57.) Youre Just a Hot Air Balloon

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"Is someone going to answer me? Who is Mary?," I say once again.

"Okay, now honey- calm down and I'll explain it to you," Kash rubs my shoulder trying to sooth me.

"I am calm. I'm just curious as to why the two of you are freaking out about who Freddie's talking to outside.," I look at both of them quizzically. The rest of the girls join us at the kitchen table now.

"Who's doing what now?," Rose asks as she walks past the table and grabs a water bottle from the fridge.

"So, you seen her already then?," Veronica asks.

"Yeah, I peaked out the bedroom window. So, again- who is she? And why are you all acting so weird?," I look each of them over, but it seems only Kash and Veronica have that nervous glint in their eyes.

"She's Freddie's ex. I don't know what she wants but-," As Kash explains, Rose who was still standing next to the fridge, bolts up the stairs at a lightning speed. My guess is to see what this Mary looks like.

"I'm going to follow, Rose...," I say and use the table top as support to stand on my swollen feet.

"But- you...you're not angry?," It's Anita who speaks up this time.

"Nope. I trust him.," I shrug my shoulders and smile at the three of them before heading upstairs to the balcony of my bedroom, where I find Rose eavesdropping. There's stomping coming up the stairs behind me and I turn to see all three of my friends following along. Oh lord.

"Rose! Get away from there!," I hiss as I see that she's peaked her head over the ledge of the balcony- trying to get a better look.

"If I were you, I'd come check this out," her creased eyebrows and angry look, make me question myself for being so trusting. I walk over to her, but not before Kash gets there. She stands with her arms crossed and soon all of us are crowded in the little balcony- bunch of eavesdropping school girls at heart. We watch as the two of them hug. I can't see Freddie's face from this angle, just the back of his head. He pulls away after a couple of moments and says something that makes Marys face contort into one full of sadness.

Up until now none of us could hear the conversation, but as Freddie walked closer to the house and left that Mary woman behind, I watched as her grief stricken expression turned to one of desperation and she runs after him, stretching out his shirt with her pull.

"Don't do it, Freddie! Don't marry her! Pick me! Choose me!,"

What the fuck?! Who does this tart think she is?!Who comes to the home of a man and his fiancé to beg their way in between them? Obviously my Freddie has been rejecting her. She's coming off way too strong. And she needs to know her place.

"Thiiiiiis biiitchhhh...," I don't turn to look at Rose, but I can tell by her tone that she's on the same one track mind as me.

I can see Freddie's face clearly now that he's still turned facing the house, he's stopped walking away once those pleading words came from her mouth. I can't tell if his expression is from shock or more from trying to suppress his anger. Whatever it is, it's a look I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of. He whirls around to face her, once she puts her arms around him. I want rip her pretty little blonde hairs out!

"I'm going to stop this. This is bullshit..," It's Kash now who sounds angry. She's always shown protectiveness over Freddie. Every big brother has a crazy sister to back him up.

"No, Kash, I want to see what happens," I whisper back to her. I don't hear her leaving the balcony so I assume she listened. Even though, we've only known each other for the past few months, she's grown very close to me and vice versa.

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