27.)Keep Yourself Alive

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After the best wake up call I'd ever had, I was waiting for Freddie to get out of the shower. I had already taken one before him so I was just cleaning up my room a little. Unfortunately, I had to go back in to work today. I wonder what Freddie had planned for his alone time.

I heard the door unlock, and Freddie sautéed into the bedroom with my pink robe wrapped around him. I smiled up at him. He really can pull off anything he wears.

"I hope you don't mind me using your things," he asked, when he caught me eyeing him.

"Of course not! You look good in pink," he smiled to himself as he looked for his clothes.

"What plans have you for us today, my love?" As I watched him get dressed it occurred to me that I'd forgotten to tell him I had to work tonight.

"I have to go in to work in a few...I guess, you'll have to find something to do by yourself," I sighed.

"Nonsense, Angel. I want to come and watch you. You were absolutely marvelous the other night. And besides, I mean once you come back to England with me you really won't need to do all of that. And you'll be as big as a house soon so really, I mean how much longer....," he stopped talking when he looked up, obviously seeing my confused face.

What was he talking about? ENGLAND!? Is he nuts!? All these questions and more ran through my mind and my face clearly showed it.

"Freddie..I can't just GO to ENGLAND! I have a job, a lease..and and...and I don't even know anything about England. I love California...I don't think I'll be mov...," I quickly shut my mouth. Maybe I should've filtered some of my thoughts.

Freddie took a deep breath and sat down on the other side bed, his back now facing me. I walked over to him. His brows were furrowed as if in deep thought. I did feel bad- killing his vision as quickly as I did, but how did he come to think I'd drop everything and run off to a different country with him!?

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Freddie..look...we can talk about this later...," he brought his stare from the floor up to my eyes. He looked so sad, I was tired of making him this way.

I took a seat beside him and we both just sat quietly for a few looong seconds.

"I-I'm Sorry...I guess I just got a bit carried away...I just love you..so much and my life is in England. My career, my band, my home...I want to give you and our babies the most this life has to offer, but...but I can't do that when I'm all the way over there and you all are still here...," he sounded so heartbroken I wished I could just go along with his plans.

"Freddie, I love you, too! And I want to be with you, truly, I do! It's just...I have so much to do..in such little time. I haven't even reached my goal yet in savings to prepare for the babies. I still owe Rose a couple of hundred to cover the last of her taking care of me when I wasn't working..," he cut me off before I could finish, which I thought was kind of rude seeing as I had let him finish when he spoke.

"I will take care of all of that for you, darling. Really, I want to! I just want you..the THREE of you to have everything and anything you ever want or need. I can give it to you...please..just..just think about it! Besides...if I'm being honest..," he scratched his head, side eyeing me before continuing, "If I'm being honest, I don't very much want you showing yourself off all that much on that stage..and nor should you have to!,"

"Freddie!! I'm not a stripper anymore! I'm fully clothed- thank you! And YOU walk around a stage half naked all the time for a living!," he really didn't offend me, but the way these hormones are set up, his comment struck a cord.

"What? Well, really, that isn't the same thing, dear, be serious..," he was obviously trying to deescalate the situation.

"It's totally the same thing! Let's not forget the whore who supposedly attacked you backstage! If it wasn't for you having no shirt on and the shortest of shorts, thrusting your body around the place- girls wouldn't get such ideas!," Ha. I knew I had him now.

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