30.) Happy days

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It's been a week since Freddie left. No, I didn't change my mind, but I did have a few loose ends to tie up. He had already told the band that he was returning so they had already made plans to record in the studio for their next album. I'm so excited to get to see them at work when I get there!

Anyways, I called work and quit my job over the phone. I didn't want to take the risk of more paparazzi or worse, Jimmy! I'm finally happy with the way my life is turning out, I don't want to take any chance of spoiling it!

I already had a long talk with Rose and I paid her my half of the mortgage payment for the next month, just Incase I was gone that long. Freddie and I haven't really talked specifics yet. I called him every night and he always sounded so excited for me to hurry up and get to him. I was usually his alarm clock, as he now referred to me, because when I was going to bed he was just starting his day. I can't wait to be in the SAME time zone!

Now, all I had to do was figure out what to take with me. My belly was still growing larger every day, it's like I popped over night! I can't wait until Freddie sees me! He was so excited for the babies and he said he'd take me to meet his family soon, because they were all excited too!

Speaking of which, I had made a doctors appointment for today to get the okay to travel. I know I'm not that far along so it shouldn't be a problem. It was actually Freddie's suggestion. He assured me that he had a doctor lined up for when I got to England, but he wanted me to make sure everything was alright.

I grabbed my purse and went to wait downstairs for Rose to get home with the car. I was only sitting for 10 minutes when I heard her pulling into the driveway.

"Hey, honey, how was your day?," I asked when she walked into the living room and plopped down beside me on the couch.

"Oh, you know, same old stuff. My feet are killing me in these!," she took off her heels and placed them next to each other under the coffee table.

"Tell me about it! Mine are swelling up for no reason, all the time now!," I laughed.

"Ohhh, there's a reason alright!," she laughed back as she rubbed her hand on my belly.

"I can't believe you're  leaving me, Cherie! You better not have these babies in England! I really reaaaaaally want to be there!," she frowned at me playfully.

"Oh don't worry so much, hun! We'll be back before you know it! Besides, I want to be home for Christmas!," She smiled at this. Rose is the closest thing to a sister I have, I can't let her spend the Holliday's all by herself. We have our own traditions to keep up with. We watch A Christmas story on repeat throughout the day, sometimes throw in Charlie Browns Christmas, too! We make a lovely turkey dinner and string popcorn on the Christmas tree. We listen to classic Christmas tunes on our record player and drink egg nog until way past midnight. We open one gift once the clock strikes midnight and save the rest for the morning. It's been a great holiday tradition with her, my best friend, and it's not going to stop just because of my new situation.

"But, Cher, it's already November! You won't even be here for thanksgiving!," she replied.

"I don't believe in celebrating that horrible holiday, anyways!," I retorted. It's true, thanksgiving was more of a damned massacre. Fuck thanksgiving.

"Me either..," we both bursted into a little laughing fit. We hadn't celebrated that in all the years we've lived together.

"Well, we've got to go see the doctor. I don't want to be late and wait forever in the waiting room.," and with that I grabbed my purse again and Rose handed me the car keys.

"See ya later!," I called over my shoulder as I headed out the door.

On the drive over, I was feeling a weird pressure in my belly. It came and went throughout the short drive. I started to worry so much, my hands were sweaty and slipping off the steering wheel. I wasn't at all nervous about this appointment before, but I sure was fretting now! I quickly said a little prayer.
"Please, baby Jesus, let everything be alright with my two little bubs. I beg you. Amen," I crossed myself and pulled into the parking lot.

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