49.) I Will Find You Anywhere You Go

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Thank you all sooooo much for 7k reads!! Freddie's face ^^^ is me. I is excited! 😩🥰🥰🥰 xoxo Read on, lovies!

Everything here is so bland and cold. The white walls hold boring paintings that I'm guessing are used to try and liven up the place. A place for the injured doesn't need the decor. I don't care.

A nurse finally trots over. Her squeaky white tennis shoes make me cringe in my seat. Rising to my feet I walk towards her and meet her halfway. I feel extremely anxious and I'm not sure why. What am I doing here?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mercury But...they didn't make it..,"

What the hell is going on? I try to feel around for a wall to hold onto as I feel the room start to spin uncontrollably, my eyesight blurs for a moment as I try my hardest regain my composure.

Oh, my God. I'm too late. I was too late! Too stubborn! Too much of an idiot! Now I've lost ALL of them. Why wasn't I here to protect them?! I promised!! All 3 of my babies....Gone?

"You better have a seat...here..," Is this shock? Is that what's happening? The nurse leads me by the arm to a pair of empty seats. I still haven't said anything. I haven't responded to her at all. She must be used to this kind of reaction. She looks old enough to have a few good years under her belt. And-

"What..w-what h-happened'?," I whispered in a raspy voice that didn't sound like my own. Ever so slowly, I lifted my line of vision to her eyes. Her furrowed eyebrows and tight pout, further drilled the undoubtable truth into my skull.

"We did all we could. Your...wife? Well, she was too far gone. We..we couldn't stop the bleeding. We tried to save the babies- take them out in time before they were deprived of oxygen, but it was too late ...I'm sorry, Mr. Mercury...,"


No. This isn't happening!

No no no no no.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!," My voice roars so loudly I felt the rumble start from the pit of my stomach. I gasp for a deep breath of air to fill my lungs. Had I been holding my breath? My eyes shoot open to see looks of annoyance popping out of their first class cabinets.

Oh, dear God- it was only just a dream!

My hand clutches over my heart and I can feel it pulsing through my sweaty shirt. It's pumping so hard- I have to sit and take several deep breathes again to try and control my adrenaline rush. I wipe the tears from my face, that really was an intense dream.

I usually don't dream unless I'm under a lot of stress. I guess I am, but I mean- shit. Couldn't I dream of something magical or beautiful instead of having a night terror in the middle of a flight! I need a drink.

"Excuse me ,dear..," I grab ahold of the flight attendants wrist as she passes by. "Could I Please have a vodka on the rocks...better make it a double," she nodded and continued her walk down the aisle.

Taking another deep breath, I check my wrist watch to see that it's getting pretty late. The sun is setting and I stare out into the horizon. I wonder if Cherie will be awake when I get there. Will she even be home?



Staring out at the sunset, with its warm yellow and pink streaks across the sun, I try desperately to remove everything from my mind. Driving back up this secluded hill spot of mine, I'm glad I haven't shown it to too many people. A crowd here would kill the serenity.

It's times like this that I wish I had a mother. The one I had was a monster. She might still be out there somewhere, but I can't be sure. I broke ties with her years ago, while still in high school. I couldn't take it anymore. She was hooked up on drugs all day, everyday. Her vile actions and words molded me into being a cold heartless child. She was always a bitch. The last straw, the thing that made me hate her most, was when I came home from school one day to find her passed out in our living room, a gang of drug dealers surrounding her.

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