18.)Little Bean

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Cherie's POV:

I'd be lying if I said my life wasn't an utter disaster these days! After leaving Vegas and taking off back home I had poured my heart and soul out to Rose, who was there for me through every tear and every sleepless night.

She mothered me like she always did and I couldn't be more grateful for a best friend like her. She swore if she ever seen Freddie again she'd slap him, just as she did Roger!

I was now laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as my hand mindlessly stroked the spot beneath my navel. I knew I had to lift my spirits up and get happy again, or at least back to feeling normal.

It wasn't really tough to fall into deep sleep seeing as how I was always exhausted these days. I just didn't want to shut my eyes, because it never failed that I would dream of Freddie and my heart just couldn't take it.

I rolled over and opened my phone. I'd spent hours every night scrolling through social media. It had been 2 weeks since Vegas and I hadn't seen or heard a thing from Freddie. I thought I'd overreacted a smidge to what Paul said. I replayed that day in my head all the time. Maybe I should have talked to Freddie before leaving. I half expected him to just show up at my door step. But he never did...So Obviously, what Paul said was true.

As soon as I got home I did change my phone number, though. I didn't want any texts from Freddie trying to explain himself or from Roger, either. I was going to throw away the necklace that Freddie gave me. I thought maybe it was a pity gift or maybe his way of paying me off this time. I decided it was much to beautiful to toss and I'd keep it for the baby in case it was a girl. At least she'd have something from her father.

Days ticked by and I had cancelled all of my beauty appointments. Accidentally, I missed some, too. I was too depressed to get out of bed. I could barely bring myself to eat anything! Every time I did it usually flew right back up again, anyway. Rose was good with that stuff, she'd make sure I'd eat enough and also, brought me crackers and ice water when she knew I was sick. I guess sometimes your knight in shining armor can also be your best friend....

For the last few days, I had tried to reschedule some of my appointments with clients, but was brushed off by every one of them. Money troubles were starting to weigh down on us and I felt so guilty leaving Rose with the burden of our financial situation.

Apparently, no one worth any kind of decent pay off, wanted to work with 'Cherie Rose', because they thought we would sleep with high profile clients and in turn scare them away. The gossip was really starting to boil up now. I found it funny, considering Freddie and I were completely OVER! Nevertheless, I had to come up with a plan and quick!

Rose had already taken back her job as a full time bank teller. Her old boss and her were still close friends so it really wasn't much trouble for her to settle back into her old position. She still had some hair appointments under her own name here and there, but not much.

I, however, wasn't so lucky. No one wanted anything to do with my name. What is a girl to do, but get back to what she knows best then?

I was basically flat broke and I was about to bring a little life into the world in a few short months! No doubt, they would fly by! I still wasn't sure how far along I am into my pregnancy, but I have an appointment with the OBGYN soon. I have an idea, though, of course, since Freddie and I had only had sex that one night...

Anyway I spin it, I figure I only have 2 maybe 3 more months until I start to show. So, as sad and down as it makes me feel, I went back to the night club I used to work for and paid the dancers fee to start working late nights again. I had no choice! I need the money now, and I really need to stack up for my baby...

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