17.)Oh My Love, My Love...

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Freddie's POV:

My party definitely did a complete turn around as soon as I found Cherie with me. Her song, or rather, MY SONG was the most beautiful performance I had ever experienced in my whole life! She..she wrote that about ME!? I can't believe she feels the same as I do. And still!

When Cherie and I finally got a second alone, I decided it was my turn to give her my gift. I took out the little jewelry box from my pocket and extended it to her. She looked up at me and smiled. "Freddie..it's YOUR birthday ya goof!," she laughed and I looked down bashfully. I loved the look on her face when she flicked the lid open. It was surely a priceless moment. She flung her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. I relished in feeling those butterflies wildly try to escape my stomach.

"Thank you, Papi! It's beautiful...it's perfect!" She smiled at me and I smiled back at her, happy to hear that little nick name come out of her mouth again. I turned her around and place the necklace around her neck. She lifted up her hair so I could clasp it and I kissed the back of her neck. "Anything for you, Angel..," I whispered.

After we all made our way to the casino, I seen some old buddies of mine over by the bar. When Cherie excused herself to go to the bathroom I walked over to them. We talked and caught up, as well as spoke of our future plans for the next year. It felt good to have so many people I love in the same place at once. I was especially chipper that my Angel was here!

The music thumped some disco and of course we all started dancing. After a little while, I wondered why Cherie was taking so long. Maybe she didn't want to interrupt me away from my friends. She's so thoughtful that way. I walked back over closer to the bar and ordered a drink. I took a shot, breathing out the fire in my throat and turned around to scan the crowd for Cherie.

I finally spotted her, on the other side of the room, back by the tables. She was with Veronica which I found very cute. The two women of Queen. It was really wonderful that those two should get along and hopefully build a friendship.

"Aye, Fred, lets do some shots!!," I turned back towards the bar to see the rest of Queen. Brian handed me a shot and we all clinked glasses. "To Freddie!" They shouted. We gulped down the tequila and chased it with a salty lime.

I turned back around to head towards Cherie, but only Veronica sat at the table. "I'll be right back..," I said to the guys who nodded and went back to drinking.

As I made my way to the table, I seen the concerned look in Veronica's eyes as I quickly got closer.

"Hey, Veronica. How are you doing, dear...?" I asked, politely smoking down at her.

"Oh, I..I'm doing alright, Freddie. Just resting my feet..," she bit her lip. My face fell. Why is she acting so nervously? Hmm...

"Darling... have you seen Cherie..I seem to have misplaced my little angel..," I laughed feeling a bit tipsy to have let Cherie's little nick name slip out of my mouth.

Veronica's forehead creased with worry lines, "I'm..I'm sorry Fred...she's gone..she said she couldn't stay..," she tried explaining calmly.

I shook my head in disbelief, taking a seat next to hear, feeling the room spin.

No. No. It couldn't be true. She couldn't just leave me here on my birthday. Hadn't she seen just how happy she made me??

Veronica spoke up again, obviously seeing the state of me. "Fred, if you must know. She thought you didn't want her here, and now seeing your reaction, I can't believe she'd think so...," I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. Her eyes widened as I'm sure the sight shocked her. "Well...she did say something about...," she hesitated only for a second but I was an impatient man..

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