63.) In the Lap of the Gods

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A/N: That lonely tear drop though 😩

Anyway, please don't hate me. Idk where this is heading yet tbh...


I wake up when my body feels a chill of cold even though I'm snuggle wrapped within a giant blanket. Some parts of last night are a blur after countless shots of clear or dark liquor. I really hope I'm not lying in a pool of my own vomit. As soon as I fully reach consciousness, my eyes shoot open as the feel of the wet mattress underneath my palm slaps me back to life.

My eyes dart up to Cherie who is sitting up in the bed with her back against the headboard. Her lips are pursed, her eyes are shut tightly and her breathing is rapid and burdened.

"Ch-Cherie? What's going on? Why didn't you wake me?," I leap out of bed and head straight to the closet, quickly picking up the already fully packed hospital bag from the shelf.

"I thought I was just tired at first and then I thought it was gas, but...but my water just broke and....Freddie I'm scared..I'm so scared," I drop the bag on the floor at the sound of my wife going into hysterics.

"Can you stand? Do you want me to carry you to the car?," I help her stand to her feet when she says she's okay to walk.

"I'm just going to get my robe. Wooo....Before another contraction comes along," I can't believe she has the strength to smile at me right now. She was just in a world of pain!

When she walks into the bathroom to retrieve her robe, I look down at the bed and notice the spackles of orangey-red blood in the center of the clear wet spot on our mattress. My heart strangled itself in my chest. I can't lose her today.

Luckily, we make it down to the car, only stopping on the stairs for two minutes, while Cherie gripped the railing through another contraction. I didn't know what to do, so I just talked to her sweetly and rubbed her back until it was over.

"It's okay darling. Breatheee. I'm right here...,"

She held steady onto my shoulders as she leaned back into the passenger seat of the car. It's still dark out and I haven't even checked the time.

I run to my side of the car and start it up, pushing down on the gas peddle as forcefully as I can. I whip the car into motion, my adrenaline going into overdrive. Cherie's whimpers in the seat next to me are making me mad with worry!

"Freddie slow...uh..slow down!," Cherie warns as I reach the end of the driveway. I desperately press against the breaks, but they're not working!

I swerve the wheel around and keep driving, passing every stop sign on the way, trying to avoid the oncoming traffic. We're headed towards a red light and I'm unsure of what to do next. I pick up speed to try and race against the sparse traffic going in the opposite direction. Just as we reach the clearing. A blaring horn sound pierces my ears along with Cherie's wicked screams.

The cracks of metal crashing against metal screech everything into silence.

My eyes feel heavy and begin to drop closed. My brain is pounding in my skull, as I lift my head off of the steering wheel. I fight against myself and shake my head to wake up. Looking next to me I'm relieved to see the rise and fall of Cherie's chest, though she seems to be unconscious and I hope to god she's only just fainted.

Looking around the car, I see no trace of another damaged vehicle in sight. They hit the back passenger seat of the car, missing Cherie's place by mere inches of luck.

That's when I notice the little pool of blood starting to make shape through Cherie's night gown, on top of Cherie's lap. Reaching my hand down, I pray that my mind is only playing tricks on me. I lift my hand after touching the dark red fluid. It stains my skin; She's bleeding.

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