Chapter 24 "Let's ride first, play second and eat third."

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"Actually Harry would be coming on board with us too." I told Justin and Hailey as we left lunch and we're going to the amusement park Harry had planned. 

"Oh! Nice, Harry are you excited?" Hailey asked him as the four of us  walk down the path after paying for our tickets. 

"Definitely! Can't wait to spend more time with this girl." Harry pulled me closed into a tight side hug  and kissed my forehead. 

"So you'll want to split up or w'ere doing this together?" I asked looking into two different pathways, one side leading to the rides first and the other one leads to a row of stalls with different games for you to win prizes. 

"What kind of question is that? We're totally going as a group, it's more fun this way." Justin excitedly told me as he was seen all jumpy, full with energy and ready to drain it all out for fun. 

"Let's ride first, play second and eat third." 

"Shall we try something that'll get our fear out of the way?" I asked looking at the big crazy rides above. "You guys pick."

"How about the drop tower?" Hailey suggested widening her eyes and rubbing her hands together like one of those villains in those shows or movies.

"Uh....I don't know...." Justin replied with a little high pitch tone at the end. He was looking at the drop tower with frightened eyes. 

"Why not?" Hailey asked disappointed leaning against his shoulders. 

"Uhhhh........" Justin took a long silence as we waited for his reason. I obviously know why, I can already see it in his face.

(Here's a choice for you to help this go smoothly.)

Would you:

A. Tell everyone why he's acting this way


B. Act just like him, since the both of you have the same reason


C. Ignore it


If you chose A:

"Ummm yeah Justin, it's okay if you're afraid of height." I spoke out loudly for everyone to hear. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about." I hope I didn't make things worse, but it's the truth. Everyone's got something to fear.

Justin let out a nervous chuckle. Harry was shocked at my outburst and Hailey was patting Justin's back. 

"Awww, little baby scared of height." Hailey teased and laughed.

"No I'm not! I'm just scared of falling." He let out. 

They're acting like such children I though so I took Harry's hand and went astray from them since they won't notice. 


If you chose B:

"I think I know what you mean Justin." I said reassuring him that he doesn't have to force himself to do something he's not comfortable with. "I too feel the same way." 

"What? What way?" Hailey asked being clueless. I looked at Harry to see where I'm getting at, and he gave me a winked now that he's got the clue too.

"Yeah, let's ride something else if you don't feel like it." Harry told Justin. 

Hailey went speechless, no one wanted to go on the ride that she panned out. 

"You can go if you want, I won't stop you." Justin suggested to Hailey. 

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