55.) You Suck my Blood Like a Leech

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After Freddie practically carried me up the front steps, he left in a hurry to get back to the studio. He must be really excited about the way the new album is coming along and I'm glad that he's not too distracted to get into his musician mode. He's too much of a talent to be held back.

I hang my purse and coat by the front door and walk passed the entry way and into the kitchen. A parade of women jump out from behind the counter, and there's colorful streamers being popped out in every direction. I let out a little yelp, before realizing who it is! I clutch my hand over my pounding heart and smile at the lovely ladies pulling me into a group hug.

"Rosie!!," I yell excitedly and hug her extra tight!

"What are you all doing here? What is this?," I question them, even though it is a regular thing for Kash and Veronica and every so often Anita, to be over the house these days- having Rose here must mean something big.

"We're celebrating you, silly! Welcome to your bachelorette sleepover!," Veronica pulls me in for another quick hug as she explained the deed of the night.

"Freddie told me you'd be home alone- and when I called Veronica she said the guys have something planned for him, too! So I thought- what the hell! Let's make a night of fun!," Kash, my soon to be sister, isn't she the greatest?

"Oh my goodness! This is too much!," my eyes well up with tears of joy unexpectedly, "You all almost made me go into labor with that surprise!," they all laugh at that and pull me towards the table to have a seat.

"Oh- and me! Hello!," Rose laughs sarcastically, but then sticks her tongue at me, showing she was only joking. "It's so funny, Veronica called me and said the girls wanted to plan something, but I didn't know it would happen as soon as I got off the plane," I chuckled at this and smiled widely at my group of friends. It's a small circle, sure, but it's one that I'm proud of. Each and every one of these women have made our friendships something special.

"So, first things first! Let's get some food in there for my little niece and nephew!," Kash rubs my belly gently. I nod in agreement- I am starving!

We all walk into the dinning room to see the table already set with large golden plates and matching silverware. They've added a lacey white table cloth to the wooden table top and three vases full of beautiful long stem pink roses. There is a dish of lasagne at the center of the table, along with a garden salad, a basket of freshly baked rolls, a chocolate covered fruit tray and a few bottles of red wine.

"Wow, this all looks so delicious! Thank you,"

We all take a seat and dig in, filling our plates one serving at a time. I skip the salad and serve myself a good helping of the lasagne- No doubt it was Roses special dish. I've missed her cooking!

"So," Kash starts, and I cover my mouth with my napkin to keep her from watching me chew my food. "Mama really wanted to come tonight, but I told her it'd be better off if she didn't. You aren't mad are you?,"

"Aww, she did? Well, no I'm not mad...but I hope she won't be angry with me for her not being allowed to join us..," I found it really weird that Kash didn't want her mother to come. It's not like tonight will get crazy or anything- at least not on my end.

Kash shook her head at me as she swallowed her food, "No, of course she's not mad at you! She completely understands. In fact, I think her exact  words were 'I was young once, too, you know. Just make sure whatever you do- don't drive Freddie crazy'. She lives for that boy, I tell you!," We both shared a giggle at her impersonation of her mom. She is a fiesty little lady, I know that much. That must be where Freddie gets his flare.

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