31.) I Want It All

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Warning: smut smut smut 💁🏽‍♀️

Hey, lovies! I've finished touching up these next two chapters for ya and I'm getting really excited for the next ones to follow!! Hope you're enjoying the story so far 🙈

After dinner last night, I was stuffed and exhausted. We both climbed into his bed and it's like as soon as I felt his arms around me I fell asleep. His arms are the most peaceful place to be.

I woke up feeling so energized! It felt like I was sleeping for an eternity! Freddie was gone when I woke up. He left a note on his pillow saying he had to go into the studio to record and that Phoebe would pick me up at noon.

It was only 10AM so I decided to take a shower and scrub the travel musk off of me. It was the best shower I've ever had. The shower head was on the ceiling so it felt like standing under a waterfall. When I was done I made up my mind that next time I'd use the huge jacuzzi tub!

I was finishing up my hair when Phoebe arrived. He must've let himself in.

"Cherie..are you ready, dear?," I skipped down the stairs two at a time, keeping my hand on the banister the whole time. Phoebe was waiting for me just in front of the door.

"My God, woman. You are positively glowing!," he exclaimed with a jolly laugh.

I couldn't help, but to blush at his words. No one has yet to tell me anything about the so called pregnancy glow.

"Thank you, Phoebe. Such a gentleman," I smiled up at him. He opened the door for me and we made our way to the car.

Pulling up to the studio, Phoebe said he had another errand to run and that he wouldn't be able to escort me inside.

"that's no problem, I'll make my way.," I winked at him and he said he'd see me later.

Opening the doors I spotted the reception desk and walked up to ask for directions.

"Hi, My names Cherie...I'm here to see Freddie," the receptionist held her finger up without saying anything else. She pushed her earpiece and called someone to ask if they knew me.

Kind of rude receptionist, but whatever.
"Second elevator, 4th floor, studio B." She stayed as monotone as ever. The only time she looked up at me was to give me a once over glance.

I followed her directions and studio B had large heavy wooden doors to open. I walked inside and my ears perked up when I heard Freddie's voice.

"Roger, the whole thing is a disaster! I'm NOT dancing around stage, singing about making love to my car for fucks sake!," I looked around and seen Roger and Freddie foot to foot staring each other down. Brian was sitting on a rolling chair shaking his head, while John sat on the sofa watching quietly.

"Well, you don't HAVE to dance around!," Roger scoffed. "Not every show has to be a bloody ballet," he rolled his eyes then he spotted me staring at them.

"How dare you! I've got to keep the crowd entertai...," Freddie stopped yelling when he seen Roger staring behind him.

"Angel! How lovely of you to join us!," his whole mood changed as soon as he turned to look at me.

"Sorry, if I'm inter..," I started.

"Nonsense! We're almost done for the day anyway. Roger and I were just having a bit of a disagreement is all.," he scowled at Roger who in turn stuck his tongue out at him. Children. I let out a little laugh at their exchange.

"How are you feeling, Cherie?," John piped up, looking way more animated. Probably tired of listen to two grown men bicker. I like John, he's quiet and considerate. Freddie has told me how much John's helped him so far and I was glad to know he had a great friend at his side.

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