5.)Somebody to Love

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Freddie's POV:

"Darling, please, relax." I cooed. As I ran a comforting hand up across Cherie's shoulder. Her breathing had become deep and erratic- I was really starting to get concerned about this man who seemed to scare the daylights out of her.

I tried again- "Hey, Are you alright?" I asked, but she didn't answer me. She had her eyes shut tightly and the next thing I knew I was reaching out to catch her, but she fell too quickly. I think she fainted!

I bent down to the ground to pick her up-

"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing with my woman!?,"

I looked up and immediately stood back up. By his tone I could tell this man was seething with rage. I had to think of a plan quickly. I don't think getting wrapped up in Cherie's business was the smartest move today.

But, I couldn't just leave her. For all I knew the man had to be lying. How could he be Cherie's boyfriend if she clearly didn't want anything to do with him...

"Hello, dear. I'm  Freddie-," I said slowly- picking my words carefully as to not further upset this stranger who's nostrils were flaring and his eyes were bloodshot- he looked like he might swing at me at any moment.

"She's coming with me...," he said as he was about to reach down to pick up Cherie- my hand involuntarily  grabbed his arm. He shook it off with a hard shrug..

"Yo, what the fuck is your problem buddy. Mind you're damn business!," he yelled- basically in my face now. I could feel my anger boiling up inside.

I can't leave my angel with this man. I wouldn't feel right doing so. He stunk of bourbon and was acting like an animal.

Backing up with my hands held up innocently. I said , "Cherie is my new personal assistant. As it turns out, I really am in need of her help today, so," he pushed me. He actually had the nerve! That's it!

"Listen you ass hat, Cherie is not going anywhere with you. She put down all your information on her job report and she has a restraining order against you," I said through gritted teeth. It was really taking everything in me not to knock this guy out.

I continued as calmly as possible if anything to prove credibility. I spotted a security car in the parking lot. Apparently, inspecting why there was a car blocking in another. I think he was writing this ass hat a ticket.

"And if you don't leave right now, I'm sure the officer would like to write up your report," I said while flicking my wrist in the direction of his car that now had two officer cars surrounded with it.

His face fell, he looked really worried now. I smirked, surprised that I'd convinced him so easily.

"Yeah, Okay- I'm leaving..," he said while walking away backwards. "Tell the bitch that I'll be back, though. And soon!"

With the last words he spit on the ground just barely missing Cherie's face!

I bent down again to gather her in my arms. That fucking prick wouldn't know how to properly treat this girl if it was the last thing he had to do. My poor Angel. She was so scared.

I sat on the ground with her in my arms, as I tried to wake her up. She started to stir but her eyes were still closed.

"No...stop...don't touch me...no..," she mumbled, as her body trembled in my arms. It made me want to cry, she was too beautiful a woman to be treated like that.

"Cherie...darling...it's okay now...," I tried to sweet talk her to open her eyes.

With a jolt her body went into a sitting position in my arms now and her eyes shot open. This is the most terrified I've seen her yet. But she didn't even look at me, I don't even think she noticed the position we were in right now.

"Oh, Freddie. I'm SO sorry. Are you okay? I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to deal with that. I'm sorry," she kept apologizing.

"Angel, please- stop apologizing.," I started. I didn't really know what else to say. I just didn't think a person that is that afraid should have to say sorry for it. I mean there was obviously strong reasoning. I still didn't want to leave her.

She started to get up and I followed. I really could have held her in my arms all day, if she'd only ask me to- I would.

"I've ruined enough of your day already," she spoke but looked down at her feet. "I-I mean you can go now- no worries," she looked me in my face, but didn't meet my eyes and a fake smile crossed her lips for a second, but her eyes were darting all around us. She was still being vigilant for the sight of him.

"Uhm, right," I started- trying to figure out how to further help her.

"Thank you, Freddie. Thank you so much for helping today," she chuckled. " I have to say I didn't think I'd have a knight in shining armor saving me twice in one day," she smiled. And this time it was genuine.

My heart did a summersault against my rib cage. "Knight in shinning armor"? If that's what she wants. I can be that. I'll be whatever she wants me to be.

I smiled back at her, "Please, meet me for dinner tonight? That is...if you're not too busy."

I can't believe I just asked her out after the events of today- but I knew I had to see her again. It couldn't end like this.

To my surprise her grin widened. And I swear I saw a little sparkle in her eyes light up.

"I'd like that, Freddie...pick me up at 7?," she asked with her left eyebrow rising at the end of the question.

"It's a date...," I replied while grabbing her hand and kissing her fingers.

She giggled. God, I love that sound. It's like music. Angel music.

We both started walking in the direction of the parking lot. Cherie reached in her luggage for her keys. As she opened the car door she handed me a card.

"This is my business card, but my phone number is on it and...," she reached in her car for a pen, turning the card over in her hand and wrote something down.

"Here's my address...if you need to cancel later or something just call this number...," she hesitantly pointed to the first phone number on the card.

"No need for that, darling. I'll see you later," I smiled down at her as she sat in her car now. She smiled back and said goodbye, closing the door in one swift motion.

I watched her pull out of her parking spot and proceeded towards my car. When I got in and started the engine- I couldn't help but feel the warmth of butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. What was this woman doing to me?

I looked at the clock on the radio...it's nearly 3 in the afternoon already. I've got a few hours to get ready. I think I'll make a reservation and probably get some flowers. She deserves it, especially after all this mess today.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky before driving off...

"Lord...Is this my somebody to love...??," I said out loud. It's too nice a thought to keep inside.

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