Chapter 11 "Tell Me What?"

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Previous on the last chapter, you were given a choice. Do you remember that choice? Here's your future...

If you choose to show the video to Justin:

"Here, it's better if you see it for yourself." Richard said holding out his phone to the video for Justin to play. "What is it?" Justin asked staring at the yet to play video. "Umm, I think you should see it for yourself Justin." I said while standing on the chair looking down at the two men.  "Don't tell me it's one of those videos where something will pop up on the screen out of the least expected time and scare the crap out of you." Justin said smiling and looking at Richard and then looked up to me. I was biting my nails, I wish that was what the video that we wanted to show him but it's something much more different, although it may scare the crap out of him except it won't be funny. "No Justin, if we were to do that I think it'll be somewhere where we can have hidden cameras." Richard said showing a plain line of his lips. I'm sure this is the right choice to make, he have to know the truth whether he like it or not because if he finds out later then it may be too late. 

Richard clicked on the video from the chat it was sent to him on and it was Justin showing shadows of a man and a woman just like what I saw earlier. "Woah dude, if this is porn." Justin said looking at Richard who is turning red after hearing what Justin said to him. "No man, why'd you think that I'll show you that?" He asked feeling a bit hurt and embarrassed at the same time.

"Okay, I'll watch the video. I hope you'll aren't lying to me." Justin said and pressed the button on the screen. "I wish we were." I whispered down as the video started to play. I felt nervous standing there looking at the video again. I felt disgusted how can Hailey do this to him? I thought she was his biggest fan, or one of the biggest fan of Justin. Richard looks like he is going through some rough moment as his forehead is starting to sweat. They must be really close that he doesn't want Justin to get hurt. At the moment, we still didn't get a clear view of who they were, only seeing shadows of them since it was taking outside and the blinds were hiding their clear appearance. 

Then there it was, the scene when I almost screamed out loud in shock as if you were watching a  movie when the main character suddenly died which was something you didn't expect because it was the main character. The lights flash and it was revealed, Hailey looking out at the window.

Justin's reaction was like he had seen a ghost. He closed his eyes and raised his face towards the ceiling then dropped on his knees and brushed passed his hair with his two hands and said......


What did you want him to say? Choose one of the following.

~"Why Hailey!? Whyyyyyy!?!?!"

~"I KNEW it!!!!!"

~"How could you do this to me!?! I rather look at porn!"

~"Is this a hidden camera prank?!"

~"Lucky bastard!"

~"Alright, someone call my lawyer."

"I'm sorry you have to find out this way Justin." I said and got down the chair to give him a pat on his back. I hate seeing him like this but he deserves the truth and he's certainly not going to get that by his wife any time soon. "Yeah bud, look we still don't know who the guy is or if this was taken recently." Richard said looking at Justin. "Where'd you even found that footage from?" Justin asked getting up from his knees and crossed his legs sitting on the floor looking up at Richard like if he was a little puppy who was new to this world with innocence. "Hailey's manager sent it to me, she thought that if you see this, you're not the guilty one who cheater on her which you didn't."  Richard said.

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