Roger slings his arms around my head tightly and digs his knuckles into the top of my hair.

After, pushing him off of me, I'm still confused about what they mean, but I think I've got an idea. "What's all of this about?," I smirk at them when I start to hear 'Super Freak' play as the next track on the speakers.

"It's your bachelor party of course, Fred! What else!?," Deacy pats me on the back and bumps his hips against mine while dancing to the beat. I let out a loud laugh at his playfulness- its a rare thing for him, but I love when Deaks is in the mood to groove.

"This is the best you three could manage?!," I fake a dramatic shocked expression.

Brian shakes his curly head at me, "don't be ridiculous! We have a whole night planned out just you wait and see," he winks at me and the guys turn off the music and say it's time to go since the limo rental has arrived.

"But- I've got to call Cherie! She doesn't know-,"

"Oh, she knows by now. I'm sure the girls are having a great time, isn't that right, John?," Roger says after interrupting me.

"Haha, Yeah, Veronica said they'd have some things planned for a girls night- don't be such a worry wart, Freddie," he rolls his eyes. Oh, really, John?

"Our Freddie boys been hit with the whipped stick one too many times, aye?," Roger nudged  my arms with his elbow while giving me a sly smile.

Is that what they think of me now? Ha! I can still party- have they forgotten who I am?

"Alright, boys! The night is young! Where's my drink?," I grab the cup from Rogers hand and down whatever he was having. This should be fun.

I'm the last to climb into the black stretch limousine. I'm surprised to see a lot of my friends already sitting inside, they start shopping and swinging their arms in the air while other clap at my entrance. A good handful of my close friends are here. Elton, Bowie, and Peter are seated to one side. Mac, Phoebe and someone who I can't really make out in the dark limo are seated on the other. I grin widely at all of them and I'm happy to see everyone excited and ready for a long night out on the town. That is until I hear a distinct stern and all too familiar voice speak up from down the way.

"Freddie, dear, you've got a lot of explaining to do!," She threw her head back and cackled with the rest of them. Her short blond bob shakes as she laughs and then her icy light blue eyes stare back at me.

"Mary!?," I can't believe she's here! It's been so long. I haven't seen her since...well since she decided to marry that foul bloke two years ago! This can't be good.

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