58.) Never Let You Go

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The garden is lovely tonight. There are string light bulbs cast across the fluorescent pink and creamy white flowered archways lighting the way all the way down the aisle towards the alter at the end. A string quartet is playing a beautifully soothing melody of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

I feel each and every flower petal cushion beneath my feet as I glide across the white aisle runner on the ground. The white tent blows in the breeze of the heaters lining the interior. Just outside the warmth of our cocoon, there are delicate snowflakes frosting the earth in a shiver of February winter.

Kash, Rose, Anita And Veronica are beaming at me with smiles as wide as the ocean. Their radiant beauty accentuated by the floor length lilac dresses that they chose themselves. On the grooms side, John, Roger, Brian and Phoebe are looking sharp in their black and white tuxedos, each of them with a little trace of a smirk on their faces. John whispers something into Freddie's ear as I walk closer, he is still standing with his back towards me.

Every guests I pass is turned in their seat watching me with sparkles of happiness in their eyes. This is the longest walk of my life, my nerves start to twiddle deep down in my gut, I take one hand off of my bouquet of cascading white tiger lilies and place a conscious hand on my bump to find that it's no longer there!

I stop in my tracks, utterly confused and an aching pressure consumes me starting from my chest and constricting my airways. I look down at myself in my white wedding gown to find my body in tip top shape. My curves are better than ever and my flat middle is sucked into the dress, giving me my pear shape back like I had before.

No one seems to notice me freaking out in the middle of the ceremony. They just keep smiling at me, frozen in their positions now- the lights cut out and I gasp as the music stops abruptly and the only source of light is a spot light that is shining on the back of Freddie's hair.

He turns around now, but the face I see is not the one of the man I love so dearly. I start to walk backwards and trip over the train of my dress. No one moves to help me, their smiling faces are taunting me and the man who has claimed Freddie's place is none other than Paul freaking Prenter. His gleaming eyes shine to a bright ruby red as he strides towards me and offers me his hand.

Without much thought, I place my hand in his and he swiftly lifts me back to my feet as though I'm as light as a feather. We stop at the alter and the minister, the only other person not frozen in this weird eclipse of time, starts the ceremony.

"Do you Paul take Cherie to be your wife for all of eternity here and forever"

I hold my breath as his answer escapes his smiling lips, "I Do" he replies and squeezes my hands which are placed in his palms. He slips a solid gold wedding band onto the finger of my left hand. It feels likes its burning my flesh as it slides all the way past my knuckles and settles at the base of my finger like it was made to fit.

"Do you, Cherie, take Paul, to be your husband to have and to hold, to obey and to cherish for all the days of your life and forever more"

My throat is tight and my body feels stiff and unfamiliar. I don't even realize the words spill out of me with confidence even though inside my head I'm screaming. "I Do," I respond and fight with all my might inside my mind to no avail. On the outside I smile up at Paul who winks at me.

"You May now kiss your glowing bride" the minister announces and my feet do not move into a run as I so wish they would. Instead, I reach up on my tip toes as Paul leans down slightly to meet me halfway. Our lips are mere centimeters apart "your mine now," he whispers and plummets his crusty chapped lips onto mine.

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