6.)You Again

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Freddie's POV:

I entered my hotel room, hurrying to close the door. I guess, I really worked myself up in the car ride back in. The truth is, I was terribly excited to see Cherie, again!

Still- before I got it in mind to start jumping for joy- I had a rush of doubt fill my thoughts.

I wonder if Cherie felt that spark between us? I hope I don't make a fool of myself... I can't possibly have her thinking I like her if she doesn't have the same feelings in return. Maybe I'm getting a bit too ahead of myself...

Afraid I was only shrinking my already bruised confidence, I decided jumping in the shower and busying  myself with getting ready, was the only way to ease the chaos in my mind.


Quickly running a comb through my hair ( I had already spend 20 minutes making sure it was perfect) I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door. Just before I left, I turned to the bedside table, grabbing a couple of rubbers out of the drawer and stuffing them into the back of my wallet- hey, you never know...

I got in my car and made my way to that lovely little flower shop I had spotted on the drive back, earlier. Luckily, the parking lot is deserted. I don't need any paparazzi or fans snapping pictures of me here of all places. Imagine the story headlines!

Walking around, I eyed the various flower arrangements on display. I came to realize that I have no idea what kind of flowers to pick. I was beginning to overly critique every bunch of carefully trimmed bouquets..thinking I'll never find anything good enough.

I glanced all around and my eyes stopped for a moment on an arrangement near the window. Now that I'm getting closer I noticed the bouquet was complete with nothing but different shades of lavender. Perfect.

Tucked in the center of the bouquet, was a little white card that read:

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Tucked in the center of the bouquet, was a little white card that read:

"The lavender rose is often a sign of enchantment and love at first sight. Those who have been enraptured by feelings of love and adoration have used lavender roses to express their romantic feelings and intentions."

Without consciously realizing it, a wide grin had spread across my face. Is it a coincidence that I was only attracted to this bouquet and it just so happens that they bear this hidden message?

I mean, maybe that symbolism is reading too much into things too quickly, but the heart knows what it wants. Swiftly, picking up my chosen arrangement I tucked the card into the ribbon that held the flowers together, hiding it from view, entirely. If she eventually finds it then..we'll handle that when we get to that, I suppose.

I made reservations at a restaurant that Roger had suggested to me earlier. Apparently, he and Rose hit it off quite well during their mid afternoon lunch and he was trying to get this to be a sort of double date. Not if I had anything to say about it.

Hello Stranger- I'm a Disaster (Freddie Mercury love story)Where stories live. Discover now